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Looking For Product Launch Coaching & Support?

Purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link and I’ll personally write a 3-Step email (or Social Media) sequence designed to recoup your entire PLF investment in 14 days or less


PLUS rather than load you up with bonus products or programs, I'll help you to make progress by working with you for the next 60 days to integrate Product Launch Formula into your business…

Here’s What’s Happening…

- Register for Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link and as soon as your purchase is credited to me we’ll hit the ground running with a 1:1 Zoom call to dial in your offer and start writing your 3-Step sequence (See Note just below).

- Over the next 14 days, we’ll use that sequence to recoup your entire investment in PLF so the Program is free for you.

Please Note: You WILL need an email database or a Social Media following (even if it's small) to qualify for this first bonus. If you are starting from a blank canvas, I'm sorry but I'm sure you understand I'll need a small foundation to work with.

- Then over the next 45 days I’ll give you everything you need to integrate PLF into your business. This bonus applies to everyone even if you don't have an audience or email list yet.

We’re going to move through 3 phases…

Phase #1: Recoup Your PLF Investment

- As long as you have even a small audience (as noted above), I’ll help you to make sure your offer is dialed in and write your 3-Step hand-raiser Sequence to identify your ideal clients or customers

- Then we’ll qualify people who reply and “Tap” in sales using email or DMs to make back your PLF investment ASAP without sales calls

Phase #2: Integrate PLF Into Your Business

- You'll get crystal clear on the process of incorporating ONLY the most relevant parts of Product Launch Formula into your business (this will murder uncertainty and overwhelm about what to do next)

- You’ll know exactly which offers to create based on your situation…and how to rapidly create and publish easy-yes offers to your audience

- You'll see why "Insight" is the most powerful sales tool available to us and how to leverage it without hype, crazy promises or fancy words

- We'll use things you've likely never heard of such as The 5Ps of Preselling, T.I.M.E.R., The Triangle Of Insight, The Sales Saver Campaign, The 2nd Helping Campaign, The Goodwill Campaign, The Audience Multiplier, Social Polls, Social Auctions, and many more techniques including making sales with just email or DM and a Google Doc and closing High Ticket Sales WITHOUT Phone Calls to significantly increase your lead flow, your sales and profits.

Phase #3: Use Licensing To Leverage Content

- You’ll build Leverage Through Licensing, allowing you to get paid up-front AND earn passive income by both licensing your content to others, and licensing content FROM others

- You’ll be using my personal go-to strategies and done-for-you templates to monetise your audience in multiple ways

- You’ll get a behind the scenes look at my best emails and posts that have resulted in thousands of dollars of sales for myself and my partners without sales calls

Here’s What You’re Getting (All Will Be Available Immediately After Your PLF Purchase Has Been Credited To Me)…

- Initial 1 on 1 Zoom meeting with me to Brainstorm and Dial In your Offer

- Your Rapid Launch Sequence written by me to launch an offer to recoup your PLF investment

- A total of 60 Days of my personal help via email and Zoom to integrate Product Launch Formula into your business

- My personal marketing strategies, complete campaigns, templates and tools to monetise your audience over the long term

- Advice on leveraging your content and the content of others through licensing to bring in both immediate and passive income

Will This Really Work For Me?

While I can't promise you will get the same results, here's what some of the people in my network have been doing using the exact strategies you will have access to...

Product Launch Formula Examples

If you’d like to take me up on this, purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link here.

Then email me at and let me know you’ve ordered. I’ll check to make sure your order came through me, and we’ll get started right away.

Thanks for considering my Product Launch Formula Bonus Offer.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

Disclaimer: As a PLF owner since 2008 and one of Jeff’s affiliate partners, I may receive a commission from Jeff if you invest in his Product Launch Formula program – but it won’t cost you anything extra, and as long as your purchase is credited to me, you will receive my personal help as outlined above.