12 Product Launch Formula Case Studies For Inspiration

One of the most inspirational things about Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula launch every year is the part where he shares a bunch of Case Studies from current PLF owners showing us what’s possible.

Note: And by the way, if you are looking for a Product Launch Formula Bonus that includes personal 1:1 coaching to actually help you to succeed with PLF, you can learn more here.

Does this sound like you or someone you know?

You have this thing you love doing, and you could talk about it all day long.

People often say you should write a book or teach a course, but you don’t know where to start.

Well, you could start teaching online by creating an information product and launching it using Product Launch Formula before Christmas.

You might be surprised by the kinds of things you can teach online… just take a look at some of these success stories:

Drawing Far More Than Stick Figures… and Making Six Figures!
Sandra Angelo made a name for herself teaching aspiring artists to quickly go from “no talent” to “amazing”. Then a fire obliterated her San Diego home… along with all her art and instruction materials. Product Launch Formula® helped Sandra not just rebuild her business, but to make it virtually indestructible.

From Scrappy Seed Launches to a Full-Blown Business
Dorothy Holtermann went through some tough times, losing her livelihood and home while her health fell apart. In her 50s, she turned everything around and wrote a book which got some attention, but not enough to pay the bills. Dorothy discovered PLF and decided to use it to promote her “Birth a Book” program. She did her launches using just her phone and social media, and wound up creating an amazing, multi-faceted business.

He Doubled His Income… Working Only 10 Hours a Week
Zach Tolan was a private music tutor. He loved it… but to earn $5,000 a month, he drove over 4,000 miles, had nearly 250 appointments, and worked 70 hours a week. Forced online by COVID, Zach used PLF to launch virtual group piano lessons. The result? More than double his old income… while working only 10 hours a week from home.

From 1 Sale in 4 Months to 20+ Launches Per Year
Eva Smith has taught yoga teachers since 2008, and her first (pre-PLF) launch netted a single sale in 4 months. Then she discovered PLF and grew her business from nothing to $100K in the first year… and now has grown her business to a consistent $1MM in revenue. She now does 20-30 launches a year and says, “Every time we launch, we grow!”

She Had to Change Her Plans and Create a New Business Model on the Fly…
Janna Morishima had just started her brand new business as a literary agent in January of 2020. In March, she was seriously considering getting a new job when she suddenly remembered learning about Jeff and PLF. She went all in and grew a small list of 150 people… and when she made her first offer, she had 27 sign up, netting almost $24K for her very first launch!

$36K from Teaching People How to Start a Shed-Building Business
John Fealy already had a successful business building sheds for people. He realized his system might be super valuable for other would-be shed builders… so he decided to launch. In March of 2020, he made his first offer to his tiny list and got 22 people to sign up. Now he’s got TWO successful businesses… and his students are starting their own, too!

5X More per Launch than Before – in the B2B Market
Laura Brandenburg helps people start careers as business analysts. She was doing $20,000 launches on her own before she joined PLF… but just a few months after starting the program, she had a $96,000 launch.These days, six-figure launches are the norm. One big surprise? How much her B2B, numbers-oriented clients respond to the emotional triggers PLF teaches.

“Sale after sale kept coming in…”
Shaman and personal development expert Linda Fitch loves helping people become their best selves, but felt limited as an in-person practitioner. After discovering PLF, she’s been able to offer more content… spend more time teaching and serving her tribe… and her list has grown 250%.

On Track for Seven Figures – Teaching Artists About Business
Artist Matt Tommey helps other artists make more money. He was ecstatic when he made $11,000 in his first year selling courses… but that was before he knew about PLF. Since 2016, Matt’s business has grown more than 75X, and he now has plenty of time to pursue his own artistic passions.

No Expenses and 3X the Profit – Working from Home
As a personal development coach and speaker, Robb Zbierski used to travel 3 months a year. When he was sidelined by Covid lockdowns, he knew it was time to transition to virtual events. Using PLF to launch his first one, he made $39,000… far more than the $12,000 he used to net in person. The best part? Being home with his family!

Layering PLF On Top of a Successful “In-Person” Business
Simon Zutshi ran what was already a successful real estate investment education business built around live events. In 2006, his team used PLF to launch a $5,000 mastermind program and 50 people signed up in the first hour. Today, Simon uses PLF to market a series of online real estate investing programs that boost his revenue by more than a million dollars a year.

Exponential Gains with Every Launch (and 8900% More Opt-ins)
An urban farmer, Stacey Murphy was passionate about bringing healthy foods to the world. To expand her reach, she created an online course but couldn’t get much traction with her audience until she found PLF. Her first PLF launch brought in 3x the revenue of her solo launch. She doubled that with her second PLF launch, and her opt-ins have increased by an incredible 8,900%.

And that’s just the start… there are dozens and dozens of stories on this page to help inspire you and show you what’s possible.

I’m sure you’ll find somebody you can model for yourself.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.