This DOUBLES Your Product Launch Sale Price

Doubling your product launch sale price is simply a matter of Pre-Selling prospects BEFORE they see your offer…

…and then offering them the EXACT SOLUTION what they told you they are happy to pay for.

It doesn’t matter what you sell.

NOBODY wants to pay for a product or service.

But EVERYBODY wants solutions to their problems or a way to have their desires met.

And solving those problems or meeting those desires is what you must focus on if you want to double your prices and make  lot more money from your launches.

EXAMPLE: NOBODY wants to pay $2k for Product Launch Formula, and then do the work required to implement what it teaches.

But EVERYBODY wants some combination of the benefits of:

  • having more money to spend on what they want
  • more free time to spend doing what they want
  • more toys or “stuff” to play with or show off
  • a nicer, safer, more luxurious home
  • more holidays to spend downtime with those they love
  • more travel to see the World
  • more respect from family, friends and peers
  • more of the feeling of being self reliant and knowing they can handle anything that gets thrown at them…

…and a thousand other things besides.

And all of these things and more are on the table for Product launch Formula owners.

Yes it’s 2 grand to get started.

And there will be a few dozen hours required to go through the training and implement your first product launch.

But once you have that down pat, you can most likely outsource everything from there or hand it over to a part of full time staff member.

And if you choose to purchase PLF through my affiliate link (and your purchase is credited to me), I’ll personally help you to get all of this nailed down (full details here).

Taking the leap and joining me and the other PLF Alumni inside Product Launch Formula will be the start of an adventure.

I hope you decide to join us.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

P.S. If you don’t know the first thing about Pre-Selling your audience and offering them exactly what they want to buy, no problem. I can help you with all of that as well as the opportunity to earn the full price of PLF back within 14 days as long as you have even a small audience or email list., Check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

Or if you have any questions, feel free to click here to get in touch.

Disclaimer: If you purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you won’t pay any more.