Watch Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula Masterclass Again

OK so over the last 10 days, Jeff Walker has been releasing the pre-launch content for this year’s release of his flagship Product Launch Formula class.

If you’ve watched the 4 live sessions he’s shared so far, you’ll know they have included over 12 hours of some of the best content he’s ever released.

But if you missed one or more of those sessions, he’s just opened up an ‘all-access’ page where you can watch all of those replays for the next few days. You can watch the entire Launch Masterclass for free, with no opt-in required.

You can check out the all access page here.

Here’s The Lesson Jeff Walker Is Sharing Here

Giving people access to all of the pre-launch content again like this, without requiring them to opt in, is a powerful way to help people who may be on the fence to decide to join his Product Launch Formula program.

That’s because the more of his content people consume (and the more case studies they see within that content), the more likely they are to believe that his product launch strategies will work for them as well.

This is one of the secrets of PLF that’s hidden in plain sight… do everything you can to get people to engage with your pre-launch content as much as possible.

So on this page you’ll find more than 12 hours of content, including downloads, Q&A, the “super secret” sessions… and even the infamous “Squirrel Cam” that had viewers raving (you’ve gotta watch to get it).

Make sure you watch the Product Launch Masterclass here before it’s taken down in a couple of days time

Chat soon,

Rocky Tapscott

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.