How To Add A Magic Trick To Product Launch Formula

Jeff Walkers Product Launch Formula MasterclassOne factor that can make your Product Launch Formula launch is to use the Magic Trick of a powerful or Dramatic Demonstration to your pre-launch content.

The fact is a Dramatic Demonstration is Worth 1000 Promises…

When you demonstrate your magic before asking for money and you won’t need to do any convincing. 

People will ASK you to if they can see more.

When you make a promise to give value only AFTER payment, you will need hours of convincing, long sales copy, webinars, one on one sales calls and a bunch of references.

And you’ll waste a LOT of your precious life chasing after prospects and money.

Making A LOT Of Sales Using Product Launch Formula Is EASY

It’s super easy to generate an avalanche of sales during your Product Launch when you say, “Let me (or my program) work my magic for you, then just pay me after I pull the rabbit out of the hat.”

Now you know…

The secret to a $500k+ Launch from a 600 person email list in 30 days?

Demonstrate magic first.

The secret to 6 figure webinars with NO pitch whatsoever and a call to action in the description box below the replay?

Now you know, make magic and demonstrate value first.

If someone can’t perform magic RELIABLY for the right people under the right conditions…

You know where you’ll find them?

You’ll likely find them on the phone or Zoom trying to CONVINCE people of their value and making promises trying to eke out a living.

A demonstration is worth 1000 promises.

Find your magic. 

Demonstrate it. 

Get good at saying “No.” …because you’ll have a line of prospects who will want what you’ve got and you can’t work your magic for everyone.

Performing magic and amazing your audience is way more fun than convincing, pitching and arm twisting 🙂

Want learn more about using Product Launch Formula to generate a bunch of sales for your product or service?

Jeff Walker is about to start his annual Product Launch Masterclass where he’ll break down the entire process for you by using a Dramatic Demonstration.

You can register for the Product Launch Masterclass training here to watch how he does it.

See you there.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott
Product Launch Strategy

Please Note: I’m privileged to be one of Jeff Walker’s affiliate partners. That means if you end up joining me in his Product Launch Formula program, I might receive a referral commission at no extra cost for you.