Can Product Launch Formula Work In MY Market?

Jeff Walkers Product Launch Formula MasterclassJeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula Masterclass is underway and if you haven’t registered to watch the free training yet, you can still catch the first lesson and the rest of the training by registering here.

You know one of the big things that held me back from starting a business years ago was the idea of selling – the thought of asking someone if they wanted to buy from me totally creeped me out.

Because I’m naturally introverted, and I had been ‘sold’ to by all sorts of slimy people, from pretty girls flogging Timeshares, to overweight bald guys selling used cars, whenever I thought of selling I would feel like one of those slimy salespeople and it would just put me off.

Now, it’s a little different.

Don’t get me wrong, sleazy salespeople still creep me out. But I’ve learned there’s a way of asking for the sale where your customers actually thank you as they place their order.

It’s all about delivering value FIRST.

By offering value before asking for the sale, you separate yourself from the majority of the competition and eliminate all the sliminess from selling.

Or, as Jeff Walker says: “you are showing up and serving your audience”.

Jeff’s the one who taught me it was possible to create a business around my love of technical analysis and trading markets.

And, best of all… over the years I’ve been able to attract an audience of customers who actually wanted to hear from me.

As I mentioned earlier, Jeff’s hosting a free Product Launch Masterclass right now. And if you’re even slightly interested in starting your own business, you should check it out.

It’s three, super-condensed training sessions that walk you through Jeff’s formula for creating an online business.

In the first session, you’ll discover how to get folks interested in what your offering… just by turning a standard piece of content on its side.

(There’s also a bunch of awesome bonuses waiting for you when you register too.)

This free Product Launch Formula Masterclass is only available for the next few days though… so you need to register here now.

Rocky Tapscott
Product Launch Strategy

P.S. Jeff has mentioned that for many of his students, the insights they get from Lesson #1 are the most valuable of the entire Masterclass. Maybe for you, too…

The reason is because the moment you realise it’s possible to “sell without selling”, you will look at selling and marketing in a completely different way forever. Register for the Masterclass here.

Please Note: I’m privileged to be one of Jeff Walker’s affiliate partners. That means if you end up joining me in his Product Launch Formula program, I might receive a referral commission at no extra cost for you.