Details Of Jeff Walkers Upcoming Product Launch Formula 2019 Launch

Jeff Walker has just released some of the details about his imminent Product Launch Formula 2019 launch, and it’s gonna be awesome.

First, prelaunch starts this coming Wednesday and each piece of prelaunch content will actually be delivered as LIVE broadcasts, with the first one starting on Thursday this week (register here).

Here’s what you’ve got to look forward to during Jeff’s Product Launch Formula 2019 launch…

PLF Live Broadcast 1 is about how and why you should use a product launch instead of relying on what Jeff calls “Hope Marketing” to get your product or service out there and selling quickly. This Workshop looks at the core PLF launch strategy Jeff estimates has powered over a BILLION dollars in sales.

He’ll be covering his famous Sideways Sales Letter technique and sharing the Mental Triggers you must include if you want to maximise sales of any product or service. He’ll also cover creating a powerful prelaunch sequence that delivers value and converts like crazy.

When you attend the live training you will have an opportunity to get your questions answered, you’ll also get access to a PDF download, and there will also be a replay available if you register but miss the live broadcast.

PLF Live Broadcast 2 is about picking the right type of launch for your current situation. Jeff will teach the three primary types of launches – the Seed Launch, the Internal Launch, and JV Launches. He’ll also cover what he calls Launch Stacking.

The Seed Launch is where you can start with no list and no product, and use the Product Launch Formula process to get paid to create that first product. The Internal Launch is the classic “Sideways Sales Letter” launch you can use to sell a bunch of products or services to your own list.

And the Joint Venture Launch (as you know) is where you use JV partners to help you promote your launch.

“Launch Stacking” is how you sequence your launches so they continually get better.

There’ll be a live broadcast for this with Q&A, plus a video replay and PDF download as well to help you internalise and implement what you learn.

In PLF Live Broadcast 3 Jeff will cover the Product Launch Blueprint… and this is the technique that always takes a launch up to a much higher level.

Jeff will basically walk you through an outline (or blueprint) of the entire Launch process. It comes with a full PDF 20 page PDF Guide that outlines the entire process, and it’s got a real focus on the next steps.

This session will do a great job of setting you up the cart open period of your own product launch. There will also be live Q&A, plus a replay and the downloadable blueprint PDF available if you miss the live event.

I’ve been a Product Launch Formula owner since 2007, and I always participate in Jeff’s launches (and upgrade to the latest version) to grab any new ideas he and his team of launch managers have come up with.

Even if you don’t plan on joining the PLF community, you owe it to yourself to get on the PLF 2019 notification list and watch as Jeff launches how own flagship product this September.

Talk soon,


P.S. Being able to create a Perfect Product is a great start, but you also need a way to generate sales in a consistent way. Running a Product launch is a proven way to not only build your list, but generate Social Proof and make a large number of sales quickly. To learn how to launch your product successfully, check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. List Warrior will show you a proven way to use free software to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

2. How To Create The Perfect Product 
Creating a product that is perfect for your audience does not need to be difficult. How To Create The Perfect Product shows you how to build high value products your audience will love one after the other. Click Here.

3. How To Attract Buyers To Join Your Launch List So They Can Purchase Your Perfect Product.
Once you have created your Product Launch List and your Perfect Product is ready to go, you need to attract people into your world so they can buy from you. One Minute Free Traffic gives you a proven way to attract buyers with ‘Automated Traffic Machines’ so you can send those people to your optin page, your sales page, your Facebook Group or anywhere else you choose.    To learn more Click Here.

And don’t forget to check this out 🙂

How to Earn $20 in 20 Minutes With Any Topic, Niche or Hobby