Double Your High-Ticket Product Launch Sales Starting Today

I’d like to share a simple change in messaging you can test immediately that could help you to double your High-Ticket Product Launch Sales Starting Today

I see a lot of people selling high-ticket programs through product launches use the phrase “apply here” and “schedule a call” as a call to action after they present an offer or do some pre-selling of their offer to get people interested.

While this does work, these days virtually everybody knows that a “discovery session” or “free consultation” or even a “brainstorming session” is sales language for either a short qualifying call or a hard sales pitch.

The vast majority of people will do whatever they can to avoid being put in this situation. Therefore it should be our goal to lesson the risk of people deciding they won’t respond as much as we can.

With this in mind, I want to share two changes I have made (and have seen similar results from others to back my data up) that is getting 6/10 responses, compared to 2 or 3 responses before.

Two Small Changes To Doubling Your Product Launch Sales

Change #1 – In my product launch messaging and personal outreach I had been using “If this sounds interesting, hit reply and let’s chat”. Last week I changed it to “If this sounds interesting, we should get to know one another”. The difference is incredible.

From getting 2-3 responses using the old language my appointment rate has now doubled, and the people who respond tend to be a better fit for what I am offering.

Change #2 – Rather than a call to action of asking people to book a call, I have started asking them to contact me initially using email, DM or text chat.

This has proven to be far less intimidating and by using direct messaging to qualify and pre-sell prospects before we speak on the phone, I am making far fewer calls, and the close rate is much higher (usually double depending on the offer).

And in many cases, I am closing prospects USING CHAT OR EMAIL meaning no phone calls are necessary.

The other benefit is I can hold 3 or more Chat conversations at the same time as it takes to be on the phone for ONE client call.

Using this method, I’ve been closing high ticket sales while sitting my couch on Saturday afternoon watching car racing or reruns of Big Bang Theory.

So if you’d like to increase your product launch sales, I urge you to test this idea in your own business and see what sort of results you can achieve.

And if you DO test it, please let me know about your results.

Warm regards,


P.S. Being able to close more high ticket sales using a different call to action and text chat during your product launch gives us a powerful advantage. It’s one element of ensuring your launch makes the most sales, and helps us to make a greater impact in the World. To learn much more about how to launch your product or service successfully, check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

Disclaimer: If you purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you won’t pay any more. If you would like my personal help to earn the full price of PLF back within 30 days, and my help to create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.