Jeff Walker Answers Three Questions About Using Product Launch Formula

QUICK NOTE: Registration for Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula Coaching Program closes down at midnight on Friday, 9/28. The class is starting next week, so he has to close registration on Friday to make sure they have everyone on-boarded properly.

For more information on the Coaching Program click here.

So there’s been a lot of questions coming in about launches during this week’s Product Launch Masterclass

The 3 main ones are:

#1. Do I need a list to use Product Launch Formula?

The bottom line is whether you’re doing launches or not, if your goal is to build a sustainable business, you need to build and continue to grow an email list as your #1 priority. This database of prospects and customers gives you long-term security (because you can create money on demand), and will be a huge leverage point in your business.

And a lot of us who have spent the last few years doing that believe the best way to actually GET a list is with product launches.

If you’re starting from zero now and you have no list at all, then you would use Jeff’s “Seed Launch” to get your list started… and then you’re off to the races.

If you already a small email list, then an “Internal Launch” is the way to go. An Internal Launch will make you immediate sales, and it will also help to build your list through word-of-mouth viral traffic.

And finally, when you’re ready, there’s the “JV Launch” – which will grow your list faster than ANY other list building strategy ever devised.

(One more thing: Jeff is such a huge believer in list building that he’s included an entire List Building course as a free bonus for anyone who registers for Product Launch Formula. It’s called “Launching Your List” and it’s all about building a list of people who want to buy what you’re offering.)

CLICK HERE for details about PLF

#2. Do I need my own product or service?

There are literally thousands of ways to make money online… but they all generally boil down to two primary strategies. You’re either selling someone else’s stuff, or you’re selling your own stuff.

(And by “your own stuff” – I mean it could be an online course or training program, a membership site, physical products, a personal service, coaching, artwork, a book, antiques, homes or properties, etc.)

Honestly, I think the best online businesses tend to mix a number of those revenue models to diversity their income. Selling other people’s stuff can be lucrative and easy, and it can help to smooth out your cash flow.

But in the long run… you really need your own products – at least if you want to have real control and lots of leverage over your business.

So the way that many people start out is by first selling other people’s products as an affiliate, and then developing their own products – and that’s really a GREAT way to go.

And on that note, one of the best ways to sell affiliate products is with the “Shadow Launch” that Jeff teaches in PLF. This is where you put together a simple and easy email sequence (similar to a product launch sequence or PLS) for a product that you’re selling as an affiliate.

It’s staggering how effective the “Shadow Launch” is… it immediately sets you apart from all the other affiliates selling that product, regardless of what market you are in.

That’s a great way to get started… but remember, in the long run you should be thinking about creating your own products. That’s where you get total control over your business and your destiny.

(Jeff feels so strongly about having your own products that he’s created an entire Product Creation course – and you get it as another bonus when you register for Product Launch Formula.)

CLICK HERE for details about PLF

3. What if I’m “not technical”?

Good news – I’m not technical either!

These days lots of people get intimidated by the technical stuff of an online business… but here’s the thing – you don’t need a big fancy website. You can get started with a single web page – and there are some amazing tools that allow you to create that single page in a matter of minutes.

Personally I use LeadPages, but there’s any number of powerful, inexpensive tools you can use to get a website up in just a few hours (or you can outsource it for a few dollars).

Don’t get me wrong – you’ll have to learn some stuff to get your business going. But it’s all 100% “figure-out-able”… and because of the great tools that are now available, it’s so much simpler than it’s ever been.

AND since Jeff is dedicated to taking any obstacle out of your way, he’ll have a BRAND NEW bonus inside the PLF Coaching program – it’s called “Your Tech Stack Quick Start”.

The whole idea of a “tech stack” is simple… it’s the software tools that you use in your online business. And this bonus is his team showing you how to pick the tech for your business, and get it set up. So if you’re just starting out and you’re intimidated by the “technology question”… they’ve got you taken care of.

CLICK HERE for details about PLF

One last thing… registration for the Product Launch Formula Coaching Program is open right now. The last time Jeff opened it up like this was a full year ago. And registration is about to close down – the deadline is this FRIDAY…

But please don’t wait until Friday… you don’t want you to forget about the deadline and then have to wait a year to join us in the program. Here’s the link:

CLICK HERE for details about PLF

See you inside,


Rocky Tapscott

P.S. Jeff mentioned today that he was looking through the comments from the Product Launch Masterclass replays, and in the Facebook Group… and it got him thinking about something he wanted to add to the Product Launch Formula Coaching Program…

He noticed a lot of people are full of enthusiasm and drive and energy… but they’re just getting started in this online business world.

And even though it’s been 20 years since he started out, he reckons it feels like it was just yesterday. There were lots of things that held him back, and he can remember all those early hurdles.

He said he can remember the mistakes he made… and the few crucial things he did that made all the difference.

So, he’s got a pretty cool bonus for folks who are just starting out…

It’s called “Operation Quick Start” and gets right to the heart of things in six sections…

He covers the “Fast Start Mindset”… which is about getting your mental game aligned with your new business (and new life). This is probably the single most important factor when you’re starting out… and it’s something Jeff has worked on consciously for the last 20 years.

He also covers the “Fast Start Tools”… this is about the tools to get you started. And even more important is the how behind picking the right tools for your situation.

This isn’t a sexy topic, but it’s the nuts-and-bolts that you have to get right.

And then there’s the “First Steps”… and this is the step-by-step of what you should do first to get rolling. It sounds simple, but it’s oh-so-easy to get sidetracked into a thousand different directions.

But what you really want to do is put on the blinders and focus on getting the first steps done first. And that’s what this section is about.

Sound pretty cool? 🙂

So this is the deal – you’ll get the “Operation Quick Start” mini-module as a free bonus when you register for the Product Launch Formula Coaching Program.

The only “catch” is that we’re about to close down registration so we can get the class started… so you need to go check it out now:

CLICK HERE for PLF + Operation Quick Start

(There’s a timer on that page, so you can see how long you’ve got until registration closes down.)

See you on the inside 🙂

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.