My Business Is Different. Will Product Launch Formula Work For Me?

A lot of people naturally have questions about Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula and whether it really works. After all, it’s a big investment of time and money, and we want to make sure we aren’t wasting either.

And the fact is… yes it works extremely well.

But rather than blab on about all the ways PLF could help you launch and grow your own business, how about I share a few success stories?

When you get to the Case Studies page, you can sort them by choosing the Category you’re interested in by clicking on the link at the top right hand side of the page (see screen shot below).

Product Launch Formula Case Studies

OK, here’s just a few examples of how people are using PLF in real life (most of these have turned out to be life-changing):

Drawing Far More Than Stick Figures… and Making Six Figures!

Sandra Angelo made a name for herself teaching aspiring artists to quickly go from “no talent” to “amazing”. Then a fire obliterated her San Diego home… along with all her art and instruction materials. Product Launch Formula helped Sandra not just rebuild her business, but to make it virtually indestructible.

From In-Person Services to Online Success in 2020

Covid meant that brain imaging expert Ettie Ben-Shabat could no longer work with her clients in person. She turned to PLF in order to bring her expertise online… and her first launch generated over $25,000. Now Ettie’s revolutionizing her field while helping therapists provide better rehabilitation services all over the world.

From Tenure Track to Launch Life… Teaching Personal Training for Dogs!

Erica Boling was a tenured professor at a prestigious university… she expected to stay in her position until retirement, and she definitely never saw herself as a businessperson. But it turned out that her tenured position ended up hindering her side business of helping dogs stay healthy, and PLF showed her another path. Erica’s first PLF launch, a certification program, brought in $30K. She thought it was a fluke… except her subsequent launches kept doing better and better. Now she’s quit her position and moved to her dream home.

Beating Burnout — and Making A Real Difference

Roel Crabbe was working 40 weekends a year teaching shamanism in Belgium. He loved his work, but he was exhausted. When lockdowns cancelled hundreds of his events and kept everyone at home, he started receiving messages from people who needed his help more than ever. Initially hesitant to do a livestream, PLF gave Roel a “pathway to really listen to the community” while saving his business… and his sanity.

Seen enough? Check out the PLF Case Studies page here.

A Year’s Worth of Income from a Single Launch

Gina Dunham fell in love with pattern making as a student at the Fashion Institute of Technology, but she always felt like an entrepreneur at heart. Enter PLF. Leveraging her large following on social media, Gina launched in March 2020 and brought in $23,800 — more than she was making in a typical year.

From Scrappy Seed Launches to a Full-Blown Business

Dorothy Holtermann went through some tough times, losing her livelihood and home while her health fell apart. In her 50s, she turned everything around and wrote a book which got some attention, but not enough to pay the bills. Dorothy discovered PLF and decided to use it to promote her “Birth a Book” program. She did her launches using just her phone and social media, and wound up creating an amazing, multi-faceted business.

At Age 32, She Finally Took a Summer Break

Painter Emily Jeffords knew how to make money with her art, but selling digital courses was another story. Learning to launch gave her the freedom to travel with her family while showing other artists how to make a living. Her audience kept asking for more, leading Emily to launch a membership that gives her the kind of income security many artists only dream of.

Needlepointing Her Way to $300K

When her husband suffered a medical crisis, Ellen Johnson closed her brick and mortar needlepoint and knitting store. After he recovered, she was ready to get back in business and used PLF to find out what her audience really needed (and wanted to buy!). Ellen’s online business has seen tremendous growth with each launch, putting her on track to earning over $300,000 this year.

Four Months of Earnings in a Week… in the Video-Gaming Niche

Living in the poorest area of Ventura, California, Ryan Kingslien dreamed of being an artist. He developed his skills in the gaming arts industry and took a corporate job, but knew his path to security meant blazing his own trail. So he set out to teach other game artists… and discovered Product Launch Formula. Ryan’s first launch brought him four months of earnings in one week. Today, he’s on the cusp of a seven-figure business.

Seed Launching Her Way to a Blossoming Business In Two Languages

Ida Andersen Lang’s life in Denmark always centered around the arts and working on her own. She’d had a little success selling drawing and painting courses to her small Danish audience… until she discovered PLF. A recent Seed Launch boosted her sales big-time and helped her establish a new English-speaking audience for her programs. Ida’s recipe for success? Provide a lot of value… and follow the Formula.

From COVID Shutdowns to 5-Figure Seed Launches… In the Stargazing Niche

Because of COVID, Gary Lintern could no longer conduct in-person, nighttime stargazing tours in his native Northern England. With his business under lockdown, he pivoted to Product Launch Formula. Gary quickly turned stargazing into a series of Seed Launches that rejuvenated his finances, allowed him to be home with his family, and made it possible to live life on HIS terms.

Check out Gary’s Case Study along with the other people’s here.

They Fired Their Launch Expert — and Business Skyrocketed

Eleanor Mann and Emma Johnson are breathworkers who help people improve their parenting skills. They hired someone to run their campaigns, but didn’t make enough to stay afloat. With only a month’s worth of expenses left in the bank, they decided to try PLF… and raked in $277,000 in 10 months. It’s a far cry from the days when Eleanor made $50,000 in a year and Emma was a stay-at-home mom. They’re able to serve a much larger global audience now, too.

$1.2 Million in Sales in Under 18 Months After Starting with a List of Zero

Mitch de Mestre ran two successful fitness centers in Australia for folks 55 and older… until COVID shut it all down. He turned to PLF and created an online fitness program with the goal of saving his business and keeping his team employed — and it worked beautifully. His first launch generated six figures and grew his list from zero to 20,000. Less than 18 months later, he’s generated more than $1.2 million in revenue.

Teaching People to Mix Music… to the Tune of Triple the Sales

Bobby Owsinski was a touring musician and studio producer who started writing books about his craft, but he felt like something was missing. Finding PLF rocked his world. His courses started generating 3X more revenue, then 5X, and business has only grown from there. In a “crowded” market with so much free information, Bobby’s found a way to strike a chord with his audience… and he feels confident asking for the sale.

Therapists Helping Therapists… and Improving Countless Lives

Kelly Higdon and Miranda Palmer are both therapists who are passionate about their work — and about helping other therapists. They started launching in 2010… but it wasn’t until they used PLF in 2019 that they had their first six-figure launch. Two years later, they’ve got a seven-figure business with a virtual support team. They still find helping other therapists the most rewarding part of their work… though being able to spend lots of time with their kids is pretty great too!

From Food Stamps and an Eviction Notice to $158K in Launches

Belah Rose had a popular global podcast that was all about couples sex and intimacy, but it didn’t generate income. And her intimacy coaching service couldn’t cover her bills. In January 2020, she did her first PLF launch and earned $9K. Subsequent launches have raised her online revenue to $158K… and brought intimacy back to hundreds of marriages.

From Dreaming of Freedom to Sailing the Pacific… in Just 4 Years

Chris SD dreamed of a lifestyle of freedom as he struggled to start an online music studio and pay medical bills. He diligently followed PLF and launched a program teaching musicians how to license their music for film and TV. Chris’s $1,300 Seed Launch in 2016 led to a seven-figure business by 2020… more than enough to buy the new sailboat that gives him the freedom he craved.

He Doubled His Income… Working Only 10 Hours a Week

Zach Tolan was a private music tutor. He loved it… but to earn $5,000 a month, he drove over 4,000 miles, had nearly 250 appointments, and worked 70 hours a week. Forced online by COVID, Zach used PLF to launch virtual group piano lessons. The result? More than double his old income… while working only 10 hours a week from home.

Layering PLF On Top of a Successful “In-Person” Business

Simon Zutshi ran what was already a successful real estate investment education business built around live events. In 2006, his team used PLF to launch a $5,000 mastermind program and 50 people signed up in the first hour. Today, Simon uses PLF to market a series of online real estate investing programs that boost his revenue by more than a million dollars a year.

And that’s just the start… there are over 80 stories on the Launch Masterclass concierge page to help inspire you and show you what’s possible. 

You can see all these PLF Owners’ stories here.

Check them out and see how people just like you are creating wealth and success using the Product Launch Formula to start and grow their businesses.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.