How To Use Product Launch Formula To Bulletproof Yourself

It’s been so cool to see how Product Launch Formula turned out to be a life-saver for so many people when Covid-19 turned the World upside down starting in 2019.

If the pandemic taught us anything, it was that we need to ensure our businesses are bulletproof because we can never again rely on the future to be the same as the past.

When governments shut down economies worldwide, thousands of business owners found themselves high and dry with no chance of surviving because they simply couldn’t make sales.

However some businesses not only survived but thrived because they were able to pivot to selling products and services online. And many used PLF to quickly change strategies and do extremely well.

Here’s some examples of people who used Product Launch Formula to grow their businesses through the pandemic:

Teaching the Next Generation of Coders… for a Projected $3MM
Taking a cue from his own children’s interest, Marek Brejl started teaching kids how to code. During the 2020 shutdowns, he turned to Product Launch Formula and quickly knocked out back-to-back launches for online coding camps. Within a month, Marek’s business brought in $200K, and his list continues to grow exponentially.

She Made Back Her Investment (and More) in 4 Days
When 2020 lockdowns forced Nicola Brown to cancel her in-person workshops on eco-friendly textiles, she started teaching online. But spending weeks on the road taking care of her relatives presented challenges. The 2021 Launch Masterclass™ showed her that she could leverage her existing content to create a thriving business – while working less. Nicola took a chance on PLF and did a “Quick Launch” (a type of launch covered in a PLF bonus). She made her investment back in just 4 days and went on to make $88K within the first three months of joining.

From Individual Product Launches to Sustainable (and Creative!) Business Model
Artist and educator Diane Bleck found an unexpected niche during the 2020 shutdowns – teaching her clients how to creatively transition their businesses to a virtual environment. PLF gave her a business model she could count on, and she’s used it to launch offers in three different businesses… and develop solid affiliate partnerships along the way. And it all happens while giving Diane the time to be the kind of mom she wants to be.

Teaching the Next Generation of Coders… for a Projected $3MM
Taking a cue from his own children’s interest, Marek Brejl started teaching kids how to code. During the 2020 shutdowns, he turned to Product Launch Formula and quickly knocked out back-to-back launches for online coding camps. Within a month, Marek’s business brought in $200K, and his list continues to grow exponentially.

From In-Person Services to Online Success in 2020
Covid meant that brain imaging expert Ettie Ben-Shabat could no longer work with her clients in person. She turned to PLF in order to bring her expertise online… and her first launch generated over $25,000. Now Ettie’s revolutionizing her field while helping therapists provide better rehabilitation services all over the world.

Beating Burnout — and Making A Real Difference
Roel Crabbe was working 40 weekends a year teaching shamanism in Belgium. He loved his work, but he was exhausted. When lockdowns cancelled hundreds of his events and kept everyone at home, he started receiving messages from people who needed his help more than ever. Initially hesitant to do a livestream, PLF gave Roel a “pathway to really listen to the community” while saving his business… and his sanity.

From COVID Shutdowns to 5-Figure Seed Launches… In the Stargazing Niche
Because of COVID, Gary Lintern could no longer conduct in-person, nighttime stargazing tours in his native Northern England. With his business under lockdown, he pivoted to Product Launch Formula. Gary quickly turned stargazing into a series of Seed Launches that rejuvenated his finances, allowed him to be home with his family, and made it possible to live life on HIS terms.

Doubling Down During a Pandemic and Paying Off Debt!
Dayna Abraham had JUST started her launch in March of 2020. Day one was off to a solid start… until Disney World announced they were shutting down. The NBA quickly followed suit, and the shutdown was on. By 5pm she’d called an emergency team meeting and retooled her whole approach. She pivoted to focus on serving, and kept launching… and brought in over $400K while helping hundreds of families through a global crisis.

Seed Launching His Way Out of £50K in Debt… in 2020!
Dylan Ayaloo has trained yoga teachers and run personal transformation programs for the last decade and found PLF right after the pandemic lockdowns started. His in-person business model took a big hit, so he embraced online business in a big way… and it’s really paid off, helping him not only create new offers and bring in more revenue, but also have people writing in asking for personal coaching

40 Cancelled Speaking Engagements Led Him to Launch…
Elliott Connie is a psychotherapist who teaches other psychotherapists how to do Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT). Over the years he’s built a sizable practice and traveled the country as an expert speaker. He started launching back in 2016, but it all came together in March of 2020 after the pandemic led to a string of speaking cancellations. So went all in and generated more than $50K!

She Had to Change Her Plans and Create a New Business Model on the Fly…
Janna Morishima had just started her brand new business as a literary agent in January of 2020. In March, she was seriously considering getting a new job when she suddenly remembered learning about Jeff and PLF. She went all in and grew a small list of 150 people… and when she made her first offer, she had 27 sign up, netting almost $24K for her very first launch!

First He Bought a Car, Then He Bought a Coffee Shop
Ray’s been using PLF since 2005. After using PLF to get more clients, copywriter Ray Edwards later used it to sell a writing course. He tripled the results of his previous launch… and then doubled that number again the next time. Ray also owns a coffee shop. While other businesses were shutting down last spring because of the pandemic, he used PLF principles to keep people showing up – and engineered his two most profitable months ever.

No Expenses and 3X the Profit – Working from Home
As a personal development coach and speaker, Robb Zbierski used to travel 3 months a year. When he was sidelined by the global health crisis, he knew it was time to transition to virtual events. Using PLF to launch his first one, he made $39,000… far more than the $12,000 he used to net in person. The best part? Being home with his family!

These are just some of the dozens of Case Studies Jeff Walker has to show how effective and versatile Product Launch Formula can be. Yes it takes work, but what in business doesn’t? And as you can see from the results above, it’s sure worth it.

Check out these and the rest of the product Launch Formula Case Studies here.

I know you’ll find them fascinating.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

P.S. The Case Studies page will only be available for a few days so check them out now while you can.

P.P.S. If you’d like to register for one of my regular Product Launch Coaching calls where we cover numerous ways to increase your Launch sales, just let me know by getting in touch here and I’ll get back to you with the details.

Talk soon!


PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you to grow YOUR business:

1. This Puts Cash In The Bank Today For When You Don’t Have Time For A Product Launch
A Product Launch can take a lot of time and energy, and can only be used a few times a year so you don’t burn out your email list. But people’s desire to buy always exceeds our ability to make offers to them. This simple marketing campaign can be used over and over again to extract cash from your list multiple times a month. Click Here

2. You Must Have A Responsive Email List If You Want A Profitable Launch
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. List Warrior will show you a proven way to use free software to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

3. The Hottest New Lifestyle Business Idea For Overwhelmed Business Owners
Having a lifestyle business could be the holy grail for most people. As best selling author and wealth coach Robert Kiyosaki says, “The poor and middle class work for money. The rich spend their time and money creating income producing ASSETS, which then fund their expenses.” And THIS is how many of them do that. Click Here.

4. Work With Me 1 On 1.
If you’d like to work directly with me to hatch some super profitable campaigns for your business… just send me a message and put “One-on-One” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

And don’t forget to check this out ????

How to Earn $20 in 20 Minutes With Any Topic, Niche or Hobby

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website.