How Product Launch Formula Gives You Life Choices

Launching (or re-launching) a product, service or business using the Product Launch Formula gives you leverage gained from over two-decades of experience from thousands of PLF users.

Without leverage life seems cruel.

With leverage life gets easier, we have more options, more fun, and more life choice.

One reason is when the PLF process us used even half-arsed correctly we’ll make more money with each launch.

But money is only ONE form of leverage that Jeff Walker’s PLF process gives us.

Product Launch Formula Gives Us AT LEAST 5 Types Of Leverage

In addition to MONEY leverage, we also get:

  • TIME leverage (we can cut the time it takes to grow our business by months or years)
  • ENERGY leverage (we can afford to PAY people to take over some of the to-do list tasks for us)
  • IDENTITY leverage (having profitable launches makes us feel much better about ourselves and our ability to provide for our families)
  • REPUTATION leverage (we are seen as an industry leader by our peers and often attract some of them to become JV Partners and affiliates)

The leverage of PLF is available to almost everyone.

Yes there is a price tag of Time and Energy attached in order to gain access to this leverage.

And sadly only a few actively learn and use the leverage PLF gives us as a tool.

I think this is one reason why the Wealth Gap gets wider…

And why 90% of businesses eventually fail.

The fact is 1n 2024 it’s never been more doable to run a 7 figure high profit business with one person and a couple of helpers.

With leverage life gets easier, we have more options, more fun, and more life choice.

Without leverage life seems cruel.

Everyone gets a choice where to invest their time and energy…daily.

Leverage or Languish?

Learn to drive?

Or walk?

Jeff is holding his 2024 Product Launch Formula Masterclass in a few days time.

If you’d like to jump onto his pre-launch list so you don’t miss any of the training, you can do that here.

Warm regards,

Rocky “PLF since 2008” Tapscott

P.S. My grandmother never learned to drive. She depended on Granddad or other people to get her to where she needed to go, or she had to walk.

Not sure about you, but PLFers REFUSE to be dependent on others to live our lives AND we feel life is too short to walk everywhere! Jump on Jeff’s Masterclass here.

Or if you have any questions, feel free to click here to get in touch.

Disclaimer: If you purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you won’t pay any more. If you would like my personal help to earn the full price of PLF back within 30 days, and my help to create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.