Tag Archives: jeff walker

Product Launch Formula Is Closing In Just 2 Hours

Quick heads up – There are only 2 hours left to join us in Jeff Walkers’ Product Launch Formula Coaching Program before registration closes TONIGHT at 10pm ET (New York time).

If you’re joining us this year it’s now or never, and you can register here.

But if you’re on the fence, tell me if this sounds like someone you know (or maybe even you)…

You have this thing you love, and you could do it and talk about it all day long. It’s kinda like your happy place… and people often say you should write a book or teach a course, but you don’t know where to start.

Well… a great place to start is by teaching online. Online learning is now the norm and you’d be amazed at what folks pay to learn.

Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula® Coaching Program shows you how to do this exact thing. And before you think “that wouldn’t work for me”, check out some of these success stories:

$36K from Teaching People How to Start a Shed-Building Business
John Fealy already had a successful business building sheds for people. He realized his system might be super valuable for other would-be shed builders… so he decided to launch. In March of 2020, he made his first offer to his tiny list and got 22 people to sign up. Now he’s got TWO successful businesses… and his students are starting their own, too!

Drawing Far More Than Stick Figures… and Making Six Figures!
Sandra Angelo made a name for herself teaching aspiring artists to quickly go from “no talent” to “amazing”. Then a fire obliterated her San Diego home… along with all her art and instruction materials. Product Launch Formula® helped Sandra not just rebuild her business, but to make it virtually indestructible.

From Scrappy Seed Launches to a Full-Blown Business
Dorothy Holtermann went through some tough times, losing her livelihood and home while her health fell apart. In her 50s, she turned everything around and wrote a book which got some attention, but not enough to pay the bills. Dorothy discovered PLF and decided to use it to promote her “Birth a Book” program. She did her launches using just her phone and social media and wound up creating an amazing, multi-faceted business.

And if you’d like lots more inspiration, take a look at a whole list of other Case Studies here.

Product Launch Formula has the longest track record of helping people from all walks of life successfully build or grow their businesses online.

Nothing else even comes even close.

So if you’d like to do something similar, and if you’re joining us this year, it’s now or never: You can register here.

Or if you have a question, please let me know by email at rttgemails@gmail.com and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

I’m looking forward to seeing you inside the Product Launch Formula community.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott
Product Launch Strategy

Please Note: I’m privileged to be one of Jeff Walker’s affiliate partners. That means if you end up joining me in his Product Launch Formula program, I might receive a referral commission at no extra cost for you.

Product Launch Formula Is Closing In 24 Hours

With just 24 hours before enrolment for Product Launch Formula closes for this year, I wanted to ask an important question…

What if in one year, your life looks exactly the way it does right now?

Would that be okay with you, or would you wish things were different?

For 18 years, Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula Coaching Program has helped thousands of people all over the world stand up and say, “No more.”

Here’s a small sample showing some of the people who have used PLF to change their lives (click on the image below to see a full size picture in a new window):

Product Launch Formula Case Studies

Like many of these Product Launch Formula owners, there’d be no more staying stuck in a job you hate.

No more hoping for a raise.

No more having your schedule controlled by someone else.

No more telling your family, “sorry… we can’t afford that.”

No more watching someone else make it big and thinking, “I wish I could do that.”

No more having yet another year go by feeling that you’re meant for so much more.

If these past few years have taught us anything, it’s that life can drastically change at any given moment.

“Security” isn’t something you find. It’s something you create.

Maybe that’s why you signed up for the Launch Masterclass? You saw an opportunity to improve your life and the lives of those you love… and you seized it!

Whatever the reason, you’ve taken the first step forward. What’s important now is that you keep the momentum going. You need to keep moving.

Maybe you’ve already started taking action on what you’ve discovered in the Masterclass. Or maybe you’d appreciate some extra hands-on support to achieve your goals.

Either way, this is your chance to take things to the next level. In 24 hours, Jeff is closing registration for Product Launch Formula – including access to Launchy.ai™.

Join PLF now and he and his team will guide you down a proven, well-trodden path for turning your knowledge into a money-making machine. One that YOU have total control over. One that keeps churning even while you sleep!

Are you in?

Then join us here before enrolment closes in 24 hours.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott
Product Launch Strategy

P.S. Still on the fence about PLF? I get it.

What I can tell you is we’ve had many PLF Owners click the “Join Now” button at the last possible moment… seconds before we close the doors. They all had two things in common: 1) they couldn’t bear the idea of waiting another year, and 2) once they experienced PLF… they had zero regrets.

And with a full 14-day guarantee, you’ll have zero regrets too…

Register for PLF and get free access to Launchy.ai

Please Note: I’m privileged to be one of Jeff Walker’s affiliate partners. That means if you end up joining me in his Product Launch Formula program, I might receive a referral commission at no extra cost for you.

Product Launch Formula + Coaching + Bonuses + Launchy.ai

Product Launch Formula BonusesHere’s why joining Jeff Walker and the rest of us inside Product Launch Formula this year is a complete no-brainer…

Forget all the extra bonuses and a years worth of live coaching calls…

Instead, remember that your Product Launch Formula comes with free access to the new Launch content creation tool Launchy.ai™ for a full year – it’s the only Artifical Intelligence software that can build your launch from the ground up.

Think ChatGPT but specifically programmed to know PLF inside and out.

Launchy will map out your entire launch – from avatar to product, to your offer, to Prelaunch Content, to Open Cart, and so much more – with just a few clicks.

Next time Jeff launches PLF, he’s not sure he can promise it’ll include access to Launchy.ai as part of the package. So this might be your one and only shot at getting it for free.

Get free access to Launchy.ai when you claim your Product Launch Formula membership.

Plus if you join using my affiliate link you’ll get my personal coaching and experience at no extra charge. If you’d like to know more about a Product Launch Formula bonus that will help you more than you can imagine, check out what I am offering here.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott
Product Launch Strategy

P.S. You’ve just over 24 hours left to claim your free access to Launchy.ai – our brand-new generative AI that can literally build your launch assets in minutes.

Launchy is exclusively for PLF Owners. And if you thought AI was a game-changer, just wait until you see what Launchy.ai can do…

Get free access to Launchy.ai when you claim your Product Launch Formula membership (ENDS TOMORROW).

Please Note: I’m privileged to be one of Jeff Walker’s affiliate partners. That means if you end up joining me in his Product Launch Formula program, I might receive a referral commission at no extra cost for you.

Did You Get To See Launchy.ai During The Product Launch Masterclass?

Product Launch Formula Order PageIf you joined Jeff Walker for yesterday’s live Product Launch Masterclass lesson, you would have seen how to use Artificial Intelligence to help you crack the two hidden launch sequences that can double your sales.

You also got to meet our new best friend…

Launchy.ai™ – the world’s first, and only, Product Launched Formula-focused AI. With Launchy’s help, launches that would’ve taken weeks of planning can be completed in just a few clicks.

If you thought ChatGPT was a game-changer, check out this demo of what Launchy.ai can do!

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott
Product Launch Strategy

P.S. Launchy.ai is just ONE of the amazing bonuses you get when you join me in Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula Coaching Program.

That’s right… we are getting FREE access to the world’s first PLF-aware AI, so you can get launched faster than ever.

To find out more about Launchy – and to see everything else you get when you join PLF – check out this quick video Jeff shot for you.

Please Note: I’m privileged to be one of Jeff Walker’s affiliate partners. That means if you end up joining me in his Product Launch Formula program, I might receive a referral commission at no extra cost for you.

The Product Launch Masterclass Lesson 3 Livestream Was Cool

Product Launch Formula Order PageThe attendee reaction to the Lesson 3 broadcast for Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Masterclass was off the charts!

1885 people joining the Livestream LIVE, and Jeff has reported they had a huge surge of sales of people jumping on board Product Launch Formula already!

And for me one of the highlights was where Jeff released the new AI powered launch builder Launchy.ai

This thing is a total game-changer. It allows you to create virtually all of your pre-launch, launch and post-launch content using AI with just a few prompts from you.

Now it is possible to do something similar with ChatGPT, but Launchy.ai has been created specifically for Product Launch Formula and is completely trained in the PLF process. That means it cuts down the amount of work it takes to create your launch by at least 80%

So now’s your chance.

The Shopping Cart is now open for you to register for the Product Launch Formula 2023 Coaching Program

There are a bunch of cool bonuses waiting for you when you register for Product Launch Formula here, including a special “How to Launch with AI” training coming up in the near future…

I’ve already upgraded from last year (PLF owners get a big discount for upgrading to the newest version) so I’ll be going through the Program again with you if you join us.

Hope to see you there.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott
Product Launch Strategy

P.S. This latest version of Product Launch Formula is the best and most comprehensive yet. It also includes the AI powered Launchy.ai to help you sail through your next launch super fast. Register for Product Launch Formula here.

Please Note: I’m privileged to be one of Jeff Walker’s affiliate partners. That means if you end up joining me in his Product Launch Formula program, I might receive a referral commission at no extra cost for you.

These Two Product Launch Sequences = Double Your Sales

Jeff Walkers Product Launch Formula MasterclassThe third (and final session) of Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula Masterclass is happening soon and for this one, he’s got something special lined up…

He’s hosting a LIVE working session!

(If you don’t know Jeff, his Product Launch Formula is the launch process that nearly every top influencer and thought leader uses. Over a million people have gone through this free training. And this year’s Launch Masterclass takes it to a whole new level.)

This session is where Jeff brings everything together. He’ll show you how to master the two most important Product Launch sequences so you get the high-level strategy… and the nitty-gritty mechanics of making this work for you.

Or, to use Jeff’s words: “This live training session will make or break your launch results. Get these sequences right and you will literally double your sales.”

Register for free here.

(NOTE: when you register at that link, you’ll also get to binge the entire Launch Masterclass and all the bonus content. It’s all available at that link, but only for a few more days.)

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott
Product Launch Strategy

P.S. A free Masterclass might sound too good to be true. You might be wondering “what’s the catch?” Well…

Jeff only does this free training once per year. So the “catch” is that you only have a few days to check it out for free. After that, it’s going to become a paid product.

Register for the Launch Masterclass now… while you still can.

Please Note: I’m privileged to be one of Jeff Walker’s affiliate partners. That means if you end up joining me in his Product Launch Formula program, I might receive a referral commission at no extra cost for you.

What’s In The Product Launch Masterclass’s 3 Core Sessions?

Jeff Walkers Product Launch Formula MasterclassJeff Walker’s 2023 Product Launch Masterclass is approaching the mid point, and it’s really starting to get interesting.

In the first lesson of his free Launch Masterclass, Jeff revealed how the Sideways Sales Letter gets customers lining up, credit card in hand, eagerly waiting for you to launch.

The Sideways Sales Letter has resulted in over a Billion dollars in sales for Jeff and his clients. It’s tested and proven to work for virtually any business.

In the just released second “on-demand” video, Jeff is showing you how to discover which type of launch is right for you.

Whether you’re starting your first business, looking to grow a business you already have, or you’re an artist, author, coach, or influencer… your next launch will fall into one of three specific categories.

And in Lesson #2 he walks you through each one, so you can find the one that’s perfect for you right now, and see your path forward as your business grows.

Product Launch Masterclass Lesson 3 Brings It All Together

In Lesson #3, which is coming up in a couple of days, he’s hosting a LIVE working session where Jeff brings everything together.

He’ll show you how to master the two most important launch sequences so you get the high-level strategy… and the nitty-gritty mechanics of making this Product Launch stuff work for you.

In Jeff’s words: “This live training session will make or break your launch results. Get these sequences right and you will literally double your sales.”

IMPORTANT – Jeff only does this training once a year… and only for a few days at a time. So check it out now, while it’s still available.

Register for the free Launch Masterclass here (Lesson #2 now available).

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott
Product Launch Strategy

P.S. Choosing your next launch is such a pivotal part of Jeff’s formula that he’ll also be hosting a LIVE Q&A session to help you make the right choice.

It’s happening Saturday, August 26th and he’ll be sending more details to registrants soon. So if you’d like some hands-on help putting these powerful ideas to work in your business…

Register for the Launch Masterclass… and discover which type of launch is right for you.

Please Note: I’m privileged to be one of Jeff Walker’s affiliate partners. That means if you end up joining me in his Product Launch Formula program, I might receive a referral commission at no extra cost for you.

Session 2 Of The Product Launch Masterclass Is Available

Jeff Walkers Product Launch Formula MasterclassBIG NEWS: Lesson #2 of Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Masterclass has DROPPED and this one is all about ‘The 3 Types of Launches’:

The Seed Launch (how to have your audience co-create your new product and get paid BEFORE you even get started)

The Internal Launch (how to launch or relaunch a product or service with almost immediate momentum and sales)

The JV Launch (how to use the Product Launch Formula process to scale your business, supercharge your sales, and grow a massive email list)

For most people, the standout in this lesson is going to be The Seed Launch. It’s perfect for those just starting off and it’s the ultimate roadmap to a market-proven offer.

The best part? You can get PAID while crafting your next hit offer.

There’s also a bunch of cool bonuses waiting for you when you register for the Product Launch Masterclass here.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott
Product Launch Strategy

P.S. Jeff has mentioned that for many of his students, the insights they get from Lesson #1 are the most valuable of the entire Masterclass. Maybe for you, too…

The reason is because the moment you realise it’s possible to “sell without selling”, you will look at selling and marketing in a completely different way forever. Register for the Masterclass here.

Please Note: I’m privileged to be one of Jeff Walker’s affiliate partners. That means if you end up joining me in his Product Launch Formula program, I might receive a referral commission at no extra cost for you.