Tag Archives: product creation

How To Use Your JV Launch As A Springboard To Huge Passive Income

One of the greatest and most valuable benefits of using a JV Launch to grow your email list of targeted prospects is each time you do a Product Launch you are able to contact more and more people.

That’s because even if you don’t have any other products to offer right away, you can find other products and services those people will be interested in buying and promote them as a JV partner or affiliate.

In fact, there are many business owners who make more from promoting other people’s products and services to their audience than they do selling their own stuff. And if you promote subscription based products or services that pay you recurring revenue, this truly is a way to generate a huge amount of passive income that can continue to grow over time.

How Do You Find The Best Products?

When it comes to creating products that sell well, the big key is to find something that your audience REALLY wants. They might also NEED it, but it’s best if they passionately WANT it even more.

Sometimes people want to create a product on a topic that no one else has created before. In many cases, the reason it hasn’t been created yet is because nobody wants it. If you create something no one wants, then you’re going to be disappointed by dismal sales.

Here’s what to do instead: find out what people are already buying, promote it as an affiliate or JV partner initially, and if it sells really well to your audience, you could create something similar (yet BETTER and/or use better marketing to promote it). And that’s exactly what you’re going to learn how to do in this lesson. Take a look…

Find Out What People Want

The very best predictor of what people will buy in the future is to look at what they’re already buying today. That’s why your first step is to find out what people are already buying in your market.

NOTE: We’re talking about evergreen products and services here, not fads. Fads are too unpredictable to determine if they’ll still be selling well next week, next month or next year.

To do this, you’re going to look for three things:

• Bestsellers
• Products with competitors
• Paid ads for specific types of products

Let’s take a closer look:

Bestselling products. If a product sells well in your market (especially over time), that’s a good indication of demand. To that end, you’ll want to check infoproduct marketplaces such as ClickBank.com, Amazon.com and Udemy.com to see what’s selling well in your niche.

Products with multiple competitors. If multiple marketers are creating similar products and services, that’s another good indication that there’s demand for that type of offer. Again, you can search infoproduct marketplaces to find out which types of products have a lot of competitors. You can also run a search for your niche keywords in Google, and check out what your top competitors are selling.

Marketers consistently placing paid ads for a product. Smart marketers don’t keep dumping money into paid advertising if the product isn’t selling well. That’s why tracking ads over time will give you an idea of what’s selling well. One way to do this is to regularly run a search for your niche keywords in Google, and then take note of the paid advertisements. Look for different marketers selling similar offers, as well as marketers investing in advertising a product over time.

As mentioned earlier, you can also quickly test a product for yourself to see if it might sell well before you invest too much time and money creating it. Here are two “quick and dirty” tests:

• Promote the product or service as an affiliate. If your audience seems to really like a particular offer, that may confirm to you that you should create something similar.

• Create a tripwire offer. Let’s suppose you have a big product or you have something in mind, like a multi-module course. You might create an “overview” of this course, or even just create one module, and offer it as a low-cost tripwire. If your audience likes the “lite” product, then you can take that as a greenlight to create the full product.

Take note that you can also create a “lite” product in the form of a lead magnet that you offer to determine demand (while at the same time building your list). Keep in mind, however, that what people request for free may not precisely determine if they’ll purchase the “full” product.

Once you have an idea of what people in your niche want, then move onto the second step of this process…

Create Something Better

Now that you know what your audience wants, about the last thing you want to do is create something that’s just like every other product on the market. Instead, what you need to do is create something BETTER.

The first step in creating a better product is to review the bestsellers in your market to determine their good points and bad points. This means personally reading/viewing the product yourself. You’ll also want to read customer reviews to see what they like and don’t like about a product.

Your goal is to create something that has the big benefits that everyone likes, yet it improves on the weak points of other products.

For example, let’s suppose you’re creating a copywriting course. Perhaps the bestselling products in your niche include a lot of real-life sales letters, case studies and examples. If people really like that, then you’ll want to make sure you include your own (unique) letters, case studies and examples.

Now let’s suppose that one thing that is missing from the competitors’ products are worksheets to help people decide what benefits to showcase, as well as audience profiling worksheets and other tools. You can improve on existing products by including these tools in your course.

The second step in creating a better product is determining how to make it unique. You can do this by:

• Creating unique case studies/experiments
• Telling personal stories
• Offering unique tips
• Providing unique examples
• Offering unique tools such as worksheets, checklists, templates and similar
• Sharing old information in a new way, such as by creating a formula around a step-by-step process
• Positioning the product in a new way. E.G., how is your product different and better than the competing products? For example, do you provide “take action” tools to help people get results quickly and easily?

The point is, you don’t need to create something so fresh and new that no one on the planet has ever seen it before. Instead, you just need to take your information, even if others are teaching the same thing, and present it in a fresh way.

For example, I’ve seen people create unique formulas around processes in the form of acronyms, where each letter of the acronym corresponds to a step of the process. E.G., they might create a five-step S.A.L.E.S. formula for optimising conversions. While others may teach how to optimise conversions, no one else does it using this unique formula—which makes these products stand out from the crowd.


The bottom line here is that you shouldn’t guess what your audience wants. Do your research, find out what they line up around the virtual block to buy, and then create something similar yet better. And if you want to use the email list you built during your product launch to generate residual income, find and then create your own subscription based products and services and promote them to your audience multiple times a year.

And if you’d like to learn more about creating and launching your new product successfully, including seeing how Jeff Walker builds his list using a JV launch and examples of email sequences and case studies of people who have used PLF with outstanding success, by checking out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

Talk soon,


P.S. Being able to create a Perfect Product is a great start, but you also need a way to generate sales in a consistent way. Running a Product launch is a proven way to not only build your list, but generate Social Proof and make a large number of sales quickly. To learn how to launch your product successfully, check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. List Warrior will show you a proven way to use free software to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

2. How To Create The Perfect Product 
Creating a product that is perfect for your audience does not need to be difficult. How To Create The Perfect Product shows you how to build high value products your audience will love one after the other. Click Here.

3. How To Attract Buyers To Join Your Launch List So They Can Purchase Your Perfect Product.
Once you have created your Product Launch List and your Perfect Product is ready to go, you need to attract people into your world so they can buy from you. One Minute Free Traffic gives you a proven way to attract buyers with ‘Automated Traffic Machines’ so you can send those people to your optin page, your sales page, your Facebook Group or anywhere else you choose.    To learn more Click Here.

And don’t forget to check this out 🙂

How to Earn $20 in 20 Minutes With Any Topic, Niche or Hobby

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

How to Brainstorm Product Ideas So You Can Launch Profitable Products One After The Other

One of the keys to launching a profitable info-product business is to create a sales funnel full of offers that can either be your own products and services or they can come from other people, That way, you have the ability to launch profitable products to new prospects as well as to your existing customers.

This process requires two steps:

1. Coming up with potential product ideas.
2. Researching these ideas to ensure they’re profitable.

You can’t even get to the second step if you’re stuck on the first step. And that’s why over the next couple pages we’re going to focus on how to come up with all the potential product ideas you need. Take a look…

Browse Infoproduct Marketplaces

With this method, you come up with product ideas at the same time as you research them. The idea here is to enter your keywords into marketplaces such as Udemy, Amazon and ClickBank to see what’s selling in your niche.

Take note: look at tables of contents and sales letters, as each chapter/section may provide you with a product idea. For example, maybe a dieting book includes a chapter (or even just a subsection within a chapter) on the topic of high intensity interval training. That’s a product idea for you right there, as you can create report or video on this topic.


Read Product Reviews

While you’re still in the marketplaces (like Amazon), take time to read the product reviews on popular products. Many times, the audience will share ideas of what they would have liked to have seen inside a product, and each of these ideas can then become a potential product idea for you.

Check Out Your Competitors’ Content

Not only should you see what your competitors are selling on their websites, but you’ll also want to check what they’re writing about on their blogs, in their newsletters, and on their social media pages. Don’t forget to also check out their videos (especially on YouTube) as well as their webinars.

Use Keyword Tools

Still another way to generate product ideas is by using keyword tools like WordRecon.com or WordTracker.com. Simply enter in your broad keywords (like “weight loss” or “gardening”), and the tool will return a list of related phrases your market is typing into search engines.

For example, if you’re searching for online marketing, you might discover that people are looking for “tips for picking a niche” – that’s a potential product idea for you.

Check Your Existing Content

If you’ve been working in your niche for a while, then you already have content on your blog, in your newsletter archives, on social media and perhaps elsewhere. It’s time to check your traffic logs, shares and other activity to see what’s popular.

For example, if you have an article with ten tips on your blog, you could expand each of those ten tips to create a new report.

Another idea: think about how you can combine multiple popular pieces of content to create something new. For example, if your traffic generation articles about Facebook advertising, Facebook groups, and creating Facebook pages are all really popular, that may give you an idea to create a definitive guide to generating traffic on Facebook (both free and paid).

See What Your Market is Asking

You can start by checking your own inbox to see what sort of questions people ask you in your niche. If you have a community (such as a forum or blog), take note of what questions come up repeatedly in your audience. The answers to these questions may give you ideas for products.

For example, if people on your dieting blog keep asking you the best way to shake off those last stubborn 10 pounds, that may give you an idea for creating a product just for people who are almost to their weight-loss goal, but having troubles crossing the finish line.

Another way to find out what interests your market is to visit question and answer sites such as Quroa.com, Yahoo! Answers, or even JustAnswer.com. Every niche question you see on these sites may potentially give you an idea for a product.

For example, you may see a gardener asking a question such as, “What is the best way to get rid of tomato worms?” This simple question can give you multiple product ideas, including:

• A report on how to get rid of tomato worms.
• A video designed to help people identify common garden pests and how to get rid of them.
• A “recipe book” full of organic gardening sprays that gardeners can use to get rid of various pests.

Point is, don’t limit yourself to just the exact idea you see in the question. Do some brainstorming off the original question, and you’re bound to come up with some additional great ideas!

Now the next tip…

Product Launch Formula Quiz

Ask Your Market

Another way to come up with potential product ideas is to simply ask your market. This doesn’t have to be a formal survey (though it can be, if that’s what you’d like to do). Instead, you can just post on your blog, on your social media pages, and even in your newsletter asking people what they want.

The key here is to ask open-ended questions (no multiple choice) in order to get as many ideas as possible.

For example:

• “What is your biggest challenge [in the niche]?”
• What [niche] topic would you like to learn more about?

Now a few parting thoughts…


If you walk through all these steps, you should be able to come up with dozens of potential product ideas. As an added bonus, you can use these same methods to brainstorm up ideas for content to write about in your newsletter! In both cases, be sure to research your product ideas to ensure your audience wants them.

If you’d like to learn more about launching your new product successfully, including seeing examples of email sequences and case studies of people who have used PLF with outstanding success, by checking out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

Talk soon,


P.S. Being able to create a Perfect Product is a great start, but you also need a way to generate sales in a consistent way. Running a Product launch is a proven way to not only build your list, but generate Social Proof and make a large number of sales quickly. To learn how to launch your product successfully, check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. List Warrior will show you a proven way to use free software to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

2. How To Create The Perfect Product 
Creating a product that is perfect for your audience does not need to be difficult. How To Create The Perfect Product shows you how to build high value products your audience will love one after the other. Click Here.

3. How To Attract Buyers To Join Your Launch List So They Can Purchase Your Perfect Product.
Once you have created your Product Launch List and your Perfect Product is ready to go, you need to attract people into your world so they can buy from you. One Minute Free Traffic gives you a proven way to attract buyers with ‘Automated Traffic Machines’ so you can send those people to your optin page, your sales page, your Facebook Group or anywhere else you choose.    To learn more Click Here.

And don’t forget to check this out 🙂

How to Earn $20 in 20 Minutes With Any Topic, Niche or Hobby

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

5 Info Product Creation Tips Tricks and Hacks To Power Your Product Launch

If you’re getting ready to do a product launch for a physical or digital information product, then you’re definitely going to be creating a lot of digital content as you build that product offer.

That’s because you need a complete sales funnel, from your front end lead magnet, to your core product offer, to your backend products – and everything in between.

So if you’re like most info-product creators, you’re always looking for hacks to make the creation process easier and to make sure you have a great end result. That’s exactly what you get below, so read on…

Be Sure You’re Product Launch Is For Something That’s In Demand

Don’t even think about creating a product until you’ve done your market research, as there’s no use creating a product if no one is going to buy it. So what you need to do is find out what people are already buying in your market, and then create something similar (yet better).

Think Ahead To An Integrated Product Suite

Whenever you create a product, you should be thinking about how this product fits into a new or one of your existing sales funnels. This includes everything from the specific lead magnet at the front of your launch funnel to the core offer to backend offers.

If you can’t figure out how a product fits into an existing sales funnel (unless of course this is your first product), then you’ll want to ask yourself why you’re even creating it.

Create Products Faster

Consider these ideas for making more products in less time:

• Outsource some or all of your product creation. This is the fastest way to create a lot of products very quickly, and it frees up your time to focus on other high-value tasks.

• Use quality private label rights content to create everything from your core product to your bonuses. Just be sure to tweak it to make it unique.

• Repurpose existing content. For example, turn a collection of your best blog posts into a lead magnet, or turn those blog posts into videos, audios, guides and reports.

• Use speech to text technology. If you’re creating text products, you might find it faster to write them if you use software such as Dragon Naturally Speaking.

• Do webinars. This takes about an hour of your time, yet you’ll have a product you can give away or sell for months or years to come.


Create A Multimedia Product

Not everyone learns in the same way. That’s why, whenever possible, you should seek to offer multiple versions of your product (text, audio and video) to accommodate people’s individual preferences.

Ideally your product should include some or all of the following:

  • One or more video tutorials
  • Audio recordings of the videos
  • Transcripts of the videos
  • Checklists
  • Cheatsheets
  • Private Mastermind or community
  • Group coaching
  • One-on-one coaching
  • Question and answer calls

Related Video: How To Create A High Value Product With A Low Refund Rate

Create a Catchy Title For Your Product Launch

Your title can make or break your product, which means you should spend some time brainstorming and testing catchy titles. Use these templates to get you started:

  • The Secrets Of [Getting a Benefit]. The Secrets of Starting a Six-Figure Business.
  • The A-Z Guide Of [Topic]. The A-Z Guide to Selling Your Own Home.
  • What Every [Type of Person] Ought to Know About [Topic]. What Every Parent Ought to Know About Raising Happy, Healthy Kids.
  • How to [Get a Great Result] Without [Some Bad Thing]. How to Melt the Fat Fast Without Feeling Deprived.
  • The #1 Way to [Get a Benefit]. The #1 Way to Create a Bestselling Novel.


I hope these product creation tips help you to build our your product launch funnel so you can generate a bunch of sales and profits.

If you can create and launch a product or service that fulfils an important need for a large, accessible crowd of fanatics with cash to spend, you can create a long-term, sustainable business for yourself and your family that will allow you to prosper for many years to come.

Talk soon,


P.S. Being able to create a Perfect Product is a great start, but you also need a way to generate sales in a consistent way. Running a Product launch is a proven way to not only build your list, but generate Social Proof and make a large number of sales quickly. To learn how to launch your product successfully, check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. List Warrior will show you a proven way to use free software to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

2. How To Create The Perfect Product 
Creating a product that is perfect for your audience does not need to be difficult. How To Create The Perfect Product shows you how to build high value products your audience will love one after the other. Click Here.

3. How To Attract Buyers To Join Your Launch List So They Can Purchase Your Perfect Product.
Once you have created your Product Launch List and your Perfect Product is ready to go, you need to attract people into your world so they can buy from you. One Minute Free Traffic gives you a proven way to attract buyers with ‘Automated Traffic Machines’ so you can send those people to your optin page, your sales page, your Facebook Group or anywhere else you choose.    To learn more Click Here.

And don’t forget to check this out 🙂

How to Earn $20 in 20 Minutes With Any Topic, Niche or Hobby

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

10 Ways To Grow Your Business Using Private Label Rights Content

If you check your computer hard drive, I bet you have some Private Label Rights (PLR) content hidden away, gathering virtual dust. If you do, then you’re not alone. Plenty of marketers buy loads of PLR content but they never use it.


For a simple reason: They’ve just never learned HOW to use it to grow their business. If that sounds familiar to you – or if you just want to fully leverage your PLR content to create in-demand products you can launch to your audience in a fraction of the time – then here are 10 ways to make the most out of PLR…

1. Stock your autoresponder with PLR content

If you have PLR content that details a step-by-step process or a series of related tips, then you can easily turn this content into a multi-part ecourse. If you have enough of this content, you can create an email series that runs completely on autopilot for three months, six months, a year or even more! Note: Just tweak the content to make sure it’s evergreen.

2. Use PLR content to create an attractive subscription bonus

You need to give your prospective subscribers a good reason to join your mailing list. One way to do that is by offering a free download in the form of a report or ebook. You can use your PLR content to quickly and easily create this free bonus!

3. Offer PLR content as a bonus to paid products

Some of your prospects are probably sitting on the fence trying to decide whether to purchase your product during your launch or not. Offering bonuses such as free reports, audios or videos is a good way to help them make the buying decision. And using PLR content is a fast and easy way to create these bonuses.

4. Create complete paid products with PLR content

You can set aside your best PLR content and use it to create paid products such as ebooks, home study courses, teleseminars and more.

Pro Tip: For best results, compile multiple sources of PLR to create your own unique, killer product, and then use a Product Launch to get it out into the market quickly and profitably.

5. Use PLR content to create a viral report

Do you have PLR content that seems particularly useful, engaging, entertaining or even controversial? Then use it to create a viral report that you distribute widely across your niche.

6. Turn text PLR content into a video

Don’t limit yourself to keeping your PLR content in its original text format. One way to expand its use is to turn text content into video content.

7. Compile PLR content to create a “vault” membership site

Do you have a lot of PLR content all in one niche? Then use it to create a vault-style membership site, that’s chock-full of niche articles, reports and ebooks. Other people will pay a good price to save time and energy searching for good content themselves if you can give them a reason to get everything from you.

8. Publish PLR content on your blog

If you don’t have any PLR articles, no worries – you can chop up PLR reports and ebooks to instantly create blog posts!

9. Create a fire sale

Here’s yet another way to turn gobs of related PLR content into piles of cash. Simply run a one-week fire sale where you sell the whole boatload of content for just pennies on the dollar.

10. Make a podcast out of PLR content

Instead of posting regular text articles on your blog or Facebook page, you can read your PLR content to create a podcast. Best of all, you can then submit these podcasts to podcast directories, which allows you to reach even further into your target market!

There you have it – 10 profitable ways to use PLR content to grow your business. Of course, the most profitable idea is to create a cool product based on your PLR content and launch it using a well planned Product Launch…

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. My 1-2-3 List Building Cheat Sheet will show you how to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here

2. How To Create A Signature Product Out Of Thin Air In 72 Hours Or Less
Creating your product does not need to take weeks or months. My 72 Hour Product Creation Guide shows you how to build high value products one after the other in 72 hours or less. Click Here

3. How To Outsource Your Product Creation And Make It Hands Free.
Outsourcing the creation of some or all of your products and bonuses is a great way to save your time for the more important (and more fun) things you’d rather be doing. Grab my Hands Free Outsourcing Cheat Sheet to learn more. Click Here

4. Work One-On-One With Me
If you’d like to work directly with me to run a launch for your business… just send me a message by emailing me at rocky [at] localwebsolutions.com and put “One-on-One” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

Also, check this out 🙂

Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Formula training.

The #1 Shortcut To Creating Profitable Products

Everybody wants a shortcut. We want to lose weight faster. We want an easier way to improve our golf game.

The list is long and varied. Whatever ultimate end result we are striving for, we want to reduce the time and effort it takes to get there.

Creating products to sell or launch online is no exception. The less time and effort we spend in getting products ready to sell, the better. Using PLR (private label rights) content for some (or even all) of your product’s content is a great shortcut for accomplishing the end result, while minimising the time and energy we spend on getting the product to market.

The Profit-Pulling Power Of Private Label Rights

You hear it about it everywhere: PLR content. And while you may know that PLR stands for private label rights, you may not exactly know what that means.

Here’s the deal…

Private label rights content refers to text, audio or video content that you can modify to suit your needs. In most cases, this also includes putting your name as the author or creator.

You can then use the content in a variety of ways (as long as you stay within the PLR license terms), such as by distributing it as a means of driving traffic to your site, using it as a bonus to get people to buy your products or join your mailing list, or even creating paid products from it.

So what’s the big deal? Why not just create the content yourself or hire someone else to create it for you, and then use a well planned Product Launch to release to to the market quickly and profitably?

Here are five reasons why you should start using PLR to grow your business…

Reason #1: PLR content saves you time

So imagine you get an idea for an ebook. You spend a few days (if not weeks) researching and writing it. But if you use PLR content instead, you can tweak it to suit your needs in a matter of hours, meaning your product is ready to to be sold almost instantly.

This “speed of implementation” aspect is one of the most powerful benefits of using good PLR to create your products. The faster you get your new product to market, the sooner you can see if it’s a success or not, and the faster you can start generating sales.

And if it’s a flop, you haven’t spent a lot of time and money creating something that nobody wanted to buy. It’s a win no matter how you look at it…

Reason #2: PLR content saves you money

Maybe you are considering leaving your content creation to a good ghostwriter. In that case, starting with some good quality PLR content can save you thousands of dollars per year.

Even if you hire a ghostwriter to tweak the content, that’s a huge saving over having this same ghostwriter create your content from scratch.

Reason #3: PLR content is extremely flexible

The first thing you need to do is read the license terms that come with your PLR content, because the amount of flexibility you’ll have is only limited to these terms. In most cases, you’ll find that the terms of use for PLR content are extremely flexible, meaning you can do things such as:

  • Modifying the content by adding to or taking away from the original
  • Putting your name (or your pen name) on the product as the author
  • Giving it away to generate leads for your business
  • Using it as blog or website content to attract visitors from search engines
  • Adding it your autoresponder as followup content for your subscribers
  • Repackaging it, such as turning text content into audio or video
  • Creating paid products out of it
  • And much more…

There are a nearly endless number of ways to use PLR content to grow your business!

Reason #4: PLR content makes you look like an expert

If you’re not already an expert in your niche, then you’ll need to spend a considerable amount of time researching various topics in order to create content that establishes you as an expert.

Alternatively, you can choose to use well-researched and well-written PLR content. Bam, you’re an instant expert!

Reason #5: PLR is easy to obtain

In the old days, it was extremely difficult  to find quality PLR content, especially a good, steady stream of niche-related content. These days PLR providers offer extremely good quality content in most of the major niches.

And better yet, they tend to offer fresh content every month or even every week, meaning you’ll never run out of content.

And there you have it – five reasons why you should starting using PLR content to create your own products so you can continue to grow your business.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. My 1-2-3 List Building Cheat Sheet will show you how to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here

2. How To Create A Signature Product Out Of Thin Air In 72 Hours Or Less
Creating your product does not need to take weeks or months. My 72 Hour Product Creation Guide shows you how to build high value products one after the other in 72 hours or less. Click Here

3. How To Outsource Your Product Creation And Make It Hands Free.
Outsourcing the creation of some or all of your products and bonuses is a great way to save your time for the more important (and more fun) things you’d rather be doing. Grab my Hands Free Outsourcing Cheat Sheet to learn more. Click Here

4. Work One-On-One With Me
If you’d like to work directly with me to run a launch for your business… just send me a message by emailing me at rocky [at] localwebsolutions.com and put “One-on-One” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

Also, check this out 🙂

Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Formula training.