Tag Archives: jeff walker

7 Steps To Creating An Engaged Audience For Your Product Launch

Engaging your audience during your product launch is the key to developing relationships, building trust, and creating more profits. That’s why you’ll want to use this handy-dandy checklist to help you capture and keep your audience’s attention. Take a look…

  1. Create A Highly Targeted Audience

The absolute first step in engaging your audience is to make sure your audience is targeted. That means bringing traffic in from targeted sources.

For example, if you’re running a Facebook ad campaign, then be sure to narrow your audience down by demographics and interests so that the traffic is as targeted as possible.

And it’s always a good idea to follow what Todd Brown recommends, which is look for an audience that is a “Large, hungry, accessible mob of addicts flush with cash.”

  1. Cater To The Needs Of Your Audience

Once you’ve selected a targeted audience, then publish content that really appeals to them. This includes:

  • Solving their problems.
  • Sending them your best tips, tricks and strategies.
  • Sharing niche news and how it affects your audience.
  • Selling products to solve their problems (preferably with exclusive discounts).


  1. Create Attention-Getting Headlines

The next way to engage your audience is by crafting headlines that really resonate with the audience. This means showcasing a benefit and/or arousing curiosity. For example:

  • Who Else Wants to Know The #1 Secret For Doubling Conversion Rates?
  • Here’s The Super Simple Way To Never Three-Putt Again
  • You Won’t Believe This Easy Weight-Loss Trick!


  1. Call Your Audience to Action

Every piece of content you create should be designed with a goal in mind. You can help improve your response rate (and engagement) by specifically telling your audience what you want them to do next.

For example:

  • Click here to watch the video!
  • Share this post now with your friends!
  • Click here to get your copy of this app!
  • Register for the free webinar by clicking here (and hurry, seating is limited)!


  1. Connect With Your Audience

Sending out great content is one way to connect with your audience. Another way to connect with them on a more personal level is to interact with them.

For example:

  • Like their posts and comments on social media.
  • Reply thoughtfully to their comments, posts and emails.
  • Share their content with your network.
  • Showcase particularly good content on your social media pages or other platforms.


  1. Challenge Your Audience

Another good way to engage your audience is by challenging them regularly in a niche-relevant way. For example:

  • Challenge a writer’s group to write an extra 1000 words today.
  • Challenge a weight-loss group to find a way to slice an extra 100 calories off their meals.
  • Challenge a business group to work an extra 30 minutes today.

If you do these challenges regularly, people will look forward to them because they’ll like the end results. In turn, this creates a more engaged audience.

  1. Celebrate Your Audience

The idea here is to showcase your members’ achievements. You can do this on a small scale by sharing their content (with permission). You can engage your audience even more by showcasing bigger achievements.

For example: Create a “Member of the Week” feature where you interview a member to showcase their good work. For example, in a weight loss group you might interview a member who has made consistently good progress.

To Sum Up

One of the keys to building a loyal tribe is to create an engaged audience of people who know, like and trust you. Use this 7-step checklist to make sure you’ve covered the best ways to engage your people in the process of launching your new product or service.

And to learn more about engaging with your audience before, during and after you use Product Launch Formula to launch or re-launch your product or service, check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

Talk soon,


PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. My 1-2-3 List Building Cheat Sheet will show you how to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

2. How To Create A Signature Product Out Of Thin Air In 72 Hours Or Less
Creating your product does not need to take weeks or months. My 72 Hour Product Creation Guide shows you how to build high value products or bonuses one after the other in 72 hours or less. Click Here.

3. How To Outsource Your Product Creation And Make It Hands Free.
Outsourcing the creation of some or all of your products and bonuses is a great way to save your time for the more important (and more fun) things you’d rather be doing. Grab my Hands Free Outsourcing Cheat Sheet to learn more. Click Here.

And don’t forget to check this out 🙂

Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Formula training.

6 Essential Tools You Need For Building Your Product Launch Audience

Building a product launch audience for your upcoming PLF launch mostly revolves around you communicating with your members and developing relationships. Nothing can replace this human touch, but you can make the process easier by using these 6  tools…

Tool 1: Social Media

This is the big one, because social media is where you’ll find and connect with a lot of your community members during every stage of your launch.

Social media is a great way to deliver all of your content, from your pre-launch communications,   to notifications and feedback about your launch content itself. Quite often you’ll see product launch videos with hundreds or thousands of Facebook comments below them. This gives you powerful social proof…

The social media platforms you’ll want to consider in order of their importance, when it comes to launching your product are:

• Facebook
• Twitter
• LinkedIn (if your tribe includes professionals)
• YouTube (if you intend to connect with videos)
• Instagram (if you intend to connect with photos)
• Pinterest (if you’re targeting women in a visually based field)
• Google+ (especially if you’re connecting with technical professionals)

If you use one or more of these platforms, then you’ll also need these tools…

Tool 2: Social Media Tools

Social media tools can help you find your audience, find content that will help you connect with them, and gauge reactions to see if your content and campaigns are doing what you intended for the to do. Here are two tools you may consider using:

  • HootSuite.com – an all-in-one tool that does everything from scheduling content to tracking performance
  • SproutSocial.com – another all-in-one tool you can use to manage your social media campaigns
  • ViralReach.in – Helps you to find great content and spread it virally


Tool 3: A CRM or Autoresponder To Reach Your Product Launch Audience

Even though you may find and interact with your audience or tribe on social media, ultimately you want to get them on your own mailing list. And that’s why you need to set up an autoresponder or CRM where you upload and schedule content to help you build relationships the hands-free way.

Examples of good autoresponders and CRM’s include:

  • ConvertKit.com
  • ActiveCampaign.com
  • MailChimp.com
  • Aweber.com
  • GetResponse.com

Just be sure to read the terms of service of your selected service before you sign up, to be sure your intended use of the autoresponder falls within their acceptable use. For example, some companies don’t like their customers to promote some types of products, and others don’t like you using their service for affiliate marketing (even though they have their own affiliate programs – go figure).

The 5 listed above, SHOULD be fine, but just make sure you read their terms and conditions so you don’t get half way through your launch and they decide to shut you down for some obscure reason.

Tool 4: A Blogging Platform Or Content Management System

Another good way to connect with your audience is via your own blog. Fortunately, setting up a blog is both simple and free, if you use a platform such as WordPress.org, or use a self hosted WordPress Blog on your own domain.

Tool 5: An Automated Content Scheduler

One of the keys to connecting with your audience is to send them regular content to help them solve their problems. This includes posting to social media daily, as well as posting to your blog and sending out newsletters.

Fortunately, you don’t need to be tied to your computer in order to send this content. Instead, you can use tools to upload and schedule it. This includes:

  • Using your email service provider’s autoresponder to upload and schedule content.
  • Using tools like HootSuite.com to schedule social media content, as well as post across multiple channels at once.
  • Using WordPress’s built-in scheduling tools to post content to your blog.

Tool 6: Freelance Sites

While nothing can replace the “human touch” needed to build a tribe, you don’t need to do it all on your own. Instead, you can find freelancers to help you create content and interact with your community members. Good places to find these freelancers include:

  • UpWork.com
  • Guru.com
  • Freelance.com

To sum up…

Building an audience or tribe in preparation for your product launch can take time, but you don’t need to do it all manually. Use these tools and platforms to reduce the workload, and you’ll take less time to get your product or service into the hands of your new customers.

And to learn more about building and communicating with your community before, during and after you use Product Launch Formula to launch or re-launch your product or service, check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

Talk soon,


PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. My 1-2-3 List Building Cheat Sheet will show you how to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

2. How To Create A Signature Product Out Of Thin Air In 72 Hours Or Less
Creating your product does not need to take weeks or months. My 72 Hour Product Creation Guide shows you how to build high value products or bonuses one after the other in 72 hours or less. Click Here.

3. How To Outsource Your Product Creation And Make It Hands Free.
Outsourcing the creation of some or all of your products and bonuses is a great way to save your time for the more important (and more fun) things you’d rather be doing. Grab my Hands Free Outsourcing Cheat Sheet to learn more. Click Here.

And don’t forget to check this out 🙂

Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Formula training.

The #1 Key To Having People See You As An Authority

If you’re an author, coach, consultant or any other kind of expert or business owner considering using a Product Launch Formula style of launch to start or grow your business, and you want people to see you as an authority here’s a big secret…

Your potential prospects (and of course your existing audience) are really just looking for one thing: someone trustworthy they can follow. As marketing expert Dan Kennedy is fond of saying, “Most people are walking around with their umbilical chords in their hands, looking for somewhere to plug them in”.

I think Dan nails it perfectly. Most people have been lied to, deceived and disappointed so many times, they’re looking for a strong leader in the field who can actually help them. They’re looking for a true authority who will deliver the results they want.

And if you’re using Product Launch Formula as the basis of your launch, positioning yourself as the expert who can deliver those results will not only increase your sales for your Seed Launch and your Internal Launch, but will make it easier to attract affiliates and JV partners for your JV Launch.

The beauty of using the PLF process is that Jeff Walker’s Sideways Salesletter technique allows you to prove you are an expert in your topic while not coming across as a high pressure sales person who’s just trying to flog a product or service.

It’s not surprising when you think about it.

Just take a look around your market and you’ll see a whole lot of experts and authorities all promising to help people to achieve their goals or solve their problems. The problem is many of these authorities are giving inaccurate and/or conflicting information. This confuses people, and  quite often they end up getting analysis paralysis.

So if you want to stand out from the crowd and be seen as THE preeminent expert in your market, here’s what you need to do:  write / share / teach with confidence.

Convey an air of authority in everything you share with your visitors. Because when you present yourself as a strong leader and it’s clear you can get people results, they will naturally want to follow you.

Plus when people trust you because you’ve helped them by actually helping them, you create the type of relationship that generates big payoffs for both you and your prospects and customers.

So how do you write or speak in a way that naturally conveys authority? The easiest way I know of is by using these two techniques…

#1: Convey Confidence

Some people feel like being too blunt with the facts can appear abrupt or even rude. And so they tend to share information in a way that comes across as weak or lacking confidence. When that happens, no matter how subtle, people are naturally going to turn away. We humans are hard wired to want to follow strong, confident leaders.

Let me give you an example…

Let’s suppose you walk up to two random people on the street and ask them for directions to the nearest petrol station, and here’s what they say:

Random Person #1: The nearest petrol station is the Shell on Allen Street. Go three blocks North, take a right at Allen Street intersection, and you’ll see it on your left.

Random Person #2: I think the closest petrol station is on Jones Street. Or it might be on Estelle Road. Head down this street for around four or five blocks, and you’ll see them on a side street. Not sure which one. Hope that helps.

So which person’s directions would you be more likely to follow? If you’re like most of us, you would take Person #1’s advice, because he seemed confident that he knew what he was talking about (even if he didn’t have a clue :-).

The point is you should be doing the same when you share information, especially your pre-launch content, with people. Be confident, be clear, be consistent, and avoid fluff, filler and industry jargon.

Speaking with authority because of your knowledge and experience leads to being recognised and respected as an authority. And people are much more lily to buy during your launch (and afterwards) if they see you as the solution to their problems or as the leader who can help them achieve their goals.

#2: Give Reasons Why

A lot of experts can give others directions for completing some task, but they don’t explain WHY the task should be completed in that specific way. And that’s why when the reader runs into conflicting information from another source, they don’t know what to believe.

That’s why you need to tell your readers WHY they should follow your specific advice.

For example, some health experts tell us that doing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach is the best way to go. But others say you should have a small meal first.

So if you’re advocating one of those options to your readers, you’ll bet much more traction as an authority when tell them WHY you’ve made that specific suggestion. And to remove any doubt yours is the correct option, you should back your opinion up with scientific data.

Again, your goal here is to show people that it’s not merely that you THINK a particular course of action is accurate or best, but that you KNOW it is the solution from personal experience.

Explaining the reason why shows that you UNDERSTAND not just the correct steps to achieve their desired result, but the way things work so that the steps you suggest are the right steps to take.

To Sum Up

If you are preparing for a product launch and you want to be seen and respected as an authority in your market, then you need to start writing and presenting information with authority.

This means:

  • Be confident when you share information with your audience (don’t waiver or second-guess yourself)
  • Share good information that helps people by actually helping them (don’t leave the best ideas out)
  • Offer reasons why what you say is THE solution

If you do these three things correctly, you’re sure to see your authority increase and the relationships you have with your prospects grow in a positive way, which can only help to increase your product launch profits.

And to learn more about creating authority before, during and after you use Product Launch Formula to launch or re-launch your product or service, check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

Talk soon,


PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. My 1-2-3 List Building Cheat Sheet will show you how to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

2. How To Create A Signature Product Out Of Thin Air In 72 Hours Or Less
Creating your product does not need to take weeks or months. My 72 Hour Product Creation Guide shows you how to build high value products or bonuses one after the other in 72 hours or less. Click Here.

3. How To Outsource Your Product Creation And Make It Hands Free.
Outsourcing the creation of some or all of your products and bonuses is a great way to save your time for the more important (and more fun) things you’d rather be doing. Grab my Hands Free Outsourcing Cheat Sheet to learn more. Click Here.

And don’t forget to check this out 🙂

Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Formula training.

How To Outsource The Product Launch Stuff You Don’t Want To Do

If you are considering using a product launch to quickly grow your business, one of the best things you can do for your sanity is to learn how to make it as hands-free as possible.

In fact, this goes for everything you do in your business.

If you can outsource the stuff you don’t want to do, the stuff you don’t like to do, and the stuff you don’t know how to do, you can focus on the more important stuff that helps you to grow and prosper.

Now if you’ve never done any outsourcing before, you might be scratching your head.

How, exactly, do you go about figuring out what to outsource, and then finding a good freelancer to complete the tasks?

That’s what this series of posts is about.

Over the next 4 posts, you’ll discover a four-step process which includes:

1. Determining Your Needs.  In this first post I’ll be explaining where, what, and when to outsource for your business.

2. Advertising Jobs.  Then in the next post, you’ll learn how to write a good job description to make sure you get what you are paying for.

3. Evaluating And Hiring Freelancers. In the 3rd post in this series, you’ll learn how to screen candidates and pick the best freelancer for your project.

4. Managing Projects.  And in the forth post, I’ll give you some battle-tested insights into making sure your projects go smoothly.

OK, now let’s walk through the first of these four parts of the process…


Step One: How To Determine Your Product Launch Outsourcing Needs

There are three questions to ask yourself to help you determine needs.

Question 1: When should you outsource?

Here are three good times when you should consider outsourcing a task:

• When you don’t have time to do the task yourself. Perhaps you have other work, family and social obligations. Or perhaps this is a low-value task, and you need to free up your time to focus on high-value tasks. These are good times to outsource.

• When you don’t know how to do the task yourself. Maybe you don’t know anything about it, so it would take too long and there would be a big learning curve. Or perhaps you just don’t know how to do it well, meaning a freelancer would be able to offer a better end result.

• When you don’t want to do the task yourself. Ever notice that you procrastinate on things you really don’t want to do? Don’t force yourself – just outsource the task to someone who’ll cheerfully produce a great end result for you.

In other words, if you’re stuck and not moving forward very quickly, then outsource the task.

Which brings us to the next question…

Question 2: What should you outsource?

The sky is the limit when it comes to outsourcing.

Let’s look at a quick list of common tasks:

• Content creation. This may your product launch content (including pre-launch content and email sequences, and even the product itself), ongoing newsletters for both prospects and customers, blog posts, social media posts, PDF reports, ebooks, video scripts, and more.

• Social media management. Your freelancer may create and post traffic generation content on Facebook, Twitter and other platforms. They may also help you develop an overall social media launch strategy, depending on their skills and experience.

• Graphic design. This includes web graphics, video presentation graphics, product graphics and more.

• Planning. Here you can hire an expert to help you plan and strategize various parts of your launch and/or other parts of your business, such as marketing or your launch sales funnel.

• Data entry. This sort of task is a great one to outsource, as it’s a low-value task (which frees up your time to focus on high-value tasks), and it requires very minimal skills to complete.

• Customer support. You can hire people to both answer phones and deal with inquiries sent through your help desk. This may be a permanent position, or you may hire people temporarily during expected influxes (such as during your product launch).

• Video editing and production. Most product launches are video based these days, so unless you have skills and experience with video production, this is a task that’s best left to someone else.

• Administrative assistance. You can hire someone to help you with a myriad of day to day jobs, from research to content creation to data entry and more.

• Research. A competent freelancer can help you do market research, product research and more. Your freelancer might give you a report of their findings with links and data, or they may find the resources and let you interpret the data. It all depends on their skill set.

• Traffic generation. Generally, this involves hiring multiple experts to focus on their area of specialty (such as media buys, affiliate marketing, SEO, pay per click, etc).

• Copywriting. A sales letter or ad can make or break the success of your product launch, which is why it’s a good idea to hire a professional copywriter to create these materials for you.

• Legal services. Here’s one area where you should absolutely hire a professional. This includes creating policy documents for your site, reviewing agreements, helping you incorporate, and other legal issues that come up.

• Transcription. If you plan to include videos, audios or webinars as part of your product, you can pay somebody to transcribe them into text very inexpensively through Rev.com.

• Order fulfilment. If you’re shipping physical products, or you need to manually deliver digital bonuses for an affiliate promotion, you can hire someone else to take care of fulfilment.

• PowerPoint® presentation. If you do slide-share presentations for webinars, videos or conferences, you can hire a professional to make your presentation look great.

• Lead generation. This person can help you set up your lead page, tweak it for good conversions, and drive traffic to it.

• Installations and set up. A good freelancer can help you with everything from installing a WordPress blog, to installing complex ecommerce systems.

• Email marketing. You can hire someone to help you create your launch email sequence, as well as better autoresponder sequences that boost your open and click-through rates, meaning you’ll sell more through email.

• Accounting. A good accountant can save you money by ferreting out tax deductions that you didn’t even know about.

• Public relations. A good PR person can send out compelling press releases and land media interviews during your launch so you get additional publicity and exposure.

• Blogging. You can hire someone to create content for your blog, handle blog comments, and publish content on a regular basis.

• Document formatting. You can hire someone to format your Kindle book, ebooks or other documents, which will give your readers a great first impression.

• Affiliate recruiting. You can hire an affiliate manager to find, recruit and motivate affiliates.

• Search engine marketing. This includes SEO (search engine optimisation) as well as PPC (pay per click) marketing using platforms such as AdWords.

Next question…

Question 3: Where you should outsource?

You can cast a wide net by using one or more of the following methods:

1. Post a project to a freelancing site. This includes sites such as Guru.com, UpWork.com, and  Fiverr.com

This is the method I recommend in this report, since you get access to freelancer ratings, as well as some amount of protection through most freelancing sites.

For example, some sites run an escrow service, which protects both you and the freelancer.

2. Search Google. For example, you might search for “ghostwriter” or “software developer.”

Be sure to check the organic results as well as the sponsored results (ads).

3. Ask for recommendations from trusted sources.

This includes your colleagues, mentors, and other associates.

You can also ask on business and marketing forums or Facebook groups.

So now we’ve covered the first step in getting started with outsourcing, your head might be spinning with all of the possibilities 🙂

But before you race out and start hiring, you’ll need to know how to create a specific and detailed project description (AKA a brief) in order to find the most qualified person for the job and to get the best results.

And that’s what we’ll be covering for you in the next post.

Warm regards,


PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. My 1-2-3 List Building Cheat Sheet will show you how to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

2. How To Create A Signature Product Out Of Thin Air In 72 Hours Or Less
Creating your product does not need to take weeks or months. My 72 Hour Product Creation Guide shows you how to build high value products or bonuses one after the other in 72 hours or less. Click Here.

3. How To Outsource Your Product Creation And Make It Hands Free.
Outsourcing the creation of some or all of your products and bonuses is a great way to save your time for the more important (and more fun) things you’d rather be doing. Grab my Hands Free Outsourcing Cheat Sheet to learn more. Click Here.

And don’t forget to check this out 🙂

Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Formula training.

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

5 Product Launch Customer Service Mistakes You’ll Want To Avoid

As you prepare to start your Product Launch (regardless of whether it’s a Seed Launch, Internal Launch ora  JV Launch, one of your most important considerations is how are you going to handle a potential avalanche of customer support enquiries.

And while your customers don’t make decisions about your business based on the quality of your customer service alone, their decision about whether they’ll ask for a refund or whether they’ll continue to do business with you will often be based on their customer experience with your support desk.

That’s why people who receive a delicious meal but poor service at a restaurant don’t very often go back. And your customers are the same way – they might feel your product is awesome, but they’re unlikely to hang around or do repeat business with you if your customer service stinks.

So how do you provide a good customer service experience? You start by avoiding these common mistakes…

Mistake 1: Putting A Low Priority On Customer Service

Sometimes, and particularly during a hectic product launch, business owners look at customer service as a nuisance, so they end up putting it on a low priority. That’s a big mistake.

Without your customers, you have no business. That’s why you’ll want to be sure that everything from your web design to ordering process to customer care experience is your top priority so that your visitors walk away satisfied.

Mistake 2: Taking Too Long To Answer Customer Inquiries

Launching a product or service is a fast-paced activity, and if you don’t answer customer service inquiries quickly, your prospect will move on to something else that they feel is more urgent.

That’s why you want to make sure you answer inquiries the same day, and even within an hour or two if possible, especially during your open cart period when people are making their buying decision.

Mistake 3: Not Providing Anything Other Than An Email Address

The problem with handling all customer service strictly through email is that emails can and often do get lost or missed, either on your end or the customer’s end. And when they do get lost, the customer will assume you’re ignoring him or her. As you might expect, that’s going to be a bit problem.

The solution?

1. Use a help desk platform instead. Even if you use email, the help desk platform keeps a record of the entire conversation so replies never get lost.

2. Give people a phone number that WILL be answered by a real person 24 hours a day. With ecommerce being a global business, the odds are some of your potential customers will not be living in your time zone or even your country.

Giving people the option to have their questions answered right away (while they are excited and ready to order), or to have their orders processed on the phone has proven to increase conversions.

Mistake 4: Failing To Train Your Customer Service Reps

Another common mistake is to assume that your hired staff knows everything there is to know about providing good customer care. That’s not necessarily true, even if they are experienced.

That’s why you’ll want to lay out instructions for all your staff about how to handle customer service inquiries, including:

  • Offering cut and paste answers for common inquiries.
  • Providing training on how to incorporate your business branding into customer service replies, where applicable.
  • General instruction about what you expect, such as how to address customers and prospects.


Mistake 5: Not Anticipating High-Volume

If you’re launching a product or even running a big sale, you must anticipate the increased demand for customer service on these higher-volume days and bring on more staff to handle the extra load.

It’s better to have people underworked for a few days during your open cart period than missing out on what could be a LOT of sales during your launch.


During your product launch, customers are the lifeblood of your business, so make sure you treat them right. That’s why it’s critical you do everything you can to avoid the five mistakes listed above, and Jeff looks at how to manage the large influx you’re going to get in your launch during his free Product Launch Masterclass.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. My 1-2-3 List Building Cheat Sheet will show you how to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

2. How To Create A Signature Product Out Of Thin Air In 72 Hours Or Less
Creating your product does not need to take weeks or months. My 72 Hour Product Creation Guide shows you how to build high value products or bonuses one after the other in 72 hours or less. Click Here.

3. How To Outsource Your Product Creation And Make It Hands Free.
Outsourcing the creation of some or all of your products and bonuses is a great way to save your time for the more important (and more fun) things you’d rather be doing. Grab my Hands Free Outsourcing Cheat Sheet to learn more. Click Here.

And don’t forget to check this out 🙂

Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Formula training.

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

3 Hours Left To Get Product Launch Formula

So there’s a couple of hours left in Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula launch, and the new offer that’s live right now includes the full PLF training program, with the strategies and tactics that have driven over a BILLION dollars in launches by his students.

It’s got nine modules that walk you through creating your first launch… and then growing your launches from there (note that he has completely rebuilt the course for the new PLF Program).

You’ll get email swipe copy, a targeted timeline, and checklists to help keep you on track, module by module, complete launch videos and scripts from launches in various markets, access to the PLF Community… and let’s not forget 12 months of coaching calls.

You can learn more about PLF here (but only for the next 3 hours)

Plus you’ve got some pretty incredible bonuses included with Product Launch Formula:

– BONUS: Jeff’s complete “Launching Your List” video training course – this course is ALL NEW for 2019, and it shows how to grow an email list of people hungry for what you offer.

– BONUS: the full-blown “Product Creation Code” video training course that shows you how to create an online training program that people will pay you for.

– BONUS: two tickets to his “PLF Live” program – this is a three-day, live, in-person workshop led personally by Jeff himself. The event will be in Phoenix, AZ, USA – they’re still finalizing the dates, but it will likely be later in the year or early next year.

– BONUS: “Your Tech Stack Quick Start” – this is Jeff’s team training you on picking out the technology for your launch, and getting it set up. If you’re just starting out and you’re intimidated by the “technology question”… they’ve got you taken care of.

– BONUS: “Book Launch Campaigns” – if you’re an author, this one is all about how to launch your book.

– BONUS: the “Sparta Launch” training on how to sell very high-priced, small-group workshops or retreats. The best part is that Sparta launches are generally done purely via email.

– BONUS: The “Live Launch” training – Jeff’s PLF launch followed an entirely new model… and he’ll be creating this special bonus to debrief the process and his results.

You can learn more about PLF here (but only for the next 3 hours)

And he just added these three new bonuses:

NEW BONUS: Jeff’s brand new OPERATION QUICK START mini-module, which is perfect if you’re just starting out – this training will show you what to do first to quickly get your business up and running fast.

NEW BONUS: His new THE SECRETS OF LEVERAGE AND SCALE mini-module, which is all about moving from a 1-on-1 or unleveraged business… to creating true leverage and scale in your business (so you can make more money and impact without working more hours).

NEW BONUS: the LAUNCH PARTNERSHIP mini-module, which teaches you the lucrative business of helping other people with their launches… either as a consultant, a launch manager, or even as a full business partner.

Again, this offer is live right now… but only for a couple more hours.

Here’s where to go to learn more and join us if you feel it’s the right fit for you and your business.

See you inside the members portal,

Rocky Tapscott

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

How To Build Your Product Launch Email List Step By Step

No matter what type of product or service you’re going to be using a product launch for, one thing you need to be doing is building a product launch email list. That’s because an email database is one of the most valuable assets you can have.

Even if every one of your traffic sources dried up overnight, you’d still be okay as long as you had your list. And even if your products somehow disappeared off the face of the earth, you could still make money by selling other people’s stuff as long as you had your email list. So the point is, list building should be a top priority for you.

That’s why I’ve create this checklist so you can be sure you have all the right pieces in place. Take a look…

First Up You’ll Need An Enticing Lead Magnet

A great lead magnet could be an ebook, video, app, ecourse or anything else that has the following characteristics:

  • It’s easy to deliver. (It would typically be a digital download that you deliver automatically through your autoresponder)
  • It’s something your prospects really want. (Hint: do your market research to find out what problem people in your niche really want to solve and give them the solution)
  • It has a high perceived value
  • It solves a specific problem (it’s not a bunch of general ‘tips’ but something actionable people can get a result from)
  • It sells something else on the backend (such as your front end product)

You can learn more about lead magnets here

Develop A Compelling Optin Page

Even though your lead magnet is free, people aren’t going to knock down your door to claim it unless you show them it has a lot of value. That’s why you need to create a lead or optin page that persuades people to fill in your opt-in form to grab it. Keep these tips in mind:

  • Be sure your lead page looks polished and professional
  • Lead with your product’s main benefits and the results people will get from consuming it
  • Arouse your prospect’s curiosity about the lead magnet if possible. (With the idea being that the only way to satisfy their curiosity is by opting in and getting the lead magnet)
  • Use a specific call to action to get people opting in (EG – Enter your email address into the form below below to grab your copy)

Personally, I use LeadPages and love them, but there are plenty of alternatives these days.

One more thing before we move on: Being to create irresistible offers is so important to the success of your list building campaign and ultimately your launch that I’ve put together a Free Cheat Sheet that shows you how to create the perfect offer.

If you can make irresistible offers at both the lead generation stage and for your product or service itself, your launch should absolutely crush it. To make sure you don’t miss anything as you develop your offers, click here to grab your Free copy of The Perfect Offer Cheatsheet

Choose A Reputable Autoresponder

Steer away from using ‘free’ or seemingly low-cost autoresponders or services without a proven track record over many years. Go with well-established services such as Aweber.com, GetResponse.com, iContact.com and similar.

Create An Initial Autoresponder Sequence

Generally, this multi-part sequence should introduce you to new prospects, let them know what to expect from you, bond with them and ultimately promote your front-end or ‘tripwire’ product. Keep these tips in mind:

    • Offer an informational sequence that’s useful (to build good relationships and keep people reading), yet incomplete (which helps you steer people towards paid products).
    • Provide a three to seven-part sequence that’s informative and engaging. Each email should build anticipation for upcoming emails. E.G., “Next time you’ll discover a little-known trick for getting rid of cellulite!”
    • Craft benefit-driven, curiosity arousing subject lines to get the open. E.G., “Start a six-figure business for just $47?”
    • Use responsive templates/HTML in your emails, as a large number of your subscribers will be reading your message from their mobile phones.
    • Track and test your emails. It’s the only way to know what’s really working in terms of email subject lines, sales copy, calls to action, and even the offers themselves.

And finally…

Make A Commitment to Maintaining Your List

It’s pretty pointless to go through all these steps if you don’t intend to stay in touch with your subscribers regularly. So, commit to emailing them at least once or twice a week, and you’ll see your list profits continue to grow!

By starting to build your email list now, when you’re ready for your product launch you’ll have a group of people who already know who you are, who you’ve already helped, and who will be responsive to buying from you again.

These people will be especially responsive if you invite them to co-create your new product using a Seed Launch. And they’ll be your most rabid buyers if you run an Internal Launch before you roll out your  JV Launch.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. My 1-2-3 List Building Cheat Sheet will show you how to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

2. How To Create A Signature Product Out Of Thin Air In 72 Hours Or Less
Creating your product does not need to take weeks or months. My 72 Hour Product Creation Guide shows you how to build high value products or bonuses one after the other in 72 hours or less. Click Here.

3. How To Outsource Your Product Creation And Make It Hands Free.
Outsourcing the creation of some or all of your products and bonuses is a great way to save your time for the more important (and more fun) things you’d rather be doing. Grab my Hands Free Outsourcing Cheat Sheet to learn more. Click Here.

And don’t forget to check this out 🙂

Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Formula training.

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

How To Quickly Create Products And Bonuses For Your Product Launch

If you’re planning on doing a product launch, then you’re going to be creating at least one core product, along with a number of bonuses.

And ultimately your sales process could include:

  • One or more lead magnets so you can generate new prospects for your product launch
  • Potentially one ‘tripwire’ products you sell before your launch to reduce your lead cost
  • Your core offer including the training, checklists, cheatsheets and any personal attention you’ll be delivering
  • And up to 5 bonus products

NOTE: Jeff discusses all of the components you’ll need to create a great product for your launch in his Product Launch Blueprint which you can download here.

Once you move past your launch, or if you create an evergreen launch, you might include upsells, cross-sells, backend offers and more opportunities for people to buy from you.

Now here’s the problem…

All of this product creation can take a LOT of time.

You need to do market research to understand what people want to buy…

You need to go through the process of actually creating the products

And you need to proof, edit and format them…

And that doesn’t even count the marketing for your launch.

The good news is that you have three really good options when it comes to creating products. These options include:

1. Doing it yourself

2. Outsourcing it to a competent freelancer (or a team of freelancers)

3. Getting other experts to create it for you for free.

Which one should you use?

Honestly, the best option is to use a combination of all 3.

Sometimes you’ll want to create a product yourself, sometimes you’ll want to outsource, and sometimes you’ll get others to create them for you for free.

Let’s take a look at each of these three methods…

Creating Your Products Yourself

Most people who are new to the information product business do all or most of the product creation themselves.

That’s okay. Just keep these 3 tips in mind:

  • Do your market research first. This should ALWAYS be the first step of creating a product, no matter which option you choose. Find out what people in your market is already buying by checking marketplaces like ClickBank.com and Amazon.com, and then create something similar yet better.
  • Create an outline. Don’t just wing it. Creating a solid outline will help you create a product that is truly useful for your customers.
  • Schedule specific blocks of time to work. In other words, take your work time as seriously as you schedule any other time, such as appointments. Then create a daily to-do list, and don’t stop working until you’ve accomplished what you’ve set out to do on that particular day.
  • Download my Free Guide – “How to create a signature product in 72 hours or less” to learn how to fast track the creation of your information products and bonuses so you can be ready for your launch much sooner than you ever thought possible. Grab Your 72 Hour Product Creation Guide Here


Outsourcing Your Product Creation

A lot of people think they can’t afford to outsource. However, you may be surprised at just how affordable it is.

Take this example…

Let’s suppose your goal is to build a business generating $100,000 this year working 20 hours each week for 50 weeks. That works out to 1000 hours worth of work, which makes each hour you work worth $100 per hour.

Now consider how long it takes you to do a particular task. For example, how long would it take you to write, edit, format and put the finishing touches on a 5000 word report? It might take you 10 hours to do the research and the writing.

If it takes you 10 hours, and your time is worth $100 per hour, then it “costs” you $1000 to create this report yourself. Meanwhile, you can easily find a really good freelancer who’ll produce that same product for you for a fraction of that price. In turn, that frees up your time to focus on high-value tasks such as marketing.

Just keep these two tips in mind:

  • Cast a wide net when looking for an outsourcer or freelancer. You might go to freelancing sites such as upwork.com, ask for recommendations on business forums and in Facebook groups you are a member, and even post ads on employment sites such as indeed.com.
  • Do your due diligence. Carefully researching candidates upfront will save you a lot of time, money and frustration down the road. The LAST thing you should do is shop around based on price. Instead, be sure the freelancer has an established history of producing good work in a professional and timely manner.
  • Create a comprehensive, well thought out plan or roadmap for your freelancer to quote on and then follow when they are awarded the gig. The more information and direction you can give people, the better the end result will be.
  • Download my Free Hands Free Outsourcing Cheat Sheet to learn how to outsource your product creation step by step. Click Here


Getting Others to Create Your Products – For Free

How is this possible?

Simple – you crowdsource your product.

What you do is gather experts together in your niche, and ask each expert to contribute a piece of content to the product. This might be an article, a tip, or even the answers to a set of interview questions.

For example, maybe you’re creating a product about how new mothers can lose weight quickly and safely. You could ask 10 to 20 experts the best way to lose 10 pounds and keep it off. To create some variety in their answers, you could ask a variety of experts, such as personal trainers, dieticians, bodybuilders, aerobics instructors, doctors and more.

In return for providing an answer, you’ll give your contributors benefits such as:

  • Free exposure to your customers in the form of a byline and link at the end of their article
  • Free exposure by including links to their products and services on your website
  • 100% commissions on any products they sell through their affiliate links

The idea is to be sure your partners get a big reward for a small investment of their time.

So now that you know three ways to create a product, the next question is this: what kind of product will you create?

Here’s a good place to start if you want to build a six-figure business:

The Profitable Product System

And make sure you go through Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass where he goes into much more detail about creating and launching your own products and services successfully.

Chat soon,


PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. My 1-2-3 List Building Cheat Sheet will show you how to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

2. How To Create A Signature Product Out Of Thin Air In 72 Hours Or Less
Creating your product does not need to take weeks or months. My 72 Hour Product Creation Guide shows you how to build high value products or bonuses one after the other in 72 hours or less. Click Here.

3. How To Outsource Your Product Creation And Make It Hands Free.
Outsourcing the creation of some or all of your products and bonuses is a great way to save your time for the more important (and more fun) things you’d rather be doing. Grab my Hands Free Outsourcing Cheat Sheet to learn more. Click Here.

And don’t forget to check this out 🙂

Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Formula training.

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.