Product Launch Formula Is Closing In 24 Hours

With just 24 hours before enrolment for Product Launch Formula closes for this year, I wanted to ask an important question…

What if in one year, your life looks exactly the way it does right now?

Would that be okay with you, or would you wish things were different?

For 18 years, Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula Coaching Program has helped thousands of people all over the world stand up and say, “No more.”

Here’s a small sample showing some of the people who have used PLF to change their lives (click on the image below to see a full size picture in a new window):

Product Launch Formula Case Studies

Like many of these Product Launch Formula owners, there’d be no more staying stuck in a job you hate.

No more hoping for a raise.

No more having your schedule controlled by someone else.

No more telling your family, “sorry… we can’t afford that.”

No more watching someone else make it big and thinking, “I wish I could do that.”

No more having yet another year go by feeling that you’re meant for so much more.

If these past few years have taught us anything, it’s that life can drastically change at any given moment.

“Security” isn’t something you find. It’s something you create.

Maybe that’s why you signed up for the Launch Masterclass? You saw an opportunity to improve your life and the lives of those you love… and you seized it!

Whatever the reason, you’ve taken the first step forward. What’s important now is that you keep the momentum going. You need to keep moving.

Maybe you’ve already started taking action on what you’ve discovered in the Masterclass. Or maybe you’d appreciate some extra hands-on support to achieve your goals.

Either way, this is your chance to take things to the next level. In 24 hours, Jeff is closing registration for Product Launch Formula – including access to™.

Join PLF now and he and his team will guide you down a proven, well-trodden path for turning your knowledge into a money-making machine. One that YOU have total control over. One that keeps churning even while you sleep!

Are you in?

Then join us here before enrolment closes in 24 hours.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott
Product Launch Strategy

P.S. Still on the fence about PLF? I get it.

What I can tell you is we’ve had many PLF Owners click the “Join Now” button at the last possible moment… seconds before we close the doors. They all had two things in common: 1) they couldn’t bear the idea of waiting another year, and 2) once they experienced PLF… they had zero regrets.

And with a full 14-day guarantee, you’ll have zero regrets too…

Register for PLF and get free access to

Please Note: I’m privileged to be one of Jeff Walker’s affiliate partners. That means if you end up joining me in his Product Launch Formula program, I might receive a referral commission at no extra cost for you.