More Money From Product Launch Formula Than You Can Spend?

Would you like to make more money from Product Launch Formula than you can ever spend? Here’s the secret it took me three decades in marketing to truly understand.

Before you start creating your product, find out exactly what Present Pain your audience is FED UP with, and give them an entirely new, exciting, and desirable way out.

Offering solutions to a nagging pain your audience wants relief from RIGHT NOW is far more effective than offering to help them achieve a future gain that is somewhere off in the future.

So how the hell do you do that I hear you asking.

The first step is to come up with a list of potential Present Pains you are confident your audience is suffering from. You’re looking for stuff you know they are ALREADY desperate to fix, or desires they want to achieve RIGHT NOW.

Then, you create a short email/post inviting people to make the change they ALREADY want to make to achieve that outcome. Ask people to respond back to you if they would like more details.

Then when people reply, spend time asking questions and listening to their answers.

Once they have told you exactly what they are looking for, make an offer based on what they just told you.

What questions should you ask?

Ask them:

  • What’s important to them about making the change? Keep asking until you get to the truth.
  • Is this a change you want to make now? Or later? Why?
  • What happens if they don’t make a change? Who else is affected? What would that mean for you and them?
  • What’s stopping them from making the change on their own?
  • What have they tried so far? What happened? Why did that not work?
  • Would they like help getting over the obstacle they just told you about?

If you ask a dozen people…

You WILL have your offer dialled in better than 99% of other marketers, and you WILL make sales.

Incorporate what you’ve learned into your sales page (or a Google Doc), and then send them to the offer and make sale after sale after sale.


What this really boils down to is:

  • Make invitations
  • Ask Questions
  • Put it in an offer
  • Keep listening, write down what they say and adjusting the offer
  • Make millions in sales

I truly hope this helps you to perfectly dial in your Product Launch Formula offer to make more money than you can ever spend.

Now having said that…

Jeff Walker is holding his 2024 Product Launch Formula Masterclass in a few days time.

If you’d like to jump onto his pre-launch list so you don’t miss any of the training, you can do that here.

Warm regards,

Rocky “PLF since 2008” Tapscott

P.S. My grandmother never learned to drive. She depended on Granddad or other people to get her to where she needed to go, or she had to walk.

Not sure about you, but PLFers REFUSE to be dependent on others to live our lives AND we feel life is too short to walk everywhere! Jump on Jeff’s Masterclass here.

Or if you have any questions, feel free to click here to get in touch.

Disclaimer: If you purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you won’t pay any more. If you would like my personal help to earn the full price of PLF back within 30 days, and my help to create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.