Here’s Everything That’s Included With Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula

If you’ve been wondering what’s included with the latest version of Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula, here’s what you get:

The Complete Product Launch Formula Training Program

  1. The full Product Launch Formula training program and portal that takes you through all the strategies and tactics that have driven over a BILLION dollars in launches by our students.
  2. Nine modules that walk you through creating your first launch… and then growing your launches from there.
  3. Email swipe copy, a targeted timeline, and checklists to help keep you on track, module by module.
  4. Complete launch videos and scripts from launches in various markets, with full breakdowns by me. In other words, we took some of the launches by our students and (with their permission) I went through them to analyze what they did well and what they could have improved. If you love to learn by example, this is pure gold.
  5. My Product Launch Swipe File – this is the email copy from $7 million in launches that I’ve done, plus additional copy from some of our PLF Owners’ launches. You can use this copy as a starting point, so you’re not facing a blank page when you sit down to plan your launch.
  6. Additional training on how to go beyond just launches, and build your entire business with your launches (which I call the Business Launch Formula).
  7. Our PLF Portal Community… where you can ask questions and get answers and support from my team and fellow community members.
  8. Transcripts of all the training videos (perfect if you’re like me and you like to read more than watch videos).
  9. Audio-only files of all the training videos (if you would rather listen to the trainings instead of watching the videos – great while you’re driving or taking a walk).
  10. 12 months of live Coaching Calls with my in-house team of coaches.
  11. The Facebook PLF Owners Alumni group – there’s pure gold in this group, and it’s where you can really tap into the community and interact with all our other PLF Owners (and I mean past and present… so you’re rubbing shoulders with the giants of the PLF world – people who have done six and seven-figure launches). Join us inside Product Launch Formula here

Plus you also get these bonuses:

  • BONUS: Jeff’s complete “Launching Your List” video training course – this course shows you how to grow an email list of people hungry for what you offer.
  • BONUS: the full-blown “Product Creation Code” video training course that shows you how to create an online training program that people will pay you for.
  • BONUS: a ticket to Jeff’s “LaunchCon” event – this is 3 days of the latest cutting-edge launch strategies from the real world. We’ll cover the kind of next-level stuff that’s never been taught publicly before – the super-advanced strategies and tactics that I’ve developed with my Platinum Plus members and clients. The event is November 8-10, 2019 in Phoenix, AZ, USA. I just started selling seats at their full price of $997 (and they’re selling like crazy), but you get a ticket for free.
  • BONUS: a ticket to my “PLF Live” program – this is a three-day, live, in-person workshop led personally by me. There are no words to express just how powerful it is to be in the room with nearly a thousand other PLF Owners… and I’ll personally walk you through designing your launch in these three days. The event will be in Orlando, FL, USA – we’re still finalizing the dates, but it will likely be in April 2020. When I sold tickets to the general public last year, they went for $1000 each.
  • BONUS: “Your Tech Stack Quick Start” – this is my team training you on picking out the technology for your launch, and getting it set up. If you’re just starting out and you’re intimidated by the “technology question”… we’ve got you taken care of.
  • BONUS: “Book Launch Campaigns” – if you’re an author, this one is all about how to launch your book.
  • BONUS: the “Sparta Launch” training on how to put together a low-effort, high-return, email-based Sparta Launch. This launch is all about selling very high-priced, small-group workshops or retreats. The best part is that Sparta launches are generally done purely via email. Join us inside Product Launch Formula and get access to the Sparta Launch here
  • BONUS: The “Live Launch” training – last year for the launch of PLF 2019, I did something I’d never tried before… a launch where all my PLCs were delivered LIVE. Let’s just say the results were amazing, which is why we decided we had to do it again this year. In this special bonus, I broke down how we prepared to go live, and the results we generated from this new launch model.
  • BONUS: THE OPERATION QUICK START mini-module, which is perfect if you’re just starting out – this training will show you what to do first to quickly get your business up and running fast.
  • BONUS: THE SECRETS OF LEVERAGE AND SCALE mini-module, which is all about moving from a 1-on-1 or unleveraged business… to creating true leverage and scale in your business (so you can make more money and impact without working more hours).
  • BONUS: THE LAUNCH PARTNERSHIP mini-module, which teaches you the lucrative business of helping other people with their launches… either as a consultant, a launch manager, or even as a full business partner.
  • BONUS: “Winning Your Launch Through Gamification” – how to maximize your results by turning your launch and your product delivery into a game. This is one of the hottest trends in our PLF community, and the results have been shocking. People love it when you add some competition and fun into your process, and this bonus shows you how to tap into that and get massive results with minimal effort.

Join us inside Product Launch Formula here.

See you on the inside,

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.