Tag Archives: doing an internal launch

Here’s The REAL Power Behind A Product Launch Formula Style ‘JV Launch’

There are a LOT of benefits in following the Product Launch Formula to run a big JV Launch.

First up, as long as you’ve tested your pre-launch content, your offer and the rest of your sales process (usually best done using a Seed Launch or an Internal Launch), you can make a hell of a LOT of money because you are leveraging the lists of a lot of other people who are all sending you their prospects and customers.

Then there are the great relationships you’ll build with other people in your market who supported you during the launch. Any way you look at it, helping people to make more money and grow their influence is always going to have a positive effect on your business too.

But there’s a third big benefit that most people don’t realise is the most powerful one of all.

It’s the big list you get to build during your JV Launch that creates much more value than the actual sales you make at the time.

Here’s why:

Let’s say your business is in the golf market, and your Launch is for a coaching program that helps amateur golfers take strokes off their game while improving their mental toughness.

If you play your cards right, you’ll have a bunch of JV partners driving traffic to your website, and all of those people will be added to YOUR email list.

When your launch is over, YOU get use that new, bigger list as a distribution channel to sell all kinds of other products and services and you get to keep ALL OF THE PROFIT on those sales.

That’s because once somebody has shown their interest by making a golf related purchase, they are far more likely to buy other products and services in that category than somebody who has never purchased a golf product.

And you use joint ventures with other vendors to get access to all of these other products.

Just think of the possibilities when combined with a Product Launch Formula inspired launch…

You could offer:

  • Additional training programs that add to and complement your own.
  • A set of new golf clubs and all kinds of accessories to help improve their game.
  • New golf shirts just like the pros wear on the PGA tour. 
  • New covers for your woods and maybe even their irons.
  • Private or group lessons from a club or touring professional to improve their game even more.
  • You could team up with a travel agent and offer golfing tours and holidays so they can play at the best courses around the country or the world.
  • And of course there are all kinds of other products and services you could offer as well…

And you can earn a great commission or referral fee on every one of these additional sales you make, for as long as people stay subscribed to your email list.

That’s why the list you build during a JV launch is such a valuable asset, in addition to the immediate income you generate.

Here’s proof that this list building technique works

You’ll see a screen shot of the JV leaderboard in the lead generation contest for Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula launch. The people with red arrows next to their name have ALL recently completed launches of their own…

Recent Product Launch Results

As you can see, SIX of the top 11 people on this Jeff’s JV Leaderboard have recently launched their own products, and are now using the nice big lists they created during those launches to participate in and dominate a completely different launch for somebody else’s product.

How cool is that?

Can you imagine doing this for yourself?

If you’d like to learn more about doing a launch for your product or service that sells a bunch of stuff while building a big fat list of targeted prospects you can sell to later, you can do that here.

Talk soon,


P.S. When it comes to running a profitable JV Launch, creating an irresistible offer is critical to your success, from getting affiliates and JV partners on board, to maximising sales while your cart is open.

To help you come up with something that gets everyone in your market excited, I’ve put together a Free Cheat Sheet that shows you how to create the perfect offer. To make sure you don’t miss anything as you develop your offer, click here to grab your Free copy of The Perfect Offer Cheatsheet

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. My 1-2-3 List Building Cheat Sheet will give you the steps to building a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here

2. How To Create A Signature Product Out Of Thin Air In 72 Hours Or Less
Creating your product does not need to take weeks or months. My 72 Hour Product Creation Guide shows you how to build high value products one after the other in 72 hours or less. Click Here

3. How To Outsource Your Product Creation And Make It Hands Free.
Outsourcing the creation of some or all of your products and bonuses is a great way to save your time for the more important (and more fun) things you’d rather be doing. Grab my Hands Free Outsourcing Cheat Sheet to learn more. Click Here

Also, check this out 🙂

Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Formula training.

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

The JV Launch – Leverage Your Work With The Biggest Product Launch Of All

The Joint Venture (or JV) Launch is the pinnacle of applying Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula because it allows you to leverage all of the work you’ve done on your Seed launch and your Internal launch, and multiply your results using partners who are paid for results.

The JV Launch lets you tap into the audiences of your partners to generate a huge windfall of sales, and grow your list exponentially in the process. That’s because you could be putting your launch content in front of thousands or tens of thousands potential customers.

Yes you pay an affiliate commissions to your partners, but the great thing is you only pay them AFTER they’ve made sales for you, AND you get to keep every subscriber, even those who didn’t purchase this time.

Then you can promote other products and services to your new subscribers, so you can make a fortune on the backend.

If you’d like to learn more about using the PLF process to run a super profitable JV launch, watch these videos.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

P.S. Being able to create a Perfect Product is a great start, but you also need a way to generate sales in a consistent way. Running a Product launch is a proven way to not only build your list, but generate Social Proof and make a large number of sales quickly. To learn how to launch your product successfully, check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. List Warrior will show you a proven way to use free software to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

2. How To Create The Perfect Product 
Creating a product that is perfect for your audience does not need to be difficult. How To Create The Perfect Product shows you how to build high value products your audience will love one after the other. Click Here.

3. How To Attract Buyers To Join Your Launch List So They Can Purchase Your Perfect Product.
Once you have created your Product Launch List and your Perfect Product is ready to go, you need to attract people into your world so they can buy from you. One Minute Free Traffic gives you a proven way to attract buyers with ‘Automated Traffic Machines’ so you can send those people to your optin page, your sales page, your Facebook Group or anywhere else you choose.    To learn more Click Here.

And don’t forget to check this out 🙂

How to Earn $20 in 20 Minutes With Any Topic, Niche or Hobby