How We Use Radical Intimacy To Double Product Launch Profits

Most local businesses and service providers can convert 5% of their prospects into customers or clients fairly easily with a well run Product Launch. The hard part is turning the rest of the unconverted leads we’ve paid a fortune for into buyers.

The solution is NOT to just keep pounding them with offers and hoping for the best.

The secret is to develop a deep understanding of their individual needs and then offer them the EXACT, personalised solution or outcome they are happy to pay handsomely for.

Most of the time this does not mean changing your product or service in any way. It just means we use radical intimacy to tailor your current offers to perfectly suit each prospects needs.

And it also allows us to charge much higher prices with less resistance than offering a one-size-fits-all solution…again, usually WITHOUT changing the deliverables of your product or service in any way.

How Does Radical Intimacy In Your Product Launch Work?

Here’s the process in a nutshell:

  • We reach out to your database with a very specific offer angle and invite them to raise their hands if they are interested. This is sometimes referred to as an ‘Invisible Launch’ because only those people who respond ever see the rest of the promotion. This allows us to ‘Launch’ several times a month using different ‘angles’
  • We then have an intimate 1 on 1 conversation with those who raise their hands over email or DM (no phone calls) to uncover their specific ‘Present Pain’ points. We then use what they tell us and either qualify or disqualify them as ideal prospects for our offer
  • For qualified prospects, we personalise the offer specifically for them (without changing your deliverables) to make it a ‘Hell Yes’ decision they find difficult to turn down
  • For people who aren’t ideal prospects for our offer, we may direct them to another offer, or “close the file” on them for now depending on how our conversation goes
  • We continue inviting people to raise their hands using different angles based on what we learn from our previous conversations. This is how we can often convert 30% of an entire audience over time…

So if this sounds interesting and you have a bunch of prospects who:

  • Are costing you money just sitting on your email list, including dormant, un-engaged and low engagement subscribers, or who are not opening many of your messages
  • Are ignoring you in a Facebook Group, LinkedIn Group, a Skool Community, or on any other online platform
  • Have given you their home or mailing address so we can send them offers by Direct Mail
  • Or are anywhere you can easily contact them to make an offer…

…then we should get to know each other, because over time I can probably help you turn a higher percentage of those people into buyers.

There are no up-front fees or monthly retainers, and I only get paid after you get paid.

If you’re interested or even just a little curious, feel free to DM me at or email me at

I’m looking forward to talking with you in the near future.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

P.S. While I’d love to help everybody, I can only work with a small number of new clients each month, so even if you’re just curious about whether this opportunity is for you, get in touch by DM at or email me at

Today’s 5 Most Profitable Product Launch Strategies

In this post we’re going to look at the 5 most profitable product launch strategies Jeff Walker teaches inside his Product Launch Formula program, and we’ll look at when you should use each one based on where you are in your business right now.

The 5 Primary Product Launch Types are:

  • The Seed Launch
  • The Internal Launch
  • The Joint Venture Launch
  • The Quick Launch
  • The Evergreen Launch

Depending on your goal and the products and services you sell, you could be considering one of these launch types to test the waters, or you could have several of them underway at the same time.

So let’s take a look at each of them in more detail, starting with:

The Seed Launch

The Seed Launch is great when you are just getting started with a new idea, and you want to create a product you KNOW your market wants to buy.

It’s also good option if you have no email list (or a small list), because it can help you build a list of prospects and buyers quickly. So basically it’s a way you can get your first list and your first product, and it’s also a great way to create a new product anytime.

You can learn more about the Seed Launch here.

Next up we have the bread and butter strategy of the Product Launch Ecosystem:

The Internal Product Launch

The Internal Launch is where we use the classic Sideways Sales Letter which consists of 3 pieces of Prelaunch Content spaced out over a few days or a week, leading into a sales video or sales letter where you open your shopping cart and start selling your product or service.

The Internal Launch (learn more about the Internal Product Launch here) gives you the opportunity to create and test your Prelaunch Content in a relatively save environment (because you are launching to your own prospects and customers), so you can prove your marketing in preparation for the next step, which is:

The Joint Venture (JV) Launch

Once you’ve completed your Internal launch, hardened your systems in preparation for an massive increase in website traffic, and proven your sales process converts, it’s time to bring in Joint Venture partners and affiliates to drive traffic to your Prelaunch Content and run your Joint Venture Launch.

The JV Launch is like pouring fuel on a fire because you can grow your email list super fast and generate a bunch of sales quickly. For many marketers, the list-build is the most valuable part of a JV Launch, because when you do it right you can generate thousands of new leads and paying customers who you can sell to over and over again in the future.

You can learn more about The JV Launch here.

Then we have:

The Quick Product Launch

The Quick Launch is a way to generate an influx of sales and cash quickly based around an event or a deadline. It’s quick, simple and very easy.

You just have to have an offer for a product or service, and an email list to promote to.

It’s very different to a Seed Launch or Internal Launch because it’s email only (no Prelaunch Content required), is story based, and you can make a lot of money quickly and easily, usually in just 3 to 5 days.

You can learn more about the Quick Launch here.

And finally, there’s:

The Evergreen Launch

Once you’ve proven your marketing funnel converts using an Internal Launch (or a JV Launch), you can take all of that content and set it up as a recurring sales system so when people join your email list, they go through their own personal version of your Product Launch

Having an Evergreen Launch makes your cashflow much more consistent because people are going through the process consistently based on when they join their list.

These work very well with paid traffic, so they are a great way to build your list and generate sales consistently over time.

You can learn more about the Evergreen Launch here.

So there you have the five PRIMARY types of launches taught in Product Launch Formula. Jeff has kept adding new versions of these, but these 5 are your bread and butter when using his PLF system.

Each type of launch will suit you at different times, and the one you use first will depend on where you are right now in your business.

Personally I’m considering creating my new course using a Seed Launch first, because it will give me a product I know people in the market want and are ready to buy.

If you can see the benefits of having a portfolio of launch strategies you can dig into at any time to generate more sales, then check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

So where do you think you’ll start for your first launch? Scroll down and leave a comment and I’ll reply personally.

Talk soon,

Rocky Tapscott

P.S. Being able to create a Perfect Product is a great start, but you also need a way to generate sales in a consistent way. Running a Product launch is a proven way to not only build your list, but generate Social Proof and make a large number of sales quickly. To learn how to launch your product successfully, check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

Disclaimer: If you purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you won’t pay any more. If you would like my personal help to earn the full price of PLF back within 30 days, and my help to create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

People LOVE To Buy Solutions, Just DON’T Make Them Think

Sales friction during your product launch is often THE thing that kills your results.

The fact is people WANT to pay for solutions to their problems, or for opportunities to achieve their desires…

But many times they just don’t have the mental bandwidth to think about or deal with something new, even if we can prove it will get them the results they are looking for.

The #1 reason I say “no” to products and services isn’t money, or the time or energy commitment…

I say “no” because the seller makes me think too much.

I just spent a couple of grand on a product that automates a bunch of stuff I’ve been doing manually…

I could have cobbled together something similar by myself if I had wanted to.

I said “yes” to somebody else’s solution because they didn’t make me figure everything out.

I’ve known other people for years who have stuff that would help me in all kinds of areas…

But I keep saying “No” because they make me do all the thinking.

Can you imagine how many sales are lost because we make our clients and customers do too much thinking?

Can you imagine how many more sales we’d be making if we take charge and say, “Here’s the plan, here’s what I’m going to do, you don’t need to do much at all, I’ll take this stuff off your plate.”

Making our customers think = sales friction.

When there is friction, it makes sense why they might “want to think it over”, or “ask my partner”, or haggle over the price, right?

It makes total sense why if we don’t lead, they are going to ask us for discounts, and proof, and case studies, and all of the other crap that let’s them slow down the sales process.

Instead of just saying “I’M IN” and letting us get to work.


Warm regards,

Rocky “Don’t make them think” Tapscott

P.S. If you have any questions about how to avoid making your prospects think too much, or anything else when it comes to launching (or re-launching) your product or service, feel free to click here to get in touch.

This DOUBLES Your Product Launch Sale Price

Doubling your product launch sale price is simply a matter of Pre-Selling prospects BEFORE they see your offer…

…and then offering them the EXACT SOLUTION what they told you they are happy to pay for.

It doesn’t matter what you sell.

NOBODY wants to pay for a product or service.

But EVERYBODY wants solutions to their problems or a way to have their desires met.

And solving those problems or meeting those desires is what you must focus on if you want to double your prices and make  lot more money from your launches.

EXAMPLE: NOBODY wants to pay $2k for Product Launch Formula, and then do the work required to implement what it teaches.

But EVERYBODY wants some combination of the benefits of:

  • having more money to spend on what they want
  • more free time to spend doing what they want
  • more toys or “stuff” to play with or show off
  • a nicer, safer, more luxurious home
  • more holidays to spend downtime with those they love
  • more travel to see the World
  • more respect from family, friends and peers
  • more of the feeling of being self reliant and knowing they can handle anything that gets thrown at them…

…and a thousand other things besides.

And all of these things and more are on the table for Product launch Formula owners.

Yes it’s 2 grand to get started.

And there will be a few dozen hours required to go through the training and implement your first product launch.

But once you have that down pat, you can most likely outsource everything from there or hand it over to a part of full time staff member.

And if you choose to purchase PLF through my affiliate link (and your purchase is credited to me), I’ll personally help you to get all of this nailed down (full details here).

Taking the leap and joining me and the other PLF Alumni inside Product Launch Formula will be the start of an adventure.

I hope you decide to join us.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

P.S. If you don’t know the first thing about Pre-Selling your audience and offering them exactly what they want to buy, no problem. I can help you with all of that as well as the opportunity to earn the full price of PLF back within 14 days as long as you have even a small audience or email list., Check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

Or if you have any questions, feel free to click here to get in touch.

Disclaimer: If you purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you won’t pay any more.

Is A Grand A Day Possible From A Product Launch?

A grand a day starting with a simple product launch?

Every day we aren’t selling a $1k offer costs us a grand a day.

Over a month that’s 30 grand.

Over 4 months that’s $120k

Okay so $120,000 doesn’t go as far as it used to.

But it’s still an expensive price tag for waiting…

$120k still puts braces on a kid, decent transportation in the garage, and maybe funds a week or two of a kiddo’s college.

A product launch can help us catch up on some of those missed $1k days.

And generate a bunch more $1k days in the future.

Every day we aren’t ready to launch “yet”…

…is another day we aren’t getting our ideas out there…

…and another day we aren’t making a positive impact on the world…

…and another day we know we aren’t becoming our best selves…

If you are sitting on an idea for a course.

Or you have a product or service ‘sort-of’ ready to go.

Or you are already some selling products or services but you just know you could be doing more…

Then I MAY be able to help you to make things happen.

Jeff Walker opened the doors to his Product Launch Formula Program on today’s Livestream, and if you decide to join and your purchase is credited to me, I will personally help you past all of these roadblocks.

If you’re down for it, just click here to get in touch with some details about what you would like to work on, and we can see how things go from there.

Warm regards,


Disclaimer: If you purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you won’t pay any more. If you would like my personal help to earn the full price of PLF back within 14 days, and my help to create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

Why Contrast Is Critical For Your Product Launch Offer

Before we ever make an offer during any product launch, it’s critical we have already Pre-Sold our prospects on the contrast between their current plan and your new, clearly different and desirable NEW plan.

This is one of the main goals of our pre-launch content. Our PLC needs to highlight the stark contrast between what they have been trying to get the result they want (that hasn’t worked for them), and how our New Plan can help them to get there.

If your Pre-Launch and Launch content can paint a contrast with what they are currently doing…or against your competitor’s offers….

People can make up their minds in SECONDS or minutes…

They won’t have to think so hard (for every few seconds somebody has to THINK about your offer, your chances of making a sale quickly decrease).

When they don’t have to bust their brain, and they can clearly see the contrast from what they are doing to what you are offering…

They won’t say, “I need to think about it, ” “Now’s not a good time,” or “I need to ask my dog’s best friend.”

Most likely if you use contrast more throughout your product launch copy…

…you may not even need new multi-step franken-funnels…

…or 60 minute sales calls…

or 2,000-word emails to get people to say, “Yes! I’m IN!”

Clearly showing people this contrast is like applying wallet lube to your sales process.

I’d love to hear your results if you test this in your business.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

P.S. Preselling your new Plan is one important step in creating a profitable Product Launch. Jeff Walker takes you through a whole bunch more in his Product Launch Masterclass. I’f you’d like to check it out, you can Jump on Jeff’s Masterclass here.

Or if you have any questions, feel free to click here to get in touch.

Disclaimer: If you purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you won’t pay any more. If you would like my personal help to earn the full price of PLF back within 30 days, and my help to create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

Closes $25K Sales In Your Product Launch WITHOUT Phone Calls

When you’re using Product Launch Formula to make high ticket sales (ranging from $10K to $60K or more) most people believe the ‘Call to Action’ needs to be “Book A Discovery/Brainstorming/Strategy Session” or whatever you want to call it with somebody on the phone.

While phone sales are definitely not going away any time soon, it takes a special kind of person to spend hours every day on the phone qualifying and/or closing sales.

And many people who have life-changing products or services either don’t want to be stuck on phone calls all day, or manage a sales person or sales team to make the calls for them.

That’s where no-call closing can make a huge difference in your business.

We have perfected the process of using 1:1 email and DM or Text chat to qualify AND close sales ranging up to $60K in anything from a few minutes to an hour or so while sitting on our sofa watching reruns of our favourite Netflix shows.

And we use a very different process to the standard “Book A Call” funnel.

No call closers don’t use “talking funnels”

We use “listening funnels”…

The right offer and ONE BINARY QUESTION can do in a DM what a 60-minute sales call is designed to do.

(Okay yes sometimes it takes 2 or 3 questions.)

There’s no magic “script” involved.

We simply use what our PROSPECTS tell us about their situation and the outcome they want to qualify and close sales.

Ask them the right question AT THE RIGHT TIME…and you can “close” them in a DM.

Get the questions wrong or the timing wrong and they won’t make up their mind in an hour over Zoom, a DM, or a phone call.

Now as I said yesterday when talking about using Social Polls in our 5 and 6 figure launches, while I can’t guarantee you the same results we have seen because everything depends on your circumstances, it works so damn well…

I’m going to include some training on no call closing in the bonuses I’m giving to the first 10 people who purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link (as long as your purchase is credited to me).

As I mentioned yesterday, I will be helping those 10 people to get two distinct results:

1) To make back their entire PLF investment within the first 14 days using a few simple emails and a Google doc (Poll Tapping may be a part of achieving this), then…

2) Over the next 45 days, create their first product launch that generates a minimum of $10K without being bogged down with content creation, or spending any time or money on ads.

It’s the same way I’ve helped Product Launch Formula owners from so many different markets implement this quick start process that made their PLF investment one of the most profitable decisions they’ve ever made.

Would you like to join us?

If so, check out the full bonus here.

Or if you have any questions, feel free to click here to get in touch.

Looking forward to working with you if you jump on board,

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

Disclaimer: If you purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you won’t pay any more. If you would like my personal help to earn the full price of PLF back within 30 days, and my help to create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.


Product Launch Formula + Social Polls = 5&6 Figure Launches

When you combine the proven Product Launch Formula process of The Sideways Salesletter with Social Media Polls, it’s super easy to have 5 and 6 figure launches.

Social Media Polls drive more buying intent leads than ANYTHING I’ve ever done online in 20 years.


You MUST structure the poll right for BUYING intent.

The last poll we ran in my Mastermind group generated 100 leads (out of just 445 group members) and pulled out $60k in the first 24 hours and $186,000 in a bit over a week.

In the group we call it POLL TAPPING!

Here’s the 3-step process…

  • We post the poll.
  • Watch people qualify or disqualify themself.
  • Reach out by DM and enrol them (or have a helper enrol them) into programs ranging from $500 to $25,000

Now while I can’t guarantee you the same results because everything depends on your circumstances, it works so damn well…

I’m going to include it in the bonuses I’m giving to the first 10 people who purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link (as long as your purchase is credited to me).

As I mentioned yesterday, I will be helping those 10 people to get two distinct results:

1) To make back their entire PLF investment within the first 14 days using a few simple emails and a Google doc (Poll Tapping may be a part of achieving this), then…

2) Over the next 45 days, create their first product launch that generates a minimum of $10K without being bogged down with content creation, or spending any time or money on ads.

It’s the same way I’ve helped Product Launch Formula owners from so many different markets implement this quick start process that made their PLF investment one of the most profitable decisions they’ve ever made.

Would you like to join us?

If so, check out the full bonus here.

Or if you have any questions, feel free to click here to get in touch.

Looking forward to working with you if you jump on board,

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

Disclaimer: If you purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you won’t pay any more. If you would like my personal help to earn the full price of PLF back within 30 days, and my help to create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.