How A Product Launch Can Set You Up For Life

It doesn’t matter what you sell or where you live, a Product Launch can help you to grow your sales, profits and impact in a way that can set you up for life.

Here’s an example of how the process might look:

Step 1 – Learn Launch Strategies – Go through the Product Launch Formula Masterclass to learn the basics of using pre-launch content (The Sideways Salesletter), the mental triggers that influence people to lean in to your message and be more receptive to what you offer them, and much more.

Regardless of what you sell, use what you learned to improve your offers and turn them into a ‘hell-yes no-brainer’ offers that people can’t refuse.

Some examples of how to create better offers could include:

  • Offer a way for customers to pay using instalments or some form of vendor financing
  • Offer a performance guarantee to remove the risk from customers and place it on you
  • Create Video Tutorials to give customers ideas for getting the most out of your products or services
  • Give them Checklists, Guides and Planning Tools
  • Create Cheat Sheets so they can get answers to common questions answered quickly
  • Create a private members area or Facebook group (great for add on sales)
  • Invite customers to attend Live ‘Ask me anything’ calls
  • Offer Certification in using your products or services for high level users
  • Host your content on a Gamification Platform such as Xperiencify to make working with you addictive

Once you have maximised your sales and profits using these ideas, you could then go on to…

Step 2 – Create an Information Product – Use your knowledge and experience with your business to develop information products that help other business owners to replicate what you have been able to do. You will be able to sell or license these products for a one-time fee or an annual license fee using a…

Step 3 – The Seed Launch – Run a Seed Launch to have your audience co-create your information product so it includes everything they need to know and nothing they don’t want. Include some or all of the elements mentioned above to enhance your offer and make it as irresistible as you possible can. You can learn more about the Seed Launch here.

Step 4 – The Internal Launch – As soon as your information product is ready to go, run an Internal Launch to offer it to your entire audience. Again you’ll be using the Sideways Sales Letter and the other strategies you’ll learn in Jeff’s Product Launch Masterclass. And you can learn more about Internal Launches here.

Step 5 – The JV Launch – Find some Joint Venture partners and use the Product Launch Content (PLC) you created to run your Internal Launch to run a JV Launch. You’ll get a huge lift in profits while you are quickly building your email list as your JV partners mail your PLC to their subscribers and they all join your list.

Step 6 – Rinse and Repeat. You can work through this process every year or even more often and your launches can get bigger and more profitable each time as your skill and audience grows.

Just a few rotations of this Product Launch ‘Flywheel’ will have your business humming on all cylinders, and has the potential to set you and your family up for life.

The Product Launch Masterclass

To help you fast-track this process, Jeff Walker is about to put on his wildly popular once-per-year FREE Product Launch Masterclass

It’s a game changer for your business (whether you’ve started it yet or not), and the best part: it’s completely free.

Since 2005, more than a million people have gone through his launch workshops – and the success stories are legendary.

This is a LIVE Masterclass (and he’s even answering questions live) – so it’s going to be like taking an already roaring fire… and adding jet fuel.

There’s never been a better time to grow your online business. If you’ve been looking for a way, you won’t want to miss this one:

You can register for the Product Launch Masterclass here.

There’s just one catch. The entire training is going to be delivered LIVE… There will be recordings available, but only for a limited time. So you need to sign up and get registered now:

Register for the Product Launch Masterclass here.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website.