Only 36 Hours Left To Get Product Launch Formula

If you’ve been following along with Jeff Walker’s once-a-year Product Launch Formula launch, then it’s coming down to the wire now.

Jeff just let his affiliates and JV partners know (I’m one of them) that he is are closing down PLF registrations on FRIDAY. It means this launch is officially into RESULTS time. And that’s because he knows the majority of sales are going to come in these last two days.

The lesson here is that your launch is going to be no different, as long as you follow his ‘Close Cart’ process, and include the correct mental triggers he shared in his pre-launch training to build your prospect’s desire for your product.

4 of the mental triggers coming into play now are:

  • Authority – Jeff has built plenty of authority with his pre-launch content
  • Liking – he’s just an all round nice guy, and through his content has proven he wants to help others
  • Scarcity – this is a very powerful factor because you can only get into PLF once each year, miss it and you have to wait
  • Urgency – there’s nothing more powerful than a time-certain deadline to prompt action

As Jeff told affiliates today, for his launch there’s going to be AT LEAST a million dollars in sales made during these last 2 days.

For your launch, the last couple of days also means it’s time to start messaging the closing scarcity to your people. When Jeff promotes a launch, he says he always doubles or triples his sales in the last 36 hours…

And as part of that final push into the close, he’s just released the “All Access Page” here – where you can get all the replays from 12+ hours of live masterclass lessons…

…and you’ll get the FULL replays. That’s all the entire 3+ hour lessons, including Q&A, the Case Studies, and even the “Super Secret Segment”.

By re-sharing YOUR pre-launch content with your prospects like this, you can significantly increase your sales during the close cart period, because it lets people go through your lessons again…

…and reinforces the all the reasons people should buy your course, and helps to answer any lingering questions they may have had that were stopping them from joining your program.

It’s very powerful…

You can get everything Jeff taught during his pre-launch on one page with no opt-in. You can access them here so you can see how he’s doing this and model it for your launch as well.

Hope these insights into how Jeff is using the ‘cart close’ sequence for his own launch of his flagship Product Launch Formula program help you to kick it out of the park when it’s your turn. You can get PLF 2019 here.

Chat soon,

Rocky Tapscott

P.S. If you think the training from this launch was awesome, you’ll really love what Jeff has inside PLF. In addition to a completely new-for-2019 version of Product Launch Formula, Jeff has also added some really cool extra bonuses to the mix.

They include:

1. A full-blown course on how to build and profit from a list – this is his “Launching Your List” course.

2. A complete course on Product Creation that will take you from start to finish and get you your own products.

3. A full-out 3-day LIVE WORKSHOP with Jeff… this is a high-end in-person workshop led personally by Jeff. This is one of the most powerful events in the industry… you walk in with an idea, and you walk out with a launch plan.

Here’s the link to get started with Product Launch Formula

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.