Why Contrast Is Critical For Your Product Launch Offer

Before we ever make an offer during any product launch, it’s critical we have already Pre-Sold our prospects on the contrast between their current plan and your new, clearly different and desirable NEW plan.

This is one of the main goals of our pre-launch content. Our PLC needs to highlight the stark contrast between what they have been trying to get the result they want (that hasn’t worked for them), and how our New Plan can help them to get there.

If your Pre-Launch and Launch content can paint a contrast with what they are currently doing…or against your competitor’s offers….

People can make up their minds in SECONDS or minutes…

They won’t have to think so hard (for every few seconds somebody has to THINK about your offer, your chances of making a sale quickly decrease).

When they don’t have to bust their brain, and they can clearly see the contrast from what they are doing to what you are offering…

They won’t say, “I need to think about it, ” “Now’s not a good time,” or “I need to ask my dog’s best friend.”

Most likely if you use contrast more throughout your product launch copy…

…you may not even need new multi-step franken-funnels…

…or 60 minute sales calls…

or 2,000-word emails to get people to say, “Yes! I’m IN!”

Clearly showing people this contrast is like applying wallet lube to your sales process.

I’d love to hear your results if you test this in your business.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

P.S. Preselling your new Plan is one important step in creating a profitable Product Launch. Jeff Walker takes you through a whole bunch more in his Product Launch Masterclass. I’f you’d like to check it out, you can Jump on Jeff’s Masterclass here.

Or if you have any questions, feel free to click here to get in touch.

Disclaimer: If you purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you won’t pay any more. If you would like my personal help to earn the full price of PLF back within 30 days, and my help to create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.