Tag Archives: product launch formula masterclass

How To Feel Comfortable Selling – Product Launch Masterclass 3

As we discussed yesterday, Jeff Walker is getting ready to do his third LIVE lesson in the Launch Masterclass… including live Q&A during the broadcast so you can have any questions you have answered.

Jeff’s “Product Launch Formula” is the launch process that nearly every top influencer and thought leader uses. He’s had over a million people go through his free launch training. And this year’s Launch Masterclass takes it to an even higher level.

He’s going to be talking about the “Open Cart” sequence. This is the part of a product launch where you make all the sales. And he’ll show you how to do it in a totally “non-slimy, non-salesy” way.

NOTE: this live training series is all free for now. And you can totally binge-watch it and get caught up. But it’s only available for a short time. You can register for the class here.

I’ll see you on the call in a few hours.

Warm regards,
