With A High Ticket Product Launch You MUST Presell Price

If you are running a product launch for a high ticket product or service (anything over $500 qualifies), then one of the biggest and most intractable objections you will get will be people complaining about price.

They may NOT be outright telling you the price is to high, but you will know they are thinking it and your sales will reflect it.

The fact is many people will THINK the price is too high if you haven’t PRE-SOLD the price before you make your offer.

Now you can always do nothing and hope things turn around…

Maybe your launch will go well and your business will survive?

I don’t have a crystal ball…

But for those who are proactive and don’t want their success to be at the mercy of “the flying fickle finger of fate” (hat tip to Monty Python)…

Pre-Selling Price is one of the most important of the 5Ps.

So how do we Pre-Sell Price During Our Product Launch?

One simple way is to point out how much NOT buying is going to cost your prospects.

Let’s say you are selling a $2,000 Training and Coaching Program that teaches business owners how to launch their own product, service or business.

Through researching your current buyers, you know your average prospect sells a $500 product, generates 1,000 prospects a month, and converts 3% of those people into customers.

So the math is: 1,000 X 3% = 30 new customers

30 X $500 = $15,000

Per month.

To Pre-Sell your $2,000 Price, you casually mention that your typical customer has increased their conversions from 3% to 6% by using the process they will learn in the Program.

You could even use the example above (although most business owners will intuitively GET how much doubling conversions will make them) soo it’s impossible for them to miss the implications.

Now many prospects would feel like an idiot for NOT buying your $2,000 Program because you have shown them they could be missing out on an extra $15,000 A MONTH.

Makes your $2,000 price seem insignificant doesn’t it?

I’d love to see your results of you test this in your business.


Rocky “always Pre-Selling” Tapscott

P.S. This is just one way to Pre-Sell Price. And Price is only one of the 5Ps of Pre-Selling.

If you’d like my help to instal all of the 5Ps into your product launch or evergreen content, we should get to know each other. Click here to get in touch.

Disclaimer: If you purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.