The Two Most Important Factors In Product Launch Success

Something virtually nobody realises is the biggest reason most sales (low or high-ticket) are lost and we don’t have a product launch success is because of Identity and Reputation risk.

In fact, most marketers can’t even explain what Identity or Reputation risk is.

They’ll spend thousands of words explaining the features and benefits of their stuff.

They may touch on how their offer resolves a pressing Present Pain their audience is Fed Up with and would happily pay to have resolved.

And they usually offer a money-back guarantee designed to “remove the risk” of the buyer.

But money is NOT the only risk people face when buying anything.

In many cases, it’s third or forth level on the risk scale.

Identity And Reputation Risk Can Entirely Derail Your Product Launch

Identity Risk (how we see and feel about ourselves) and Reputation Risk (how we are seen by others) are the most powerful risk factors we have to remove if we want to come op with a Hell Yes offer that truly converts.

As an example, what would be the Reputation Risk an environmental activist and vegan would face if she stated eating meat and swapped her Prius for a Dodge Ram?

The blowback from her peers would be immediate and devastating.

And her Identity would never allow her to Risk everything she stands for if she were to consider such a drastic change.

This is why we have to address ALL of the potential risk factors when we are making our product launch offer.

The biggest secret to making more sales is to STOP losing them

Sales are made faster because the risk and friction has been removed. 

And we eat the other guy’s lunch who doesn’t have a clue.

Warm regards,


P.S. The biggest secret to making more product launch sales is to STOP losing them. The fastest way to stop losing sales is to take away risk. There are 5 categories of risk. Reputation risk is cancer to sales health. To learn more about how to launch your product or service while successfully removing the 5 main Risk factors, check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

Disclaimer: If you purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you won’t pay any more. If you would like my personal help to earn the full price of PLF back within 30 days, and my help to create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.