Tag Archives: product launch formula

Why Product Launch Formula Is The Solution For Any Business

Regardless of what products or services your business sells, the Product Launch Formula Jeff Walker shares in his PLF program can help you to generate sales immediately, for the next few months, and over the long term.

Here’s why…

By the way, If you are looking for a Product Launch Formula Bonus that includes personal 1:1 coaching to actually help you to succeed with PLF, you can learn more here.

Your immediate sales will come from using what Jeff calls a Quick Launch where you use a simple email sequence to make an irresistible offer to your current prospects and customers.

The beauty of a Quick Launch is you can use the same promotion every month basically forever without people getting sick of seeing it. Then only aspect of the campaign you change is the ‘Angle’ you are approaching it with.

For example, let’s say you sell Kitchen, bathroom and laundry cabinets (although it doesn’t matter what it is, this will work for EVERY business).

The first month your Angle might be something like, “Are you sick of looking at your laundry cabinets because they are so tired and dated? This month you can get Free door and draw handles, premium bench tops and a 20% discount on installation and have your new laundry installed in just 4 weeks from now.”

The next month you might offer, “Are you embarrassed by your broken, sagging kitchen doors and leaking bench tops when your friends come over for dinner? This month you can have a brand new kitchen with granite bench tops, premium taps and fittings, and have your new kitchen  installed before your next dinner party or family barbecue”.

By changing the Angle, you are talking with a different segment of your audience each month. The people who are not interested in having a new kitchen or laundry this month will still benefit from the other information you share in your Flagship Newsletter, and those who are interested will reach out and contact you.

So that’s how you can use a Quick Launch to generate immediate sales every month throughout the year.

Product Launch Formula Quiz

The Product Launch Formula Seed Launch

The are dozens of ways you can make sales regularly for the next few months, but one of the best is to use a Seed Launch to co-create a new product you can offer to your audience for months or years.

To set the stage, do you know why 99% of people launching products online fail?

Simple: Because they launch products and then try to sell them

Sounds silly but this is 100% true: You SHOULD NEVER create a course, coaching offer or any product and then try to sell it. This is backwards!

What successful people do is SELL IT FIRST and then create it!

And this is what Jeff Walker calls this the “Seed Launch” and it’s super powerful!

1) You identify a group of people who are actively looking to solve a current, pressing problem right now. You make sure you can reach them and that they have the resources to invest…

2) You create an “Avatar Snapshot” that breaks down what their short and long term goals, pains and frustrations are – and why the existing products (your competitors) aren’t meeting their needs…

3) You use these problems, anxieties and aspirations to create a unique and irresistible offer…

4) You sell them your product…

5) You deliver it live…

(After that you can then either sell the evergreen version forever or continue to deliver live for a premium price)

This is the fastest way to sell stuff with the lowest risk, period.

This is the beauty of a Seed Launch, and why you should NEVER launch an information product, program, SaaS or anything else without using it to have your audience help you create it.

You can learn more about Seed Launches in Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Masterclass by registering here.

The Internal and JV Product Launches

For long-term sales you can’t beat using an Internal Launch to create all of the marketing materials you need to sell the product you created using the Seed Launch, and then invite other people to join you in a JV Launch to massively increase your sales, profits, email database and impact in your market.

And it doesn’t matter if your marketing has had less than stellar results in the past, or if you’ve taken the advice of so called ‘experts’ or a marketing agency that promised you the world and then handed you an Atlas, you can launch a brand-new product profitably in one or two weeks instead of months or years.

I used an Internal Launch to generate around $20 per subscriber in net profit over a period of 2 weeks using nothing but a few Facebook posts and an email sequence to a small email list.

Even if you don’t do as well as that on your first attempt, as long as you are able to learn from the results you achieved, you will get better and better over time.

If you would like to learn more about running a successful Internal Launch, you can learn more by attending Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Masterclass here.

Once you have your pre-launch content nailed down and your conversions are solid, you can invite partners to help you expand your reach using a Joint Venture Launch.

If you would like to learn more about a JV Launch, you can learn more about those too by attending Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Masterclass here.

I hope you’ve found this post helpful.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

P.S. This short overview of the different types of Launch has probably helped you to understand some of the process involved. If you’d like to discover which type of launch gives you the biggest opportunity right now, you should take the Quiz to find out,

P.P.S. If you’d like to register for one of my regular Product Launch Coaching calls where we cover numerous ways to increase your Launch sales, just let me know by getting in touch here and I’ll get back to you with the details.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you to grow YOUR business:

1. This Puts Cash In The Bank Today For When You Don’t Have Time For A Product Launch
A Product Launch can take a lot of time and energy, and can only be used a few times a year so you don’t burn out your email list. But people’s desire to buy always exceeds our ability to make offers to them. This simple marketing campaign can be used over and over again to extract cash from your list multiple times a month. Click Here

2. You Must Have A Responsive Email List If You Want A Profitable Launch
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. List Warrior will show you a proven way to use free software to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

3. The Hottest New Lifestyle Business Idea For Overwhelmed Business Owners
Having a lifestyle business could be the holy grail for most people. As best selling author and wealth coach Robert Kiyosaki says, “The poor and middle class work for money. The rich spend their time and money creating income producing ASSETS, which then fund their expenses.” And THIS is how many of them do that. Click Here.

4. Work With Me 1 On 1.
If you’d like to work directly with me to hatch some super profitable campaigns for your business… just send me a message and put “One-on-One” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

And don’t forget to check this out ????

How to Earn $20 in 20 Minutes With Any Topic, Niche or Hobby

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

How To Use The Product Launch Formula For A Service Business

A little while back I was asked to help a brand new Pet Vacation business quickly generate qualified leads, and using the Product Launch Formula process worked like a charm.

By the way, If you are looking for a Product Launch Formula Bonus that includes personal 1:1 coaching to actually help you to succeed with PLF, you can learn more here.

You know, sometimes the easiest way to sell a horse is to simply run an ad that says, ‘Horse for Sale’. Here’s how we used that idea to launch a new service business to profitable within a month.

Working with the owners we created a compelling offer for new customers (they didn’t actually have any current customers yet) which included one free night’s pet accomodation plus some special bonuses like pet toys along with samples of pet products and other related services.

We started running Facebook ads offering this package to people who said they owned pets and who lived within 50km of their business. The campaign started generating leads immediately for less than $1.00 per email subscriber which was extremely cheap at the time.

PRO TIP: The secret most people don’t understand is that offering a Coupon for a free night’s pet accomodation is the same as putting an ad that says, ‘Horse for Sale’ in front of thousands of horse buyers.

Because we called out to a very specific prospect, we were only attracting people who were looking for somewhere safe to leave their pet.

In other words, you are advertising for BUYING INTENT so you attract people who are ready to buy the exact product or service you are advertising.

The Product Launch Sequence

I wrote a simple 4 message Product Launch Content email sequence (no video, just plain text emails) introducing the owners of the Pet Minding centre and sharing their heart-felt back story about how they had come to develop the centre.

Over a few days I introduced each member of the staff and talked about their passion for caring for pets. I also used stories and images to help prospects imagine how much fun their pets would have during their next ‘vacation’.

The upshot of this was in each email we also invited readers to use their Free Night Coupon and the centre was immediately booked solid for weeks in advance. And while people used their Coupon to get one free night, most of the bookings were for between 3 and 14 days at FULL PRICE.

This allowed the centre to become wildly profitable from paid advertising from the FIRST sale, and because they do such a fantastic job of looking after people’s pets, clients have continued to return over and over again ever since so their backend profits are simply breathtaking.

How To Leverage Your Product Launch

The Pet Sitting centre has developed joint venture partnerships will all kinds of businesses selling related but non-competitive products and services, and is profiting from both offering other people’s stuff to their ever growing list of email subscribers, but also having their partners offer their customers a Free Night’s Pet Sitting Coupon.

The centre shares some of the initial booking fees with their partner, and then keeps all of the backend sales and profits for themselves.

This powerful, symbiotic relationship is something any business can replicate with just a little planning, persistence and implementation.

If you would like to know which type of Product Launch gives you the biggest opportunity right now, I’ve developed this short quiz that will help you to decide. Not only will you know where your biggest opportunity lies, but you will receive a personalised Report showing how to use that knowledge to run a Product launch in your own business.

You Can Take The Free Quiz Here

I hope you have found this Case Study helpful, and if you have any questions, please let me know in the comments below.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

P.S. If you’d like to register for one of my regular Product Launch Coaching calls where we cover numerous ways to increase your Launch sales, just let me know by getting in touch here and I’ll get back to you with the details.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you to grow YOUR business:

1. This Puts Cash In The Bank Today For When You Don’t Have Time For A Product Launch
A Product Launch can take a lot of time and energy, and can only be used a few times a year so you don’t burn out your email list. But people’s desire to buy always exceeds our ability to make offers to them. This simple marketing campaign can be used over and over again to extract cash from your list multiple times a month. Click Here

2. You Must Have A Responsive Email List If You Want A Profitable Launch
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. List Warrior will show you a proven way to use free software to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

3. The Hottest New Lifestyle Business Idea For Overwhelmed Business Owners
Having a lifestyle business could be the holy grail for most people. As best selling author and wealth coach Robert Kiyosaki says, “The poor and middle class work for money. The rich spend their time and money creating income producing ASSETS, which then fund their expenses.” And THIS is how many of them do that. Click Here.

4. Work With Me 1 On 1.
If you’d like to work directly with me to hatch some super profitable campaigns for your business… just send me a message and put “One-on-One” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

And don’t forget to check this out ????

How to Earn $20 in 20 Minutes With Any Topic, Niche or Hobby

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

Where Should You Start With Product Launch Formula?

The great thing about the Product Launch Formula process is it can literally become all things to  all people.

By the way, If you are looking for a Product Launch Formula Bonus that includes personal 1:1 coaching to actually help you to succeed with PLF, you can learn more here.

You can start with no email list and no product idea and build a huge business over time simply by following the steps Jeff Walker takes you through in the program.

So let’s work our way through the average life-cycle of a new Product Launch Formula owner who may or may not have a product idea or a business at the moment.

The first step is work through a four-step process to identify and analyse your niche, customer avatar, your market, and the potential competition.

This is arguably the most important part of the product creation process because unless you fully understand your niche and your avatar’s pains, desires, and opportunities, no product you create will ever fully solve their problems.

The first question to consider is: Are you going to follow your passion, or the money (regardless of your passion or interest in the topic)?

For example: “I love gardening and I want to teach people about it” or, “I want to find the most profitable niche in [X] market.”

Either one is okay! Just because you choose to follow your passion doesn’t necessarily mean that niche won’t be profitable, and just because you follow the money doesn’t mean you won’t love what you do.

The four steps you’ll work through in this are:

1. Niche Selection
2. Understanding Your Customer Avatar
3. MarketResearch
4. Competitor Analysis

Once you’ve worked through those four steps, you’ll be ready to Define Your Niche.

The 4 Core Product Launch Mega Markets

It’s important to remember that there are really only 4 core mega-markets. If you can find a passion within one of these big four markets, you will likely improve your chances for success.

The four mega-markets are broadly defined as Health, Wealth and Relationships, with SOME Hobbies also being worthwhile, although you have to be careful with Hobbies because while some can be very profitable, others are going to be very difficult to monetise.

Your product idea should be focused on one of these 4 mega-markets if you want to be successful long term.

Product Launch Formula Quiz

The Seed Launch

Once you have your product idea the simplest way to get it created is by using a Seed Launch.

A Seed Launch allows you to test demand for your product idea, and get paid before you create it with the help of your ideal customers.

One of the great things about using this strategy is you don’t have to spend weeks or months creating a product or a program if there’s no demand for it.

If there’s no interest, you don’t go ahead with the product which saves you all that time and work. If there is interest, you survey the people who responded and ask them more about what they would like to learn.

Then you go ahead and co-create the program Live with the help of the people in your audience.

The Internal Product Launch

It doesn’t matter whether your business is a start-up or you have been established for many years, you can use an Internal Launch as laid out in Product Launch Formula to generate a huge lift in sales and profits.

An Internal Launch will also help you build an email database of prospects and customers who will buy from you again in the future, and put your business on a solid footing faster than any other strategy.

And it doesn’t matter if your marketing has had less than stellar results in the past, or if you’ve taken the advice of so called ‘experts’ or a marketing agency that promised you the world and then handed you an Atlas, you can launch a brand-new product profitably in one or two weeks instead of months or years.

The Joint Venture (JV) Launch

Once you have completed your Seed Launch and you have proven your marketing content using an Internal Launch, you might want to use a Joint Venture Launch to rapidly grow your sales and profits.

Another big benefit of a JV Launch is the huge email you can build because other business owners will be sending you their best prospects and customers who will all be added to your email database.

The JV Launch Strategy uses what Jeff Walker calls the Sideways Sales Letter which consists of 3 pieces of Product Launch Content (PLC, usually videos) and a sales letter or sales video at the end to make the sale.

The Sideways Sales Letter is completely different to a normal sales video or sales page because it teaches, inspires, and sells over a short period of time. This process can help you to generate a fortune as you go from launch to bigger launch to much bigger launch over time.

Product Launches really are at the pinnacle of marketing strategies once you get the hang of them.

But you may be wondering which type of Launch is right for you. To help you decide I’ve created a short Free Quiz that will identify what type of Product Launch offers you the biggest opportunity right now.

After taking the Quiz you will receive an email containing personalised advice and strategies for running the best type of launch for your particular circumstances.

You can take the Free Quiz Here

I hope this short overview of the different types of Launch has helped you to understand some of the process involved. You can learn a lot more by taking the Quiz using the link above, and for an even deeper dive into the world of Launches, you should attend Jeff Walkers’ Free Product Launch Masterclass.

And if you have any questions, please let me know by getting in touch at rockytapscottvip@gmail.com and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

P.S. If you’d like to register for one of my regular Product Launch Coaching calls where we cover numerous ways to increase your Launch sales, just let me know by getting in touch here and I’ll get back to you with the details.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you to grow YOUR business:

1. This Puts Cash In The Bank Today For When You Don’t Have Time For A Product Launch
A Product Launch can take a lot of time and energy, and can only be used a few times a year so you don’t burn out your email list. But people’s desire to buy always exceeds our ability to make offers to them. This simple marketing campaign can be used over and over again to extract cash from your list multiple times a month. Click Here

2. You Must Have A Responsive Email List If You Want A Profitable Launch
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. List Warrior will show you a proven way to use free software to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

3. The Hottest New Lifestyle Business Idea For Overwhelmed Business Owners
Having a lifestyle business could be the holy grail for most people. As best selling author and wealth coach Robert Kiyosaki says, “The poor and middle class work for money. The rich spend their time and money creating income producing ASSETS, which then fund their expenses.” And THIS is how many of them do that. Click Here.

4. Work With Me 1 On 1.
If you’d like to work directly with me to hatch some super profitable campaigns for your business… just send me a message and put “One-on-One” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

And don’t forget to check this out ????

How to Earn $20 in 20 Minutes With Any Topic, Niche or Hobby

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

FINAL NOTICE: Product Launch Formula is Closing Now

Jeff Walker is closing the doors to Product Launch Formula in less than an hour.

This is your last chance to join PLF and get free access to Launchy.ai™. This offer ends TONIGHT (Thursday) at 10pm ET (New York time).

Click here for all the details.

This is the best time to start with PLF in the 18-year history of the program…

You’ll get the latest Product Launch Formula® Coaching Program. And you will also get Launchy.ai, the only AI software that can build your launch from the ground up.

And you can get started today for just $397.

But you have to act now:

Join the Product Launch Formula Coaching Program and get free access to Launchy.ai (ends now)

Warm regards,


P.S. The ONLY way to get Launchy is by upgrading your PLF.

P.P.S. Since we’re down to the last few minutes, here’s a quick recap of what you get when you upgrade:

The latest and best PLF – it’s awesome.

A full year of access to Launchy.ai – our brand new and exclusive AI tool where you can get your entire launch mapped out with just a few clicks. From defining your client avatar to planning your product and offer, to your lead magnet, landing page, P.S. Path, Prelaunch Content, and sales page… this is the only AI that will build your PLF launch from the ground up.

A full year of additional Coaching Calls every other week with my in-house team of coaches (also includes recordings of all the coaching calls so you can listen to them again… or catch up in case you have to miss one).

The PLF Community Hub – our exclusive community where you can connect with thousands of PLF Owners… find JV partners, mastermind partners, content partners… ask questions… and get feedback and accountability.

… all for the crazy low price – It’s a no-brainer.

Check out everything you get with your upgrade – including Launchy.ai – here (LAST CHANCE)

Product Launch Formula Is Closing In Just 2 Hours

Quick heads up – There are only 2 hours left to join us in Jeff Walkers’ Product Launch Formula Coaching Program before registration closes TONIGHT at 10pm ET (New York time).

If you’re joining us this year it’s now or never, and you can register here.

But if you’re on the fence, tell me if this sounds like someone you know (or maybe even you)…

You have this thing you love, and you could do it and talk about it all day long. It’s kinda like your happy place… and people often say you should write a book or teach a course, but you don’t know where to start.

Well… a great place to start is by teaching online. Online learning is now the norm and you’d be amazed at what folks pay to learn.

Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula® Coaching Program shows you how to do this exact thing. And before you think “that wouldn’t work for me”, check out some of these success stories:

$36K from Teaching People How to Start a Shed-Building Business
John Fealy already had a successful business building sheds for people. He realized his system might be super valuable for other would-be shed builders… so he decided to launch. In March of 2020, he made his first offer to his tiny list and got 22 people to sign up. Now he’s got TWO successful businesses… and his students are starting their own, too!

Drawing Far More Than Stick Figures… and Making Six Figures!
Sandra Angelo made a name for herself teaching aspiring artists to quickly go from “no talent” to “amazing”. Then a fire obliterated her San Diego home… along with all her art and instruction materials. Product Launch Formula® helped Sandra not just rebuild her business, but to make it virtually indestructible.

From Scrappy Seed Launches to a Full-Blown Business
Dorothy Holtermann went through some tough times, losing her livelihood and home while her health fell apart. In her 50s, she turned everything around and wrote a book which got some attention, but not enough to pay the bills. Dorothy discovered PLF and decided to use it to promote her “Birth a Book” program. She did her launches using just her phone and social media and wound up creating an amazing, multi-faceted business.

And if you’d like lots more inspiration, take a look at a whole list of other Case Studies here.

Product Launch Formula has the longest track record of helping people from all walks of life successfully build or grow their businesses online.

Nothing else even comes even close.

So if you’d like to do something similar, and if you’re joining us this year, it’s now or never: You can register here.

Or if you have a question, please let me know by email at rttgemails@gmail.com and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

I’m looking forward to seeing you inside the Product Launch Formula community.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott
Product Launch Strategy

Please Note: I’m privileged to be one of Jeff Walker’s affiliate partners. That means if you end up joining me in his Product Launch Formula program, I might receive a referral commission at no extra cost for you.

Product Launch Formula Is Closing In 24 Hours

With just 24 hours before enrolment for Product Launch Formula closes for this year, I wanted to ask an important question…

What if in one year, your life looks exactly the way it does right now?

Would that be okay with you, or would you wish things were different?

For 18 years, Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula Coaching Program has helped thousands of people all over the world stand up and say, “No more.”

Here’s a small sample showing some of the people who have used PLF to change their lives (click on the image below to see a full size picture in a new window):

Product Launch Formula Case Studies

Like many of these Product Launch Formula owners, there’d be no more staying stuck in a job you hate.

No more hoping for a raise.

No more having your schedule controlled by someone else.

No more telling your family, “sorry… we can’t afford that.”

No more watching someone else make it big and thinking, “I wish I could do that.”

No more having yet another year go by feeling that you’re meant for so much more.

If these past few years have taught us anything, it’s that life can drastically change at any given moment.

“Security” isn’t something you find. It’s something you create.

Maybe that’s why you signed up for the Launch Masterclass? You saw an opportunity to improve your life and the lives of those you love… and you seized it!

Whatever the reason, you’ve taken the first step forward. What’s important now is that you keep the momentum going. You need to keep moving.

Maybe you’ve already started taking action on what you’ve discovered in the Masterclass. Or maybe you’d appreciate some extra hands-on support to achieve your goals.

Either way, this is your chance to take things to the next level. In 24 hours, Jeff is closing registration for Product Launch Formula – including access to Launchy.ai™.

Join PLF now and he and his team will guide you down a proven, well-trodden path for turning your knowledge into a money-making machine. One that YOU have total control over. One that keeps churning even while you sleep!

Are you in?

Then join us here before enrolment closes in 24 hours.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott
Product Launch Strategy

P.S. Still on the fence about PLF? I get it.

What I can tell you is we’ve had many PLF Owners click the “Join Now” button at the last possible moment… seconds before we close the doors. They all had two things in common: 1) they couldn’t bear the idea of waiting another year, and 2) once they experienced PLF… they had zero regrets.

And with a full 14-day guarantee, you’ll have zero regrets too…

Register for PLF and get free access to Launchy.ai

Please Note: I’m privileged to be one of Jeff Walker’s affiliate partners. That means if you end up joining me in his Product Launch Formula program, I might receive a referral commission at no extra cost for you.

Product Launch Formula + Coaching + Bonuses + Launchy.ai

Product Launch Formula BonusesHere’s why joining Jeff Walker and the rest of us inside Product Launch Formula this year is a complete no-brainer…

Forget all the extra bonuses and a years worth of live coaching calls…

Instead, remember that your Product Launch Formula comes with free access to the new Launch content creation tool Launchy.ai™ for a full year – it’s the only Artifical Intelligence software that can build your launch from the ground up.

Think ChatGPT but specifically programmed to know PLF inside and out.

Launchy will map out your entire launch – from avatar to product, to your offer, to Prelaunch Content, to Open Cart, and so much more – with just a few clicks.

Next time Jeff launches PLF, he’s not sure he can promise it’ll include access to Launchy.ai as part of the package. So this might be your one and only shot at getting it for free.

Get free access to Launchy.ai when you claim your Product Launch Formula membership.

Plus if you join using my affiliate link you’ll get my personal coaching and experience at no extra charge. If you’d like to know more about a Product Launch Formula bonus that will help you more than you can imagine, check out what I am offering here.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott
Product Launch Strategy

P.S. You’ve just over 24 hours left to claim your free access to Launchy.ai – our brand-new generative AI that can literally build your launch assets in minutes.

Launchy is exclusively for PLF Owners. And if you thought AI was a game-changer, just wait until you see what Launchy.ai can do…

Get free access to Launchy.ai when you claim your Product Launch Formula membership (ENDS TOMORROW).

Please Note: I’m privileged to be one of Jeff Walker’s affiliate partners. That means if you end up joining me in his Product Launch Formula program, I might receive a referral commission at no extra cost for you.

The Product Launch Formula All Access Page is LIVE

Product Launch Formula All AccessJeff Walker has just opened up the Product Launch Formula All Access Page where you can find every Masterclass lesson, every download, every Bonus and every expansion pack and there is NO OPT-IN REQUIRED!

Here’s what’s covered in the Product Launch Masterclass:

Lesson #1 – The Sideways Sales Letter

Over a million people have gone through this training, and this latest version is the best yet. The Sideways Sales Letter lesson consists of 7 short videos:

  • Let’s Talk About AI
  • The One Core Strategy
  • The P.S. Path
  • Using AI to Help Create Your P.S. Path
  • The Mental Triggers
  • The Five Categories
  • The Most Important Launch

Lesson #2 – The Three Types of Launches

Lesson 2 contains 6 short but important videos:

  • Your First Big Launch
  • The Day My Business Was Stolen (and the Seed Launch® That Changed Everything)
  • The Seed Launch: How to Start From Scratch
  • Using AI to Help Create Your Seed Launch
  • Internal and JV Launches: Raising Your Game
  • Launch Stacking (and How It Grows Your Business)

Lesson #3 – The Product Launch Blueprint

This is Live Working Session where it all comes together with Jeff sharing the two “hidden” sequences that can DOUBLE your sales. Unlocking these is how you turn a single launch into a successful business (And they’re the sequences people watching from the sidelines ALWAYS miss!)

You can check out the Product Launch Formula All Access Page here.

If you are ready to go deeper, registration for the Product Launch Formula Coaching Program is now open for a limited time. This is the coaching program that has driven over a BILLION dollars in launches by our students.

And, with amazing bonuses including a full year of coaching calls and Launchy.ai, Jeff’s custom-built PLF-focused AI, it’s faster and easier than ever.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott
Product Launch Strategy

Please Note: I’m privileged to be one of Jeff Walker’s affiliate partners. That means if you end up joining me in his Product Launch Formula program, I might receive a referral commission at no extra cost for you.