FREE: How To Use An Online Product Launch To Multiply Your Sales & Profits Immediately

Every business can use a Product Launch (or Re-Launch) to dramatically increase sales and profits. There are 5 main types of Product Launch - click the Button below to take a Free 3-Minute Quiz and identify which type of Launch is perfect for you and your business right now...

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What Is An Online Product Launch?

The idea of a Product Launch has probably been around since the beginning of commerce between customers and merchants.

The basic principle is instead of placing a product or service on sale and waiting for people to buy it, we turn the release of that product or service into an EVENT that generates excitement and participation from people in our target market.

The online product launch puts that original concept on steroids because our reach can be global and our results can be exceptionally greater than what we could expect from an offline launch.

How Does A Product Launch Work?

The success of any online product launch revolves around the strategic use of email marketing in addition to a dedicated social media campaign over a limited timeframe.

Social Media can be used to build an audience and sometimes share the launch content, but the main delivery mechanism is your email list.

If you don't have a large email yet, you can still launch a product to the audience you currently have. You will find that as you go through the launch process, your email list will automatically grow as your launch content is shared by your audience via social media.

What Are The 5 Types Of Product Launch?

The Quick Launch: The first and easiest Product Launch is called a Quick Launch. You can run a Quick Launch in as little as 3 days, and they are a great idea for generating a quick burst of profitable sales whenever you want to.

Done right, you can run a Quick Launch every couple of weeks without your audience feeling like they are constantly being 'pitched' at.

The Seed Launch: A Seed Launch is perfect for when you want to get paid for a new information product before it has even been created. You can use a series of email messages and social media posts to find out exactly what your audience wants to buy, sell the product before it is created, and then co-create the product with them, getting feedback at every step of the way.

A Seed Launch helps you to generate sales for a product that doesn't yet exist, and gives you Proof Of Concept before you have spent any time or money creating something that may never sell.

If nobody wants to buy the product you are considering launching , you can pivot and create something else without spending weeks, months or years developing something nobody wants.

The Internal Launch: The Internal Launch is where we use the classic Sideways Sales Letter which consists of 3 pieces of Prelaunch Content spaced out over a few days or a week, leading into a sales video or sales letter where you open your shopping cart and start selling your product or service.

The Internal Launch gives you the opportunity to create and test your Prelaunch Content in a relatively save environment (because you are launching to your own prospects and customers), so you can prove your marketing and sales process with a warm audience in preparation for the next step, which is:

The Joint Venture (JV) Launch: Once you’ve completed your Internal Launch, hardened your systems in preparation for an massive increase in website traffic, and proven your sales process will convert, it’s time to bring in some Joint Venture partners and affiliates to drive traffic to your Prelaunch Content and run your Joint Venture Launch.

The JV Launch can be like pouring jet fuel on a fire because you can grow your email list super fast and generate a bunch of sales quickly. For many marketers, the list-build is the most valuable part of a JV Launch, because when you do it right you can generate thousands of new leads and paying customers who you can sell to over and over again in the future.

The Evergreen Launch: Once you’ve proven your marketing funnel converts using an Internal Launch (or a JV Launch), you can take all of that content and set it up as a recurring sales system so when people join your email list, they go through their own personal version of your Product Launch

Having an Evergreen Launch makes your cashflow much more consistent because people are going through the process consistently based on when they join their list.

These work very well with paid traffic, so they are a great way to build your list and generate sales consistently over time.

Next Steps...

So there you have the five PRIMARY types of Product Launch you can use to quickly grow your sales and profits.

Each type of launch will suit you at different times, and the one you use first will depend on where you are right now in your business.

I've created a short Quiz that will help you discover which type of Launch is the best option for your business right now. To get started, click the blue Button below, and I'll see you on the other side:

Click Here To Start Your Free Quiz