24 New Product Launch Formula Case Studies

Since Jeff Walker released his original Product Launch Formula in 2007, literally thousands of people have used the PLF process to make MILLIONS of dollars for themselves and their families.

Here’s another 24 inspirational Case Studies from some of the most obscure niche markets  you can learn from and model for your own business.

Let’s take a look…

Not Just Six Figures – He Gets Daily Fan Mail
Luis Carlos Flores and his wife are psychotherapists who help Latin American parents become great parents. They put together their first launch in just 3 weeks, netting 130 new students in 10 days. Six-figure launches are now the norm, even though their Latin American market doesn’t usually buy online. But the best part is the daily thank you notes from happy clients…

A Doctor Launching Physical Products
Dr. Karen Leggett helps women keep their hormones balanced. Burnt out from long hours and paperwork, she did her first Seed Launch with no list and no product. Now she makes $30,000 a month selling her physical products – and she loves launches. Karen has another doctor manage her busy private practice, while she runs her online business and travels with her husband in their RV.

B2B Launch and Seven Figures from a Tiny Email List
Renee Fink has a B2B business in the “employer records” industry. Faced with an ill business partner and the company losing money fast, she turned to PLF. Renee’s second launch led to a seven-figure contract… from an email list of just 1,000 names that she’d built from scratch, without spending any money on advertising.

After 11 Years, Launching Helped Double Her Business
Cathy Hay has a membership site where she teaches people how to make beautiful, historically accurate corsets. She started the site long ago, and sales were OK… but not really growing. And then she started using PLF… and the results were dramatic.

First She Launched… Then She Bought a House
Kara Andretta helps cake decorators run successful home businesses. She had a blog that got lots of readers, but very little revenue. In her first launch, Kara more than doubled her list and made $91,000.

Launching Her Way Around the World
Polly Alexandre is a coach who helps people with their “money blocks”. Her first launch brought in over $51,000 dollars… which snowballed into another launch and then a mastermind event. From just one launch Polly made an astounding $531,170… all while globetrotting between London, Ibiza, and Los Angeles.

The B2B Launch – $700k (and $400K More in the Pipeline)
Craig Peterson is a computer engineer who sells very high end B2B networking and computer security hardware, software, and services. He recently sold $700,000 from his launch… with another $400,000 in the pipeline.

Exponential Gains with Every Launch (and 8900% More Opt-ins)
An urban farmer, Stacey Murphy was passionate about bringing healthy foods to the world. To expand her reach, she created an online course but couldn’t get much traction with her audience until she found PLF. Her first PLF launch brought in 3x the revenue of her solo launch. She doubled that with her second PLF launch, and her opt-ins have increased by an incredible 8,900%.

He Put His Non-Profit in the Black… For Good
Rob Schwarz runs a non-profit that trains therapists and healers. Despite having a ton of great assets and trainings, the non-profit was struggling. And facing his second straight year of losses, he wondered if he would have to close the doors and shut down the business. Then he discovered PLF and put it to work. He’s done $1.2 million in launches since 2015… impacting thousands and securing a bright future for his non-profit.

$11,500 for a Product that Didn’t Exist (Yet)
Kat and Jason O’Neill are in the cannabis industry. Their first Seed Launch brought in $11,500… and that was technically before their course even existed, which means they got paid to create the course! Now after doing their Seed Launch, they know so much more about their audience, and they’ve got ideas for a bunch of cool new products.

126% of Her Launch Goal – In the First Hour
Sylvie wasn’t sure what she wanted to launch, so she did a launch for her painting instructor. She beat her goal of 30 sales, making 68 sales in just the first hour of the launch – and eventually pulling in $200,400. Sylvie is already planning her next launch.

Single Mom Multiplies Her Income by Staying Home
Tanya Charlotte Targett had a great income, but her business was unleveraged. She had to travel constantly – her health suffered and she was away from her daughter far too much. Then PLF transformed her business…

Former Fitness Skeptic Makes $94,000 from Her Health and Wellness Launch
Oonagh Duncan runs a business called Fit Feels Good. She’d been making offers every month for more than a year to a dwindling list. She was starting to get worried about business sustainability when she came across PLF. Her most recent launch is on track to generate $94,000, and her clients are not only losing weight… they’re going out into the world and transforming their lives. Check out her case study on this page.

Surpassing His Goal with a Seed Launch – and Broadening His Impact
Eric Goll had figured out how to help his family navigate daily life with his sister’s disability… but would it sell? Eric did a Seed Launch to find out – and starting with no list or product, he surpassed his goal by 65%. His new goal? Helping 100,000 families affected by intellectual and developmental disabilities live life to the fullest.

Doubling in Size with Every Launch
Feng shui expert Patricia Lohan had already launched on her own and saw modest results… but then she discovered PLF and her numbers really took off. Her first PLF-style launch brought in the equivalent of her annual salary at her last job. These days, Patricia is nearly doubling her list and her profits with every launch.

Launching Online Grew Her Brick-and-Mortar Business
Dr. Julie Helmrich practiced psychology in a traditional setting. She wondered if she could take her mental health training online. Her first launch brought in $17,000 – and her second launch, three times that. An unexpected bonus? Her brick-and-mortar practice is stronger than ever.

One Launch… 180 people… $15,000
Ross Grant teaches actors about high performance… he had a blog, but he wasn’t making any money. In fact, he was losing money with his blog every month. Then he did a PLF launch and made $15,000 from a list of 180 people…

13 Years of Launches and It Keeps Working
Valerie Young trains career coaches who help their clients make a living without having to rely on traditional jobs. She has an unusual perspective within her niche, and she’s done super-well with it. Over the past 13 years, Valerie has done numerous launches for different products… consistently bringing in $50,000 to $90,000 every time she launches.

Tiny Niche + Tiny Market = Six Figure Launches
Des and Micheal O’Neill have a business consulting practice with accountants in Ireland. Their first launch using Product Launch Formula did 180,000 Euros and completely transformed their business… and that’s just the start of their story. Check out Des and Micheal’s case study to see how even the tiniest niche can be a huge winner with PLF

Launching Her Artwork from the Road… in an RV
Debbie Arambula is the “Heart Artist” – she paints hearts, and she’s very successful at it. This is how she uses Product Launch Formula to sell her paintings and prints…

Former Technophobe Turns Serial Launcher, Making Tens of Thousands
Kami McBride started from scratch (a few years ago she didn’t even have a cell phone), and she’s now done four PLF launches in the last year – and three of them have done more than $10,000 in sales…

10X the Sales with Product Launch Formula
Jason Miles and his wife Cinnamon had a very small business selling doll clothes – then they used Product Launch Formula to multiply their results by 10x…

His Membership Site Went from Stagnating to Skyrocketing…
Troy Dean had a successful membership site, but was frustrated because his business was stuck – and he couldn’t figure out how to grow it. Then he got PLF and put it to work – and four launches later he’s built his business to the seven-figure level…

You can hear all of their stories for yourself here.

Warmest regards,

Rocky Tapscott

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.