“Will Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula Work For Me?”

Apparently throughout the Product Launch Masterclass, Jeff Walker has had quite a few questions from people asking about Product Launch Formula, and most of them are pretty much wondering whether it really works or not.

And the long and short of it is… yes it works.

But rather than talk about all the ways PLF could help you launch and grow your own business, how about I share a few success stories?

Jeff Noble:
Jeff teaches people about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), which are the leading cause of developmental disabilities. Even though he’s not a doctor or therapist, he’s used launches to turn his passion into a global mission, and now travels the world to teach people how to cope with this misunderstood health condition.

Thembi Bheka:
Thembi arrived in Canada with just $5 in her pocket, after leaving an abusive relationship in her native Zimbabwe. She knew nothing about online marketing when she discovered PLF, and launched her first course in just six months. Now she’s empowering women in Africa and teaching people about real estate investing. And she just celebrated her first six-figure launch!

Oonagh Duncan:
Oonagh runs a business called Fit Feels Good. She’d been making offers every month for more than a year to a dwindling list. She was starting to get worried about business sustainability when she came across PLF. Her most recent launch is on track to generate $94,000, and her clients are not only losing weight… they’re going out into the world and transforming their lives.

Mary Gilkerson:
Mary is a painter who decided to take her experience teaching college-level art and use it to create an online course. Before PLF, she brought in a pretty respectable $12,000… but after PLF, her launch brought in $54,000. Now Mary’s online art courses are consistently full, and she’s selling more of her own work than ever before. AND she’s using PLF to sell her paintings for up to $12,000 each!

Luis Carlos Flores:
Luis and his wife are psychotherapists who help Latin American parents become great parents. They put together their first launch in just 3 weeks, netting 130 new students in 10 days. Six-figure launches are now the norm, even though their Latin American market doesn’t usually buy online. But the best part is the daily thank you notes from happy clients…

Dylan Frost:
Dylan and his partners built a successful business selling physical products on Amazon. They developed a system for wholesaling products, and started teaching their method to other sellers. Using PLF, their first launch brought in $147,000 and each of the last four launches brought in more than $1 million. Dylan anticipates crossing the $10 million mark this year… all before his 30th birthday.

Susan Garrett:
Susan was already a successful business owner, traveling the world teaching people how to train their dogs. But her schedule was exhausting and unsustainable. When she bought PLF, she was hoping to make enough to pay it off before the credit card statement came in and her husband found out. Her first launch made $27,000… but she didn’t stop there. Susan now does million dollar launches (in her dog training niche, without JV partners).

Dr. Julie Helmrich:
Julie practiced psychology in a traditional setting. She wondered if she could take her mental health training online. Her first launch brought in $17,000 – and her second launch, three times that. An unexpected bonus? Her brick-and-mortar practice is stronger than ever.

Erik Solbakken:
Erik was not sure what he wanted to sell at first… but he knew he was ready for something different after 26 years as an accountant. He found a surprisingly hungry audience and did his first launch, bringing in $10,000 before even creating his product. In just 10 months after starting his online business, Erik made $220,000 in revenue (and is already planning his second launch).

Kara Andretta:
Kara helps cake decorators run successful home businesses. She had a blog that got lots of readers, but very little revenue. In her first launch, Kara more than doubled her list and made $91,000.

Kami McBride:
Kami started from scratch (two years ago she didn’t even have a cell phone), and she’s now done four PLF launches in the last year – and three of them have done more than $10,000 in sales…

Jason Miles:
Jason and his wife Cinnamon had a very small business selling doll clothes – then they used Product Launch Formula to multiply their results by 10x…

Bill O’Hanlon:
Bill had a very nice business – but it was unleveraged. He was traveling three or four times per month, and his lifestyle suffered from his grueling travel schedule. So he created an online course to give himself time freedom. That course made $5,000. Then he got PLF and did a $68,000 launch with the very same course… and he was just getting started.

Ross Grant:
Ross teaches actors about high performance… he had a blog, but he wasn’t making any money. In fact, he was losing money with his blog every month. Then he did a PLF launch and made $15,000 from a list of 180 people

Stacey Murphy:
An urban farmer, Stacy was passionate about bringing healthy foods to the world. To expand her reach, she created an online course but couldn’t get much traction with her audience until she found PLF. Her first PLF launch brought in 3x the revenue of her solo launch. She doubled that with her second PLF launch, and her opt-ins have increased by an incredible 8,900%.

Barry Friedman:
Barry was a very successful entertainer. Then he had a mountain biking accident that left him unable to perform… and his business (and income) were dead in the water. Then he found PLF, and it changed everything in his business…

Tanya Charlotte Targett:
Tanya had a great income, but her business was unleveraged. She had to travel constantly – her health suffered and she was away from her daughter far too much. Then PLF transformed her business…

Troy Dean:
Troy had a successful membership site, but was frustrated because his business was stuck – and he couldn’t figure out how to grow it. Then he got PLF and put it to work – and four launches later he’s built his business to the seven-figure level…

Shelley Brander:
Shelley had a successful brick-and-mortar yarn store… but it suffered every year with the seasonal swings of the market. Then she went online with PLF, and it changed everything in her business (and her life)…

Debbie Arambula:
Debbie is the “Heart Artist” – she paints hearts, and she’s very successful at it. This is how she uses Product Launch Formula to sell her paintings and prints…

Nicholas Wilton:
Nicholas is a fine artist who has led offline workshops to teach people how to paint. Then he used PLF to bring his workshop online – he started from scratch and his first launch did over $400,000 in sales. And he followed that up with another launch that made around the same.

Des and Micheal O’Neill:
Des and Micheal have a business consulting practice with accountants in Ireland. Their first launch using Product Launch Formula did 180,000 Euros and completely transformed their business… and that’s just the start of their story.

As you can see, there’s a tone of proof that Product Launch Formula works in all sorts of markets.

If you’d like to hear these PLF owners stories for yourself, you can check them out on this page.

Chat soon,

Rocky Tapscott

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.