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The 1000% Markup Mojo Collection

These three trainings are all you need to create a wildly successful business regardless of what industry you are in or what you sell.

PLEASE NOTE: I have duplicated the Money Goggles & Millionaire Math training for you below so you have all three pieces of the 1000% Markup Mojo Collection in one place.

The beautiful thing is that armed with this knowledge, you have two huge opportunities:

Opportunity 1 - Study each training and make notes so you understand the ideas, and implement them as a TEST to see the results.

Opportunity 2 - Offer to help other people implement the strategies in their businesses in exchange for a share of the additional profits you bring in (see an action plan for this option at the end of this page).

With that understanding, let's get to the first training...

1000% Markup Mojo

In this 38 Minute training you’ll see how to take the pricing structure idea you learned in the Money Goggles and Millionaire Math video and multiply your profits by 10, 100 or 1,000 TIMES

Travis's 1000% Markup Mojo shows how to move away from being an affiliate marketer or selling only your own products to becoming a licensee, acquiring rights to other marketers' products and creating new offers.

This approach allows for greater profit margins, flexibility, and control over product pricing and distribution. He details the negotiation process, particularly the value of identifying "trashcan assets" – products that are underperforming or neglected by their original creators – and leveraging them through bundling, payment plans, and reselling rights.

As you've seen, licensing offers a powerful opportunity to create a business with significant income with no or low financial outlay and very low T.I.M.E.R. risk.

Click here to download the 1000% Markup Mojo Step By Step Guide and Q&A Sheet


This 24 minute Buying Frenzy Offer Tool training shows you how to master the art of creating offers so irresistible people will be begging to buy from you.

Here's the doc and tool: You must "make a copy" to edit. (On the Document page, Click on File/Make a Copy, and Save it to your own Google Drive Account)

===> Click to open the BFOT

REPLAY: Money Googles & Millionaire Math

In this 13 minute training you'll learn how to apply a simple pricing structure that lets you raise your prices by as much as 70% and still have your customers love you for it.

Virtually nobody uses this idea because even if they know about it, it is so counter-intuitive most people will just dismiss it without testing for themselves. That mistake could be costing them millions...

Here is an example script you can add to your sales page or offer to start implementing this payment Plan idea in your business. Just change the numbers, the product name and duration and you're good to go.

Here's the PDF of a script for you to download.

Opportunity 2: How To Build A Wildly Profitable, Low Stress Business Using What You've Learned To Help Other Businesses Increase Their Sales & Profits

You could really describe what I am about to share as an anti-business because it has ALL of the benefits of a traditional Service Business with virtually none of the drawbacks.

If you choose to do this you will never have to pay for leads, run ads, create or fulfil anything, pay any merchant or processing fees, or handle any customer support. Your partner handles all of that.

Your sole job is to make offers to your partner's existing leads and collect a percentage of the profits you generate from your efforts.

Study these three videos so you understand the ideas, and then offer to help other people implement the strategies in their businesses.

Approach people who have digital product businesses and ask them if they would be willing to run a small TEST where you make one of these changes to a small part of their list or one of their sales funnels (the payment plan idea from the Money Goggles & Millionaire Math video will probably give them the biggest increase in customers and sales).

The BEST idea to break the ice may be to propose a TEST to see if you can reactivate their inactive buyers because they have usually given up on them.

Strategy: Use a product valued at $497 or more they are no longer actively promoting or excited about, create a payment plan over 10 months, and offer it to their inactive buyers. They have ZERO downside and plenty of upside if people buy because they have given up on these people and any sales will be free money for them.

You'll want to stress to them it is only a TEST and they only pay you a percentage of the increased profits you create for them AFTER the money has been deposited into their Stripe, Merchant or Paypal account. You only need one person to say yes to get started and this could become a full time business for you.

DO NOT share what you've learned here with partners, you must keep the ideas secret and get them to let you implement them. This is your super-power.

If the test goes well you both make a profit. If it doesn’t go well they have no downside because it was just a test on a small part of their business they are no longer focused on (we call these a trash-can asset) and they can go back to doing what they were doing before. Let me know if you have any questions.

A Note About Partner Selection: WHO you choose to partner with is far more important than any other factor. I suggest you consider my criteria for choosing potential partners as a starting point.

  • Are they kind?
  • Will they be FUN?
  • Do they have multiple products?
  • Do they do what they say they will do?
  • Do they provide excellent results?
  • Do they love their people?
  • Do they have a mission?
  • Do their people love them?
  • Do they have a large audience?
  • Do they have a large BUYERS audience?
  • Have they been in business for YEARS?

If it's a no to any of these it's a red flag for me. If it won't be FUN for me it's not going to work.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I am always looking for partners who would like me to become their 'Wingman' on deals they feel could be very profitable but who don't feel confident enough do the deals themselves.

For me to be your Wingman, a potential partner you introduce must meet all of the criteria above, and the deal would need to be worth at least $100,000 a year in profit for us (split 50/50 between you and I). It's important to know I say no to a lot more deals than I say yes to.

If you would like to discuss putting something like this together, please get in touch by emailing me at and I'll get back to you ASAP.


I'd LOVE to hear your results (BOTH positive and negative) after you test what you've just learned. Please send me your Case Studies so I can share them as inspiration (or create additional training based on your experiences) with our other students. You can get in touch by emailing me at

