My Favourite Product Launch Formula Strategy As An Affiliate

Jeff Walkers Product Launch Formula MasterclassMy favorite way to earn repeating income is to sell other people’s recurring programs as an affiliate when they are doing a Product Launch Formula style launch.

Some people refer to this as Launch Jacking but what it really is is a way to do a bit of work one time and get paid on an ongoing basis without having to lift a finger again.

One of my long-term examples is for the autoresponder service Aweber. I joined as an Aweber affiliate during one of their launch promotions back in 2006.

I’ve been getting paid for 17 years.

And because I was an affiliate…

I didn’t have to do the work of fulfilling the service.

But I get paid every month.

I like it when I get paid recurring revenue for doing the work one time 🙂


After the initial push during the Aweber launch promotion, I didn’t have to spend a dime on ads.

I didn’t need to do any additional SEO. Once the site was up and running people just kept visiting and many of them clicked on my Aweber affiliate link, took the free trial, and joined.

I got all the free trials I needed using free search traffic and BONUSES.

I created or got permission to use content from other people and packaged it as a bonus.

Then I offered the bonus package to anybody who purchased Aweber through my affiliate link.

For other products, I have created valuable bonuses and the product owner has put them in their member’s area for their customers to download and use.

My affiliate links for their other products and services are inside those bonuses.

It worked back in 2006.

It works even better NOW!


Reason 1:

Because in 2023 there are THOUSANDS of SAAS (software as a service) companies like Aweber who charge a monthly subscription and will pay you a recurring commission as an affiliate.

Reason 2:

Because of social media there are WAY more people who’d love to give us a BONUS to get eyeballs on their offers and get people to take a free trial of their SAAS service.

Reason 3:

There is more great content than ever before collecting dust on a digital shelf and people are HAPPY to let us use if we can take it to a NEW MARKET for them. We can repackage their content as a bonus and then put it into their own (or other people’s) traffic flow.

We modify the content to send traffic to OUR affiliate link for their product that pays RECURRING INCOME.

Easy Peasy.

I started “bonus repackaging” in 2006 while I was still working a full time job.

I didn’t have the time to create or deliver my own products or services.

The Secret Sauce

Product Launch BONUSES + Our own and other people’s traffic + recurring affiliate program = Repeating Income without the repeating work.

If there’s a more doable way to build up repeating income in our spare time, I don’t know what it is.

One awesome way to find people who are about to launch their programs or SAAS services is to become a Product Launch Formula owner and join the PLF Alumni Community.

People inside are talking about their launch plans every day and it’s easy to get in touch and put together a deal where you can help them promote their launch as an affiliate.

With this in mind, Jeff Walker is about to start his free 2023 Product Launch Formula Masterclass.

You’ll learn all about how the Product Launch process works and the free launch Facebook group will be full of people who are considering launching products and services you may be able to partner up with.

It’s literally a goldmine of ideas and contacts.

If this sounds interesting, you can register for the Product Launch Masterclass training here.

See you there.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott
Product Launch Strategy

Please Note: I’m privileged to be one of Jeff Walker’s affiliate partners. That means if you end up joining me in his Product Launch Formula program, I might receive a referral commission at no extra cost for you.