Here’s How To Make Your Product Launch Offer Irresistible

If the goal of our Product Launch is to help as many people a we possibly can while making money, it’s critical we create a truly irresistible offer that people would feel foolish to say no to.

We’ve been talking about some of the factors involved in doing that, including being able to target a Present Pain rather than offering a Future Gain, Pre-Selling your prospects using the 5Ps to remove potential objections, and most importantly making sure your prospects are Pre-Sold on your New Plan before you make an offer.

But once you’ve done that, it’s important we don’t drop the ball by making a weak offer that doesn’t convert potential prospects into buyers.

Take a look at the graphic below which is based on what I have learned about creating HELL YES offers from Travis Sago.

NOTE: Click on the image and a full sized version will open in a new window. I recommend you download the file, print it out and laminate it for future reference…How Difficult Is Your Product Launch Offer To Buy SmallThe further you can move your offer from the left (Hell NO) to the right (HELL YES) the better.

As you can see, a HELL NO offer is:

  • NOT Specific
  • NOT Relevant to the prospect
  • Seems UN-attainable
  • Has results that are NOT measurable
  • And offers FUTURE GAIN instead of solves a PRESENT PAIN

And the T.I.M.E.R. Risk Factors are high:

  • It will take the prospect MORE TIME to make a change than continue doing what they are doing
  • Their IDENTITY and how they feel about themselves could take a big hit if they buy
  • Buying will cost them more money than if they decide to pass
  • It will take more energy to make the change you are asking them to make than staying the same
  • They have a high risk to their REPUTATION and how friends and others see them if they make the change you are offering them

When you rate your product launch offer against all of these factors, you can quickly see how desirable (or otherwise) it will seem to your prospects.

I hope you find this offer-rating tool helpful.

Warm regards,


P.S. When you combine this offer optimisation idea with what Jeff Walker is teaching in his latest Product Launch Masterclass, you really can’t miss nailing your next launch. The Masterclass is only available for the next few days.

You can register to join the Launch Masterclass here.

Check it out.

And if you have any questions, or you would like to chat about how I might be able to dial in your offer, feel free to click here to get in touch.

Disclaimer: The Launch Masterclass is part of the 2024 launch of Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula (PLF). If you ultimately purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.