Product Launch Formula #4 – How To Transition To Your Open Cart

Jeff Walker is gearing up for the 4th and final instalment of his free Product Launch Formula Masterclass, and this lesson is going to be one of the most important.

That’s because if you are like a lot of people who don’t see themselves as natural ‘sales people’, it’s easy to get freaked out or feel a little weird when you’re trying to sell your products or services. This is especially so when you are doing a launch because you are going from giving value in your pre-launch content, to asking for a sale when you are in the ‘open cart’ period.

That’s a perfectly natural feeling, and because lot of people feel this way, it can really hamper your sales, profits, and your business growth. The thing is, at the end of the day, you have to make sales if you want to have a successful business.

Here’s How Product Launch Formula Solves The Problem…

That’s why for the past week or so, Jeff Walker has been holding his brand new LIVE Product Launch Masterclass training, and if you’d like to learn an effective way to sell, that focuses on providing tons of value to your customers and clients, then you should check it out here.

During the Masterclass, Jeff has given away almost 10 hours of incredible live training that can help you take your ideas and use them to launch a business…

…and also how to use launches to grow your existing business fast.

He’s going to be going LIVE with the fourth and final lesson in his Launch Masterclass on Monday.

And this lesson is all about how to transition from delivering value in your pre-launch marketing content, to asking for the sale in a dignified, no-hype, low-pressure way that makes people want to buy from you.

Jeff has NEVER taught this topic in public before with this level of depth. It’s going to be very valuable.

Here’s where to sign up:

CLICK HERE for Lesson 4 of the Product Launch Formula Masterclass

Chat soon,

Rocky Tapscott

P.S. Make sure you sign up today. Jeff will show you an easy, totally “non salesy” way to make this transition… and to have tons of people excited to buy from you.

If you’ve ever felt weird or “icky” when it comes to trying to sell your products or services… and if you wanna learn a totally cool way to sell – that people actually look forward to – then make sure you sign up for the fourth lesson of the Launch Masterclass here.

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.