Outsource Your Product Launch Workflow With This 19-Point Checklist

It’s no secret that running a Product Launch can involve a huge amount of work and suck up lots of your time and energy. That’s why outsourcing some or all of the grunt work can be a true life (and sanity) saver.

Of course there will be some things you are going to want to do yourself, but there are many tasks that don’t involve you operating in your Zone of Genius that other people can do nearly as well (or even better) than you.

Having these done by others can free up copious amounts of time and will allow you to do your absolute best work.
Product Launch Formula Masterclass

Let me give you some specific examples of tasks you can outsource that will help you to streamline the preparation and running of your next Product Launch:

  • Set up your launch website and sales funnel. This includes designing the site, creating the funnel page content, designing the checkout page, and creating the members area or download page for your customers to access their purchase.
  • Manage the technical details of your website for the initial launch and also on an ongoing basis. For example, you could hire someone to ensure your site is secure, and is up to the task of withstanding the increased traffic flow of a launch.
  • Create the email sequence for your Pre Launch Content. You could give this person an outline for your Pre Launch Content flow and they can upload the draft sequence to your CRM or Autoresponder service.
  • Plan and implement a pay per click advertising strategy to build and grow your Launch List.
  • Plan your social media marketing strategy for generating Launch traffic. You might have someone plan one aspect (such as Facebook marketing), or help you plan and integrate all major social media platforms into your overall marketing plan.
  • Find and recruit affiliates if you are at the stave of doing a JV Launch. This person could also manage your affiliate program on an ongoing basis, such as by running contests, sending out motivational emails to affiliates, sending payments (if you’re using a self hosting affiliate program), and other management tasks.
  • Create content for your blog. This includes ongoing how to articles, tips articles, product reviews and other content to generate traffic to grow your Launch List.
  • Write content for guest blogging. You can also hire someone to locate these sorts of lucrative guest blogging opportunities, and contact the blog owners on your behalf.
  • Create the sales letter or sales video for your Launch. Your copywriter can also create other sales materials to support the sales letter, such as your video sales letter script, solo emails and pay per click ads.
  • Write a report to use as a Lead Magnet. This could be a freebie to get people into your sales funnel, a paid product, or a bonus product to go along with your main Launch Offer.
  • Design an infographic. You can hire someone to put together the design only, or you can hire someone to do all the research as well.
  • Develop an app. This could be a lead magnet or a paid product. It might even be a web-based app you offer to members of your membership site.
  • Improve conversions. This person could test, track and tweak your sales letters, ads and overall marketing campaigns to fine tune your Launch offer.
  • Scout out lucrative advertising opportunities. This person can find ad venues and report back to you about the cost, the site’s demographics, as well as their impressions of the overall quality of the site. 
  • Arrange interviews and other publicity opportunities for you. For example, if applicable your person can land interview spots with local media, as well as national outlets such as talk radio. This person can also create and submit regular press releases.
  • Convert your text products into other formats. For example, this person could convert a book into an audio, video or even a Kindle book.
  • Optimize your website for the search engines (SEO). Your SEO specialist can optimize your site’s structure and content, as well as do a link-building campaign.
  • Plan a viral marketing campaign. Your consultant can help you design content and campaigns that are likely to go viral. Some freelancers even have connections or networks to help kick start the initial viral effect.
  • Do market research. This will help you identify additional profitable niches and give you ideas for future products.

Think of it this way: outsourcing in this way allows you to reach a place where you make money that you would otherwise miss out on.  Why not spend $25, $100, or $500 in order to make five, ten or a hundred times more while saving yourself a LOT of precious time and energy?

And if you would like to see how Jeff Walker, the inventor of the online Product Launch, uses Product Launch Formula process to launch his own premium product you you should click here to register for the Product Launch Masterclass, and watch how he does it…

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott
Product Launch Strategy

P.S. Jeff has mentioned that for many of his students, the insights they get from Lesson #1 are the most valuable of the entire Masterclass. Maybe for you, too…

The reason is because the moment you realise it’s possible to “sell without selling”, you will look at selling and marketing in a completely different way forever. Register for the Masterclass here.

Disclaimer: If you purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you won’t pay any more. If you would like my personal help to earn the full price of PLF back within 30 days, and my help to create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.