In the Money Goggles & Millionaire Math training, you learned how to create MULTIPLE INCOME STREAMS… 


So rather than taking years to scale your Coaching or Consulting business, or your Course, Mastermind or other Program, you can potentially do it in weeks or months.

And you end up with around the same number of paid-in-full buyers (or more), PLUS you have another group of people paying you each month, bringing in passive income you would never have had before.

As you've seen, that simple but counter-intuitive idea could literally mean millions of dollars to you by changing the way you structure your offers and payment plans.

Now here’s where this gets exciting…

  • How would you like to take that financing strategy and multiply your results by 10, 100 or 1,000 TIMES?
  • Then use what Travis calls his Buying Frenzy Offer Tool to create an offer so compelling your prospects' objections simply melt away and people will be lining up begging to buy from you.
  • Instantly add an upsell at 10 TIMES the price of your product and get 10% to 20% of your buyers to enthusiastically take you up on it?
  • And what if you knew how to do all of this and more with SOMEBODY ELSE’S product and keep 100% of the profits you make?

Travis recently did a 38 minute training on how to do all of this and much more for members of his $2,000 a year Ronin group.

What he covered is perfect for coaches, consultants, digital product and course owners who would like to make more sales immediately...

...without spending time and money creating and testing elaborate sales funnels, VSLs, Webinars, or ever having to make another sales call.

Would you like to be a fly on the wall and watch/listen in to what I'm calling 1000% Markup Mojo?

As a lil experiment…

I’ve licensed that training from Travis and I'd like you to have it.

And instead of paying $2,000 to get access to it.

You don't have to sweat the investment.

You can get the recording for just 50 bucks.

How many times do you hear? “I can’t afford it?” Or “It’s too expensive?”

And lose a $97 to $5k sale you could’ve saved for $50? (And that’s only one sale saved.)

Here’s all you’ve gotta do to come out and play.

Hit the link below. 

It’s only 50 bucks, but save your RECEIPT and use it to get $200 MOJO BUCKS to use ANYTIME for a future purchase.


You’ll get instant access to the recording of Travis's 1000% Markup Mojo training, and the Buying Frenzy Offer Tool training with a Google Doc set up to 'Score' your product ideas so you know how likely they are to create a buying frenzy before you create them.

If you want this?

If you wanna taste of what we got cooking around here?

Grab it pronto.

Your #1 fan,

Rocky 'create a buying frenzy' Tapscott

Money Back Guarantee

If you don't think this training will be worth at least TEN TIMES the price you've paid, email me your receipt and I'll give you a full refund and you can keep the training to use forever.
