Product Launch Formula + Social Polls = 5&6 Figure Launches

When you combine the proven Product Launch Formula process of The Sideways Salesletter with Social Media Polls, it’s super easy to have 5 and 6 figure launches.

Social Media Polls drive more buying intent leads than ANYTHING I’ve ever done online in 20 years.


You MUST structure the poll right for BUYING intent.

The last poll we ran in my Mastermind group generated 100 leads (out of just 445 group members) and pulled out $60k in the first 24 hours and $186,000 in a bit over a week.

In the group we call it POLL TAPPING!

Here’s the 3-step process…

  • We post the poll.
  • Watch people qualify or disqualify themself.
  • Reach out by DM and enrol them (or have a helper enrol them) into programs ranging from $500 to $25,000

Now while I can’t guarantee you the same results because everything depends on your circumstances, it works so damn well…

I’m going to include it in the bonuses I’m giving to the first 10 people who purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link (as long as your purchase is credited to me).

As I mentioned yesterday, I will be helping those 10 people to get two distinct results:

1) To make back their entire PLF investment within the first 14 days using a few simple emails and a Google doc (Poll Tapping may be a part of achieving this), then…

2) Over the next 45 days, create their first product launch that generates a minimum of $10K without being bogged down with content creation, or spending any time or money on ads.

It’s the same way I’ve helped Product Launch Formula owners from so many different markets implement this quick start process that made their PLF investment one of the most profitable decisions they’ve ever made.

Would you like to join us?

If so, check out the full bonus here.

Or if you have any questions, feel free to click here to get in touch.

Looking forward to working with you if you jump on board,

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

Disclaimer: If you purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you won’t pay any more. If you would like my personal help to earn the full price of PLF back within 30 days, and my help to create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.