Tag Archives: TIMER

Your Product Launch Ruined Offering A Money Back Guarantee?

While most everybody offers a money-back guarantee during their product launch, money is NOT the only factor we need to guarantee we knock it out of the park with sales that STICK.

I have a friend who often tells the story of how he used FAX marketing to put Christmas Gifts under the tree after his business failed and he had no money to buy anything but food that Christmas.

As he tells it (and you’ll probably remember this), most people back in the day only used fax machines to order business stuff.

While he was trying to work out how to save his family’s Christmas, he asked himself a great question, “Why not use the Fax machine differently?”

His brilliant idea led to him calling all of the major offices in his small town and asking them if they would like to receive the daily special menus from some of the best local restaurants and takeaways.

Quite a few of the office managers said this would be a great idea and gave him permission to send them a daily one or two page fax.

He then approached the most popular local restaurants and takeaways with a no brainer offer: Would you like to get your daily specials directly into local offices where the staff were thinking about what they would like to have for lunch?

Nearly all of the food store owners jumped onto this new opportunity because they could see the benefit of advertising directly to their best customers instead of using radio, newspapers, letterbox drops and all of the other expensive but inefficient methods they had been using.

It was like having a Product Launch every day…

Christmas was saved, and this one idea has led to millions of dollars in additional sales based on the same principle. Get your ads and launch messages in front of your ideal target audience in the most direct way possible.

So what has this got to do with offering a money-back guarantee?

The guarantee he was offering was two fold:

  1. He was guaranteeing the store owners direct access to their best customers with virtually zero friction. This saved them Time, Energy, Money, and virtually guaranteed the service paid for itself over and over again. It also enhanced the owners Reputation in the community because his business was seen every day.
  2. He was guaranteeing the local office managers they and their staff would save Time, Energy, and Money by delivering one daily fax to their offices. This enhanced the office managers’ Reputation because she was seen to be helping her staff save that Time, Energy and Money.

The secret hidden in plain sight here is.

In addition to offering a MONEY back guarantee during your Product Launch, show how you can ALSO save your prospects Time and Energy, while enhancing their Reputation, and making them feel better about themselves by improving their Identity.

When you remove all of these 5 risk factors and combine that with using the modified messaging I showed you in this post, it’s like delivering a one-two punch that can easily double your sales and significantly reduce your refund rates (as long as your product or service delivers).

I’d love to hear about your results if you decide to test this for yourself.

Warm regards,


P.S. Being able to close more high ticket sales combining this 5-stage guarantee with a different call to action and text chat during your product launch gives us a powerful advantage. It gives you two powerful elements ensuring your launch makes the most sales, and helps us to make a greater impact. To learn more about how to launch your product or service successfully, check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

Disclaimer: If you purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you won’t pay any more. If you would like my personal help to earn the full price of PLF back within 30 days, and my help to create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.