How To Grease The Wheels Of Your Product Launch Sales Process

If you’d love it if people just whipped out their wallets with no arm twisting to buy during your product launch, there is one critical thing you should be doing… here’s a powerful idea from my friend Travis Sago.

Stop selling your product or service.

You are NOT selling a product or service or any other kinds of deliverable.

You are selling a NEW PLAN to help people get out of HELL!
Product Launch Formula Masterclass
So the secret is to sell them on the NEW PLAN first…

How do you sell your new plan?

By getting them to SEE, HEAR, FEEL, TASTE or TOUCH as close as possible that their CURRENT PLAN isn’t working!

You deliver this experience with heaping helpings of empathy and short storytelling… this is not the time to be shaming and scolding your prospects.

Bonus tip: In many cases, they don’t really have a “plan” other than keep doing what they’re doing which is still a current plan.

So often it’s natural that when they see their current situation is too painful to stay the same and their current plan is “hopeless”…

They become open to the FIRST new plan that makes sense and need very few details about the product or service.

So your goal is to help them see their current plan isn’t working, and when they agree, offer them a new plan to get out of the HELL they are in.

Hope this helps,



P.S. Do you see how even in this email I am doing CURRENT PLAN: pitch the product versus NEW PLAN: presell the new plan?

You don’t stop just because someone pays you money the first time:-)

P.P.S. This month I’m putting aside time to help 2 new clients implement this idea into their business.

If you have an established business with solid lead and customer flow and you’d like to apply this Wallet Lube idea to sell higher priced products and services, just let me know by getting in touch here and I’ll get you all the details.

Disclaimer: If you purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you won’t pay any more. If you would like my personal help to earn the full price of PLF back within 30 days, and my help to create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.