How To Laser Target Your Product Launch Offer

The most important aspect of running a successful Product Launch is NOT your product, or your launch list, or your Product Launch content or your bonuses… it’s your OFFER.

By the way, If you are looking for a Product Launch Formula Bonus that includes personal 1:1 coaching to actually help you to succeed with PLF, you can learn more here.

Let’s take a look at an example…

Fish do NOT like strawberries!

You can come up with a dozen different ways to say “Strawberry”…but fish will turn a cold fin and NOT BITE!

You would never fish with strawberries because YOU like them.

Toss that stubborn fish a worm though…and if they haven’t eaten in a bit, they will chomp it – with a furious vengeance – no fancy words needed.

People do NOT want “Coaching”, “Leads”, “15% body fat”, or a “6 week long weight loss program.”

This is 50% of the reason OFFERS refuse to convert: They are trying to sell strawberries to fish and pork sandwiches to Jewish vegetarians.

Then they get pissed at a copywriter, media buyer or salespeople because they can’t sell their strawberries.

It’s easy to get confused, but your OFFER and your copy are DIFFERENT things.

This is why we need to VALIDATE OUR OFFER before we write a bunch of copy.

…AND as we validate, we let your MARKET write our copy FOR US!

Product Launch Formula Quiz

My best copy never came outta my head…or out of a copywriter’s corner by thinking up the perfect pitch…

…The copy which slathers wallet lube on the best offers almost always comes from THE MARKET…at a moment when their credit cards are half way out.

With ninety-eleven live chat services now, texting and FB messenger you can VALIDATE AN OFFER and DIAL-IN copy faster than ever.

That’s why it’s important to dial in your offer first using an email or messenger conversation with prospects, and once you’ve done that you can clean up making sales with just a 2-page Google Doc.

Why people want to “plug their ears” and “blindfold themselves” to valuable market feedback leaves me scratching my head.

If they could only hear the fish whisper: “We don’t like strawberries.”, so many business owners lives would burst at the seams with money and mojo!

While it takes a little while to work out the details, selling by chat is here to stay.

Warm regards,


P.S. Each month I work with a small group LIVE over Zoom helping them to validate and perfect their offers to the point where we can close mid to high ticket sales using live chat and email (without any phone calls).

If you’d like more details on exactly how we are doing that, let me know by getting in touch here.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you to grow YOUR business:

1. This Puts Cash In The Bank Today For When You Don’t Have Time For A Product Launch
A Product Launch can take a lot of time and energy, and can only be used a few times a year so you don’t burn out your email list. But people’s desire to buy always exceeds our ability to make offers to them. This simple marketing campaign can be used over and over again to extract cash from your list multiple times a month. Click Here

2. You Must Have A Responsive Email List If You Want A Profitable Launch
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. List Warrior will show you a proven way to use free software to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

3. The Hottest New Lifestyle Business Idea For Overwhelmed Business Owners
Having a lifestyle business could be the holy grail for most people. As best selling author and wealth coach Robert Kiyosaki says, “The poor and middle class work for money. The rich spend their time and money creating income producing ASSETS, which then fund their expenses.” And THIS is how many of them do that. Click Here.

4. Work With Me 1 On 1.
If you’d like to work directly with me to hatch some super profitable campaigns for your business… just send me a message and put “One-on-One” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

And don’t forget to check this out ????

How to Earn $20 in 20 Minutes With Any Topic, Niche or Hobby

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.