Product Launch Formula Bonus With Free 1:1 Coaching

If you are looking for Product Launch Formula Bonus then I’d like to offer you something special that will truly help you to succeed.

I’ve been a Product Launch Formula owner and user since 2008, and I know the process inside out.

I recently scaled back the hours I work on one of my businesses which means between now and the end of January I have bandwidth to help 8-10 new clients run a profitable launch using what you will learn Product Launch Formula…

I’m offering this small group of people an incredible incentive: FREE unlimited personal and group coaching if you sign up for Product Launch Formula using my affiliate link (and I receive the referral fee) before the end of Jeff Walker’s Launch on Friday November 4th.

This is a transformational opportunity to launch and scale your business exponentially (way faster with much less friction).

Here’s What’ Included In Your Product Launch Formula Bonus

The first step will be for you and I to get together on a private Zoom call (with a member of your staff or a freelancer if you’d like) to work out the fastest way for you to go from zero to cash in the bank.

I have some ideas that could help to pay for your entire investment in Product Launch Formula before you even start going through the training.

Then over the next few weeks we will build your entire Product Launch system: Design your product and a crushing offer, create a killer lead magnet and a high converting sales funnel, write your email follow up sequences and broadcasts, and much more!

You’ll have access to a private Facebook group where you can interact with a small group of other new PLF owners, post your Product Launch Content for review, and have your questions answered by me and the other members.

Why Am I Offering Coaching As A Product Launch Formula Bonus?

If you’ve looked around, you will have seen most Product Launch Formula bonus offers just consist of a ‘Crap Stack’ of extra courses and training because they don’t really care if you succeed or fail. They’ll just take the referral fee for making the sale and then be off to flog the next shiny object.

I’ve been where you are and know how stressful it is to start a new project on your own. That’s I’m going to give you my time and support to help you squeeze the most out of Product Launch Formula. I want to HELP you succeed.

Reserve Your Product Launch Formula Bonus here and get unlimited 1:1 and group coaching and support!

Let me know if you have any questions by email at and if you like, we can hop on a private no-pitch Zoom call together so I answer them for you.

Thankyou for considering this special Product Launch Formula Bonus offer. I’d love to help you crush it with your own product launch.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

Disclaimer: As a PLF owner since 2008 and one of Jeff’s affiliate partners, I may receive a commission from Jeff if you invest in his program – but it won’t cost you anything extra.