The Secret Behind The 9 Word Email

In this previous post I shared Dean Jackson’s 9 Word Email technique for reviving dead leads.

I hope you had a chance to test it out in your business (please let me know what happened if you did).

But there’s an even bigger payoff from this idea hiding in plain sight.

That payoff is taking the format Dean uses in this Postcard and applying it to your business.

So let’s run through the process for creating your own Postcard (or Facebook Ad, Google Ad, blog post, Facebook post, direct mail piece, or display ad for your brick and mortar store).

But first, you can click on the image below to see it full size in a new window and download it to your computer for future reference if you didn’t already:

9 Word Email

Okay, let’s get to work.

The first two paragraphs contain what we call a ‘Thought Reversal’.

In other words, Dean shares the results of a study showing only 15% of new leads will buy within the first 90 days.

And that most people consider people who don’t buy right away as ‘bad leads’ or ‘tyre kickers’.

But the fact is most people NEVER buy immediately, or even within a few weeks of initial contact.

This is something people either don’t understand, or goes against what many believe.

Then he shares the simple idea of going through your lists of people who contacted you over 90 days ago, and following up with them to see if they are still interested.

The best way to do this is to reference their previous correspondence to remind them of why they contacted you, and ask them if they are still in the market by using the 9 Word Email.

For example:

SUBJECT: 6 Stone Street

Hi John, are you still thinking of selling your home at 6 Stone Street?


Then Dean includes some proof statements to show the effectiveness of this idea, followed by an explanation of why it works so well.

Finally he invites you to learn more, including how to follow up with people who reply to your 9 Word Email, sample subject lines to test, case studies, and more.

This type of information marketing is so powerful because it helps you make invisible prospects visible.

People who are interested will put their hand up and request more information without the risk of having a salesperson call and try to ‘close’ them on something.

And your followup information can help them make an informed decision on whether they want to go further with you when they are ready.

People will buy in THEIR timetable, now ours.

Our job is to be there for them when they are ready to make a purchase.

Getting people subscribed to an email list using marketing like this is a long-term strategy that will help you to make sales for years into the future when done right.

If you like this idea, I’d love to see what you come up with to test it.

If you like, send me a draft copy of what you put together and I’ll give you my feedback on it before you send it.

Hope this helps,

Warm regards,


P.S. The 9 word email is a terrific way to get conversations started with prospects you thought you may have lost, but there are several nuances to using it for the greatest effect.

If you’d like to register for one of my regular 9-Word Email Campaign Creation Zoom calls, just let me know by getting in touch here and I’ll get back to you with the details.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you to grow YOUR business:

1. This Puts Cash In The Bank Today For When You Don’t Have Time For A Product Launch
A Product Launch can take a lot of time and energy, and can only be used a few times a year so you don’t burn out your email list. But people’s desire to buy always exceeds our ability to make offers to them. This simple marketing campaign can be used over and over again to extract cash from your list multiple times a month. Click Here

2. You Must Have A Responsive Email List If You Want A Profitable Launch
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. List Warrior will show you a proven way to use free software to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

3. The Hottest New Lifestyle Business Idea For Overwhelmed Business Owners
Having a lifestyle business could be the holy grail for most people. As best selling author and wealth coach Robert Kiyosaki says, “The poor and middle class work for money. The rich spend their time and money creating income producing ASSETS, which then fund their expenses, and this is how many of them do it. Click Here.

4. Work With Me 1 On 1.
If you’d like to work directly with me to hatch some super profitable campaigns for your business… just send me a message and put “One-on-One” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

And don’t forget to check this out ????

How to Earn $20 in 20 Minutes With Any Topic, Niche or Hobby