Makes Product Launch Formula The Killer App

I think it was only last year that was first included with Product Launch Formula as a way to help Content and Course Creators develop quality content for their launches quickly and easily.

And Launchy has been a fantastic tool for helping PLF owners to significantly cut down the Time it takes to go from idea to Content Creation to Launch.

But something that many have missed is that since many of us have got a library of video, audio and/or written content going back for years, is perfect for repurposing all of that stuff and bringing it up to date for new audiences.

One of the things we’re excitedly focused on is using to repurpose our content into books, courses, membership programs and so much MORE!

I am blown away by what the program and some of the other AI tools can create that we can monetise in various ways.

There are endless money machines we can build using A.I.

In fact we believe MARRYING AI and repurposing our existing content gives birth to the most stress-free income streams ever created!

If you don’t have content of your own?

There are thousands of experts, coaches, consultants, content creators, and business owners with a fortune in IP just “sitting under their mattresses.”

…without the know-how or time to monetize it.

How cool would it be to be able to use and Product Launch Formula to start earning royalty payments for content you didn’t even own?

If that is something that excites you too, I’ll be sharing how to do that with people who purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link during Jeff Walker’s upcoming Product Launch Masterclass.

To jump on the Masterclass list and make sure you don’t miss anything, you can visit this page.

Or if you have any questions, feel free to click here to get in touch.

I’m looking forward to chatting with you about some exciting ideas for getting the most out of Product Launch Formula.


Rocky “Repurposing” Tapscott

Disclaimer: If you purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you won’t pay any more. If you would like my personal help to earn the full price of PLF back within 30 days, and my help to create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.