Tag Archives: Intellectual Property

World’s Most Profitable, Leverageable And Misunderstood Asset

As Robert Kiyosaki says in his Rich Dad, Poor Dad book series, the wealthy don’t work for money. Many of them work to create the most profitable, most leveragable, and most misunderstood assets instead.

And these assets pour dividends, royalties, rents and residual income into their bank accounts whether they are working, relaxing or just goofing off…

When I first read Rich Dad, Poor Dad my focus was on property investment because I already had a couple of rentals, and I didn’t know about the stock market, Art, Commodities, Bonds or anything else for that matter.

Kiyosaki hinted at other types of assets, but because he didn’t spell it out in a way I understood, I missed the lesson he was teaching.

So what IS the Worlds most profitable, leveragable and mis-understood asset?

It’s Intellectual Property, often referred to as IP.

You’ve probably hears about I.P. being sold or traded for huge amounts.

  • Disney purchased the Rights to The Muppets, Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm, and 20th Century Fox, giving them ownership of major franchises like Toy Story and Star Wars. (Source)
  • Bob Dylan sold 100% of his publishing catalogue to Universal Music Publishing (est. US$300-400 million). On January 24, 2022, Sony acquired his master recordings. That’s worth another ~US$200 million (Source)
  • Stevie Nicks sold a majority stake in her songs to Primary Wave, US$100 million (Source)

However these huge deals are just the tip of an Iceberg of opportunity for the rest of us!

Anybody can use Intellectual Property to make income and capital gains once they know how.

5 reasons Intellectual Property is the most profitable asset class

#1- It’s at the top of the Asset Pyramid

Need a product? You can easily buy, rent or borrow the I.P. to a product by licensing it from somebody else.

Need product distribution? Tap into other people’s networks by placing your product into their customer flow.

Need both? We can use other people’s products AND other people’s distribution at the same time by just putting the deals together.

#2 – It Beats Real Estate By A Mile

I.P. has no tenants, toilets, or termites. And you don’t need to have good credit or spend 20 years in debt waiting for prices and rents to rise to start seeing great passive income.

#3 – Outperforms Stocks & Other Financial Markets

If you start saving diligently now and with hard work, persistence and after sitting through a crash every decade or so… in 30 or 40 years you may have $10 million.

You could then put it into bonds and generate $400k a year – 30 years from now. After inflation, that’s not going to go as far as it does now

#4 – Busting our arse running a business

We need people who will take on the responsibility and risk of running a business. The world would be a tragic place without them. A few will be lucky enough to sell to Private Equity or another buyer for a huge payday.

But I’m 65 now and I don’t want to marry a business and divorce my life for 5, 10 or 20 years.

And while a big payday would be great, it’s the recurring INCOME I’m after. I love earning royalties and residual payments for “work” I trade for assets once.

This income can be mine NOW, by owning or controlling one or two pieces of intellectual property and placing them into the buyer flow of OTHER PEOPLE’S businesses.

#5 – I.P. can be created out of Thin Air

You can have NO money, NO reputation and be dumped in a strange city…

…and if you can find a public library with computer access, you can be earning royalties and residuals within 7 to 14 days.

BONUS REASON: Intellectual Property will ALWAYS be wanted, desired and in demand.

So if you have products or distribution, you are potentially sitting on an untapped goldmine.

If you’d like some help to mine that gold and turn it into cash you can spend but you’re not sure where to start, we should get to know each other.

I may be able to help you identify the best opportunities and avoid the pitfalls. There’s no up-front or ongoing fees, and you only pay me a percentage of the increased profits I bring in after the money is sitting in your Merchant or Paypal account.

It you’re interested in learning more or even just a little curious, Click here to get in touch.

Take care,

Rocky “Residual royalties” Tapscott

Disclaimer: If you purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you won’t pay any more. If you would like my personal help to earn the full price of PLF back within 30 days, and my help to create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.