Last Chance To Watch The Free Product Launch Formula Training Videos

Jeff’s gone and put all of his free product launch formula training videos on this page, so you might want to check them out if you missed them, or if you’d like to watch them again.

They’ll only be up for a couple of days until the launch ends at midnight on Saturday night.

Then we’re all starting with the new PLF training (I can’t wait, even though it will be the 6th time I’ve gone through the course, it gets better every time 🙂

If you have some time tonight or over the weekend, you can watch them here.

As you watch, look for the strategy behind the way the videos are created and the launch has been done, not just the content itself.

You can certainly model what Jeff has done during this launch for your own business and do quite well.

Something you don’t see though is everything that goes on under the hood.

If you’d like to learn everything there is to launching your product so you can make a massive difference to the world and to your own life, join me as a student in this new, fully updated version of Product Launch Formula here.