How To Change The World With Your Book

Recently as Jeff Walker continued his training lessons in his Product Launch Masterclass, I received an email from an author and the answer I gave him could also help you to change the world with your book.

Now I personally feel his book is something everyone should read, but for it to have the maximum Impact, its message needs to be in the hands (and minds) of as many people as possible BEFORE the US election in November. It is literally that important…

In other words, wide distribution is critical and time is short.

With this in mind, I’ve copied in the essence of the message I sent him below, while removing any identifying information about the author or the topic to protect his privacy.

Here’s what I told him:


I agree the message in your book is critical for people to hear right now and should be available to as many people as possible. The US (and the rest of the West) is certainly heading down the wrong path. It is so sad to see such a wonderful country being torn apart like it is.

And what happens in the US eventually moves around the World…

Because millions of people need to hear your message before the election or the dark side is going to win, you will need some large and influential partners to help you promote your book and get the message out to enough people to turn the tide in the election in just a few weeks away.

You could do the normal book launch with book signings and interviews to sell a few thousand books (and make a few dollars) before the election, but because time is so short the opportunity for massive change will be lost.

The other (and much more powerful) strategy I see after listening to your interview where you said your mission is greater than selling a few books would be to find those large and influential partners and let them give their audiences a free copy of a downloadable PDF version of the book in exchange for those people joining an email database.

This could have many immediate and long term benefits, including:

  • Because most people don’t realise how dire the situation is, you might be able to get your book into the hands of enough people before the election to make a profound difference in the results once people realise how high the stakes are.
  • By asking people for their email address before they can download the PDF book, you could build a list of potentially millions of people with likeminded beliefs. I would imagine a group of people like this with a strong leader such as yourself could move mountains.
  • Many of those people would be interested in hearing from you on a regular basis and possibly supporting your cause, donating to your work, and/or buying all kinds of products and services you chose to recommend in the future.
  • A large email database could also help you to create a huge social media platform from which you can influence even more people.

Personally, if I had a message as important as yours and a limited amount of time to make meaningful change, I would be using the this second option.

Having said that, I’m not the best person to help you at the moment because I am going through my own launch and working with a couple of other people helping them with their businesses as well.

I’m not sure whether it fits your budget or not but Jeff Walker has opened up his Product Launch Formula training (PLF), and part of the membership includes to an Alumni group where you can find product launch managers and other people who can be on your launch team.

Jeff discussed this and the other things included with PLF in today’s third live Masterclass call (you can watch the replay here in case you missed it).

I apologise for not being able to personally help you right now, but I hope what I have shared with you here has given you some ideas for making the most of your book launch and getting your message out to as many people as possible.

I’d love to hear how things go.

Warmest regards,

Rocky Tapscott


As you can see, when getting a book with an important message launched but time is critically short, you can go the ‘normal’ way and make a few dollars in book sales but fail to have a meaningful impact…

Or you can defer earning those few thousand dollars, make a massive impact, position yourself as an expert and authority, and build yourself a global platform from which you can instigate real change.

The choice is yours.

Which option would you choose?

Warm regards,


Product Launch Formula Quiz

P.S. Being able to create a Perfect Product is a great start, but you also need a way to generate sales in a consistent way. Running a Product launch is a proven way to not only build your list, but generate Social Proof and make a large number of sales quickly. To learn how to launch your product successfully, check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. List Warrior will show you a proven way to use free software to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

2. How To Create The Perfect Product 
Creating a product that is perfect for your audience does not need to be difficult. How To Create The Perfect Product shows you how to build high value products your audience will love one after the other. Click Here.

3. How To Attract Buyers To Join Your Launch List So They Can Purchase Your Perfect Product.
Once you have created your Product Launch List and your Perfect Product is ready to go, you need to attract people into your world so they can buy from you. One Minute Free Traffic gives you a proven way to attract buyers with ‘Automated Traffic Machines’ so you can send those people to your optin page, your sales page, your Facebook Group or anywhere else you choose.    To learn more Click Here.

And don’t forget to check this out 🙂

How to Earn $20 in 20 Minutes With Any Topic, Niche or Hobby

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.