Category Archives: Advanced Email Marketing Tactics

Internal Launch Case Study – How To Use Product Launch Formula In The Trading Market

It doesn’t matter whether your business is a startup or you have been established for many years, you can use an Internal Launch as laid out in Product Launch Formula to generate a huge lift in sales and profits, help you build an email database of prospects and customers who will buy from you again in the future, and put your business on a solid footing faster than any other strategy.

And it doesn’t matter if your marketing has had less than stellar results in the past, or if you’ve taken the advice of so called ‘experts’ or a marketing agency that promised you the world and then handed you an Atlas, you can launch a brand new product profitably in one or two weeks instead of months or years.

In this post I’m going to share exactly how I used an Internal Launch to generate around $20 per subscriber in net profit over a period of 2 weeks using nothing but a few Facebook posts and an email sequence (which you will see in full below) to a small email list.

Using The Product Launch Formula Process To Launch An Information Product

Over the last few weeks I’ve been using the Product Launch Formula process to run an Internal Launch for a training program I created (using a Seed Launch) that teaches people how to use Technical Analysis on stocks, commodities, indexes and other markets.

If you’re not sure what Technical Analysis is, it’s using price charts to determine where the price of a stock or some other market is likely to go over the next few days or weeks. As you can imagine, it is a valuable skill to have and when you get it right it is possible to virtually create income at will.

Creating The Program Using A Seed Launch

I originally used a Seed Launch to create the course content where I offered 6 live Zoom Webinars with several follow up Zoom Q&A meetings. Some of my students have done exceptionally well, but others have struggled despite having my help to understand what to do.

Because the first live program was fun to do and was so well received, I ran it two more times. Both of these times I had new members sign up while existing members were allowed to join in free of charge.

By the third iteration, the content was nailed down and I had filled in any gaps I found in the knowledge I wanted to share as we went through the training.

Once the content was all edited and uploaded to a new membership site run on the Xperiencify Platform, I was ready to launch a higher ticket Mentoring Program where students get even more access to me in addition to all of the training created during the Seed Launches.

A Quick Note About Where To Host Your Course

I used WordPress and the Wishlist Member Plugin to host the original Seed Launch content because it was good enough for what I was doing. The problem was most of my students never got around to completing the entire training. That meant they didn’t get the full benefits of what I’m sharing, and this tends to be a problem for most course creators.

That’s why I am hosting the higher priced version on the Xperiencify Platform because Marissa has made it possible to Gamify your course content which increases the number of people who complete your course exponentially.

Here’s what the new Xperiencify Members’ area looks like:

Use Product FormulaAs you can see, the Platform looks professional, neat and tidy, and from the feedback I’ve received so far, students are loving the experience. Typical comments are, “this is addictive” and, “I just found myself moving from one lesson to the next without realising it”.

When your students have a great experience, they consume more of your course’s content, meaning they get more value for their money and they are likely to get better results. This leads to happy students, testimonials and future sales. You can learn more about the Xperiencify Platform here.

OK, let’s get into the details of my recent Product Launch.

So now I’m going to take you through the entire process of using Product Launch Formula to run an Internal Launch to the people on my Trend Traders Club Facebook group and the email list I’ve built from Group members signing up for my free members training.

I started this launch in the same way Jeff Walker does most of his. I asked my audience what I could do to help them. Here’s what Jeff calls the ‘Shot Across The Bow’ email asking for their feedback:



I’m in the final stages of creating some brand new Free training videos where I’ll be sharing how to find and safely get set in potentially fast-moving, long-term trends, how to get the most out of each one of those trends, and how to exit without leaving a fortune on the table…

But before I release the training… I want to make sure I cover YOUR single biggest questions, challenges or concerns.

All I’d like you to do is let me know your answer to this ONE important question:

When it comes to finding and participating in fast-moving, long-term trends, what’s YOUR single biggest challenge right now? (Please be as detailed and specific as possible).

Your advice on this would mean the world to me and really help me finalise the this new training.

Could you please take a minute to answer the one-question survey here.

Thanks so very much for your input, I really appreciate it!

Warm regards,



As you can see, the email is friendly and coming from a place of service. If you have any kind of relationship with people on your email list, in your Facebook Group, or your followers on social media, you can frame a similar message asking for their help and feedback.

We want to do this because we want to make sure of two things:

  1. That your audience feels a sense of ownership in the end result because they helped you to create the training or program, and
  2. We want to make sure we don’t leave anything critical out of our Pre Launch Videos or the product itself

Feel free to model the email above and also the Survey format for your market and modify it for your own needs. It works really well…

The First Pre Launch Content Video

Once I had received feedback and questions from members of my audience, I created the first PLC (Product Launch Content) video highlighting the Opportunity as discussed in Product Launch Formula.

Here’s the message inviting people to watch the video:



Last week I asked for your advice on what your single biggest challenge was when it came to finding and participating in fast-moving, long-term trends, and the response was overwhelming.

Based on your feedback, the first new training video is ready for you to watch, and you can check it out here.

In this first video I cover how to find potential opportunities and show you how to know whether they are likely to result in a fast-moving trend or not.

​​​​​​​You can also download the PDF Slides for the video, and there’s a comments section below the video where you can ask questions or comment on what we covered.

​​​​​​​Please watch the first video here and leave your comments or questions for me.

Thankyou again for sharing your advice on what to cover in this 4 video series, I really appreciate your help.

Warmest regards,



Here’s what Pre-launch Video 1 looked like:

Product Launch Video 1

Apart from a couple of mentions of a paid course coming in the future, it was over 95% valuable content.

I also posted the video inside my Facebook group and quite a few people watched it there.

One of the questions I received from a number of people was “How do I draw a Swing Chart?” To give people more valuable content while I created the second PLC video, I recorded a tutorial video on how to create a Swing Chart, and here’s the email letting subscribers know about it:



Being able to accurately draw Swing Charts is a core skill we need to master if we want to successfully use the TTC Setup I shared in the new training video I posted here a couple of days ago.

After watching that video, a couple of people asked me if I could go into more detail about how to draw Swing Charts because I really only touched on it briefly in that video.

So I’ve recorded an in-depth tutorial video (just over 10 minutes) showing exactly how to draw Swing Charts including how to account for inside and outside days.

You can watch the new video here.

BTW I’ve nearly finished the second new training video where we’ll be going through how to use Elliott Wave analysis to get set in positions near market turns, and much more.

I’ll send you a link to the new video as soon as it’s ready to go.

Chat soon,

Warmest regards,



This video was pure content with zero pitch whatsoever.

The Second Pre Launch Content Video

A couple of days later I sent out PLC video 2, and the email I sent to subscribers is below:



Your second new training video is ready for you to watch and you can check it out here.

In this one you’ll learn:

– How to manage positions based on Elliott Wave analysis
– How to use trailing stops to keep you impositions for as long as possible
– How to know when to compound (and when not to compound)
– And we’ll look at a bunch of examples of managing positions using these rules in real markets
– I also share some timely info on potential setups that might confirm this week

Check out the video now while it’s fresh on your mind, I think you’ll find it helpful.

If you have any comments or questions, please post them in the Facebook group and Tag me so I can reply to you personally.

I hope you find the video helpful.

Warmest regards,



Here’s what the second Pre-launch Video looked like:Product Launch PLC Video 2

Each video had links back to the previous videos, and I asked people to go back and watch the previous videos first if they haven’t done so yet.

It’s critical that people watch all of your PLC videos in the order you create them, because when they are done right they build on each other, leading your prospects seamlessly towards the conclusion they need to invest in your product or service if they want to solve their entire problem or achieve a complete solution.

Over the next couple of days I answered questions from subscribers in the Facebook group and by email and most people said they found the second video very helpful.

The Third Product Launch Content Video

A couple of days later I had the third PLC video ready and sent it to subscribers using this message:



Your third new training video is ready for you to watch and you can check it out here.

In this one you’ll learn:

– The 8 Critical Mindsets Framework I use to systemise things as much as possible
– How to use retracements and repeating ranges to forecast where trends and counter trends are likely to come to an end
– I also share some potential opportunities to be on the lookout for over the next week or so

Check out the video now while it’s fresh on your mind, I think you’ll find it helpful.

If you have any comments or questions, please post them in the Facebook group and Tag me so I can reply to you personally.

I hope you find the video helpful.

Warmest regards,



A bunch of people watched the third PLC video and I had many comments and emails thanking me for recording it. Here’s what that third video looked like:

Product Launch PLC Video 3

While I prepared the 4th PLC Video, I recorded a brief update video for subscribers and sent it to them using this email message:



I’ll have your 4th training video ready for you in a couple of days but before that I’ve recorded this short video update on some of the markets we follow.

You can watch the video update here in the Facebook group or here on Vimeo.

I really hope this helps.

Chat soon,

Warmest regards,



This video was 100% content and kept me in front of potential clients in a no-stress, ethical way. I used what Jeff Walker calls the ‘Pivot’ where we go from purely training to preparing people for the 4th video where the details of the paid program are released and people can start signing up.

The All Access Page

The next day I sent subscribers a message letting them know they could watch the first 4 videos all on one page in case they had missed any or wanted to watch them again.

Here’s the message I sent:


Hey, it’s Rocky…

If you missed any of the Masterclass videos I’ve been sending over the last week or so, or if you’d like to watch any of them again, I’ve put them all on one page for you so you can go through them all in one place.

You can watch them all on this page.

I really hope this training helps, and if you have any questions or comments, please post them in the Facebook group and Tag me and I’ll answer them for you.

Warmest regards,



The links in the email message took people to the All Access page that looked like this:

The feedback was again very positive with people emailing me thanking me for the All Access page.

The 4th Product Launch Content Video

A couple of days later I sent subscribers PLC Video 4 which announced the Program was ready for registration.

Here’s the message I used:



The 4th training video in our series is ready for you to watch here.

In this video we recap the key points we covered in the first 3 videos, and then I tie everything together by showing you how to use Time Cycle analysis to determine when markets have the potential to make minor and even major changes in trend.

I hope you find this forth video helpful.

Warmest regards,



Here’s what the page for Video 4 looked like:

Product Launch Video 5

People immediately started applying for the program and I went through a process of qualifying them to make sure they would be a good fit (more on this later).

The next day I sent another video with a recent Case Study showing how what they had learned in the previous training videos was used in a real life situation. This gave more Proof that what I was showing them actually worked.

Here’s the email I sent that day:



As part of our ongoing training series, I recorded this video for you yesterday showing how Time, Price and Pattern alerted us to several strong trends in Uranium.

Please watch the video here to see how the analysis you’ve learned is used in real time. 

I hope you find this Case Study helpful.

Warmest regards,



More people applied after seeing this video and sales were starting to come in.

The next day I sent another video showing what was possible using the strategies I had been sharing in the Pre Launch Content. You have to be very careful to stress you are not making income claims in your marketing because you can get into strife with all kinds of three letter agencies if you do. Be SUPER careful that you don’t do that.

Here’s the message linking to that video:



In this video I share a little of what’s possible if you follow the Rules I’ve been sharing in the Training using small positions with a degree of leverage.

It’s best to watch the video in full screen to see the detail.

It’s important to note I am not making an income claim or promising you can achieve the same or similar results.

What I share is just an example of what is possible.

Please watch the video here. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Warmest regards,



Again more people applied and other people who had expressed interest contacted me again with questions or requesting the order link.

The next day I shared another Case Study video showing one of the most popular markets my audience is interested in. This again showed verifiable proof that what I have been sharing worked.

Proof of Concept like this is critical if you want to sell anything for more than a few bucks. People have been disappointed a thousand times before and want to know they won’t be wasting their time if they sign up for your product or service. The main reason is because while they can always get more money, their time is a scarce resource and is something they can never get back.

With that in mind, here’s the email message linking to the Case Study:



Because most Club members are interested in the US stock market, I just recorded this video Case Study showing how the lessons in Time, Price and Pattern have applied to the SPX over the last couple of weeks.

I also share my thoughts on where the US market could be headed over the next few weeks.

Make sure you check out this new video here to see how the analysis you’ve been learning can be used to enter markets very close to minor and often major changes in trend.

I really hope you find this Case Study helpful.

Warmest regards,


P.S. I’m holding a live Gann & Elliott Wave Mentoring Program with a small group starting next week. We’ll be working on how to perfect your understanding of how markets move so you have certainty in any market situation.

Would you like to join us?

Just reply to this message and I’ll get you all the details.


Because we were getting very close to the official start date for the program, the next day I sent a personal message to everybody directly inviting them to join the program.

Here’s is that personal message:


SUBJECT: A personal invitation


Over the last couple of weeks I’ve sent you a series of training videos to give you a glimpse of what’s possible when you truly understand how to read markets using Time, Price and Pattern.

What I shared in those videos is the culmination of over 20 years of study boiled down into the critical 1% that really makes all the difference.

And the fact is if you were to truly study those videos (as opposed to just watching them one time and moving on) you probably have all you need to eventually succeed in the market beyond your wildest dreams.

The problem for most people is they know what to do, but they don’t have somebody to hold them accountable so they can consistently do it.

This is why top performers in every field have coaches and mentors.

They have people on their payroll who keep them on track, highlight ways they can improve, and hold their feet to the fire so they can break through obstacles and reach peak performance.

I created the Gann & Elliott Wave Mentoring Program as a way of becoming your personal coach so I can help you to shortcut your path to success from months or years, to just a few weeks if you are prepared to do the work.

Yes there is work to do.

Yes you may have to un-learn some bad habits and instal new ones.

But once you master this time of analysis, you could be set for life…

The Live Gann & Elliott Wave Mentoring Program is starting this Friday, October 22nd at 7.00pm AEST.

Would you like to join us?

Just reply to this message and I’ll get you all the details.

I truly hope to you can join us as part of this life-changing program.

Warmest regards,



People knew that what I was sharing with them worked because I had given them undeniable proof. The idea behind this email was to stress how much certainty people could have once they understood how the market moved and they were able to apply what they would learn in the program.

The next day I sent another Case Study video showing something that was actually happening in the market right at that moment. Here’s that message:



In this post Trend Traders Club group yesterday…/tren…/posts/4355760191126085/ I said it looks like EUR/USD may have completed an abc correction at the 50% retracement.

In the first screen shot you can see the chart from that post (you can click on the either of the images to open a full size chart in a new window):

EUR/USD Wave 2 low

In this screen shot you can see what has happened since:

EUR/USD Wave 3 Rally

When I made yesterday’s post I wasn’t already long, the post was to alert everybody to the potential for an abc correction and counter trend low near the 50% retracement.

As I’ve said in the training videos, I am not a financial advisor or broker so this is as close as I can get to screaming BUY THE EURO without actually saying it.

Looking at the charts above, the market made its counter trend low right at the 50% retracement and then made a higher Swing high followed by a higher Swing low.

This is the very definition of an uptrend according to Gann.

I entered long with two seperate positions as the 1 hour Swing chart turned back up creating the first higher low (Gann said “The safest place to buy is the first higher low).

As you can see, those entries are taken at the first higher low of the first higher low after a 50% retracement.

This is a high probability setup with very low risk because the stop loss is just below the Wave 2 or B Swing low.

The Euro now looks like it is rallying in a 5 Wave trend and the fact that the minor Wave 1 was taken out within just 2 bars indicates it is a minor Wave 3 of 3.

Because the trend looked so strong, I took an additional position just after the minor Wave 1 high was exceeded.

Everything you’ve learned in the recent training videos is on display here in real life in real time…

  • The initial entries right at the start of the current uptrend
  • Taking some off the table at the end of Wave 1 or A
  • Entering again right at the 50% retracement as the uptrend resumed
  • Compounding into a strongly trending market

Of course we have no way of knowing what will happen next.

The market could turn around and go the other way.

However by treating every setup as just another opportunity in the INFINITE GAME it doesn’t matter what happens with this one.

There are thousands more to look forward to.

And because we are following a set of rules that have proven themselves over time, we will eventually be on board some major trends that last weeks or months…

If you can see the potential of knowing how to consistently do this yourself in the markets you are interested in, you should join me for the new Gann & Elliott Wave Mentoring Program.

Over the next few weeks you’ll learn EXACTLY how to read the market like this so you can play the Infinite Game for the rest of your life.

For all the details, just reply to this message and put Gann in the subject line.

The Program is starting this Friday, October 22nd, so as soon as I hear from you I’ll send you all the details right away.

I hope to see you on the first live meeting on Friday Evening.

Warm regards,



This message generated more interest and sales. The next day subscribers received another Case Study with an update on one of the Stocks we had been watching in the Facebook group.

Here’s the email sent that day:


SUBJECT: Case Study: The A2 Milk Rally Continues


We’ve looked at Australian stock A2 Milk a few times over the last few weeks as it was coming out of its recent correction.

The most recent post was this one on October 13th:

Use Product Launch Formula

The stock did make a counter trend as expected and the strong rally continued.

Here’s an updated chart showing where the stock is today (click on the chart to open a larger version):

Use Product Launch Formula

On the chart you can see the initial TTC entry which as you know is the signal this stock was probably starting to trend.

After a minor correction to just above the .618 A2 rallied strongly again, pulled back in a 2-day counter trend, and today rallied to a new high for this move.

While anything can happen, at the moment this is the essence of a strongly trending stock.

This is exactly the type of thing we look for because price moves away from our entry quickly reducing our risk and allowing us to compound safely.

These are the trends I will help you identify early when you join us in the Gann & Elliott Wave Mentoring Program.

In fact, if you’d joined me in this one setup and closed it out today you’d be well on your way to paying for your entire membership fee in the Program already.

Now please note I am NOT making an income claim in what I said above. I am just stating a fact.

Your results will obviously vary and nobody can guarantee anyone will make any sort of return. You know the drill.

If you can see the potential of knowing how to consistently do this yourself in the markets you are interested in, you should join me for the new Gann & Elliott Wave Mentoring Program.

You’ll learn EXACTLY how to read the market like this so you can have the certainty you need to do very well in todays markets.

Just reply to this message and put Gann in the subject line and I’ll send you all the details.

The Program is starting this Friday, October 22nd, so as soon as I hear from you I’ll send you all the details right away.

I hope to see you on the first live meeting on Friday Evening.

Warm regards,



We were getting down to the wire now and with 24 hours to go, I sent the ’24 Hour Warning’ message the next day. Here’s that email:


SUBJECT: 24 Hour Warning


The first Live session in the new Gann & Elliott Wave Mentoring Program starts in just over 24 hours so now’s the time to register if you are going to join us.

As a member you’ll learn EXACTLY how to read the market like I’ve been showing you in the Masterclass videos over the last couple of weeks.

In case you haven’t had a chance to see all the details yet, I’ve put everything in this Google Document so you can check it out.

The Program is starting at 6.00 PM tomorrow evening Brisbane time (AEST), so check out the details here and then let me know if you’re In, Out or if you have a question.

I hope to see you on the first live meeting tomorrow evening.

Warm regards,



Now while quite a few people had already joined the program paying full price up front, some people who had expressed interest said they just couldn’t afford the full price right now. With this in mind, I created a 6-payment option and let people know about it using this final message:

SUBJECT: Join us for just $200 today


A few people have mentioned they would love to join the Gann & Elliott Wave Mentoring Program before the price goes up but they couldn’t quite swing the full amount right at the moment.

With this in mind, I’ve put together an option for you to join us today and spread the payments out over 6 months interest free.

That means you can join today for just US$200, get access to my personal one on one mentoring, attend the next 4 live weekly group coaching calls to have your questions answered, receive at least 3 weeks of the Setup Alerts PDF, and even go through most of the 95/5 training in the members area before your second payment is due.

Then if you don’t think joining the program was the best decision you’ve ever made, just let me know and I’ll refund your initial payment and cancel your future payments so the whole thing was free.

I’m doing this because I don’t want finances to hold you back if you are really keen to learn and do what it takes to succeed.

As a member you’ll learn EXACTLY how to read the market like I’ve been showing you in the Masterclass videos over the last couple of weeks.

So if this is something you are interested in and you haven’t had a chance to see all the details yet, I’ve put everything in this Google Document so you can check it out.

The Program is starting at 6.00 PM tonight Brisbane time (AEST), and I’ll need to know you’re coming a couple of hours before hand so I can send you the access details for tonight’s call.

So check out the details here if you’re keen to know more and then let me know if you’d like to take advantage of the payment plan ASAP.

I hope to see you on the first live meeting tonight.

Warm regards,



This final email resulted in 6 more members coming on board using the payment plan, and one more person who had been on the fence paying in full.

This is what you will usually see. When you open up your shopping cart you will have the super keen people join you right away. Then as you go through your Open Cart period a few sales will trickle in as long as you keep reminding people about your launch.

Then as your deadline approaches you will see a burst of sales, with a final flurry just before the Shopping Cart closes. There’s nothing like a deadline to force people to make a decision.

How To Convert MANY More People Into Buyers

So that was the final email in the sequence and we’ll get to the results shortly, but first I wanted to share something that could really move the needle for you if you are selling a product or service that is medium to high ticket.

As you will have seen in PLC video 4 and in some of the emails, rather than just giving people a ‘Buy Now’ link, I asked them to contact me by email and let them know they would have to complete an application if they wanted to join the Program.

I did this because I am guaranteeing their results and offering a full refund if I don’t perform, so I wanted to qualify people before I admitted them into my close knit community of very successful traders and investors.

I qualified each person through an email conversation and only admitted the people I was confident I could help to become successful.

The Conversational Close

Here’s an example of a typical email conversation thread so you can get the feel for how to do this if you’d like to model it. You can see how a friendly email conversation can turn a ‘No I can’t afford it’ into a ‘Yes, I’ve paid the first $200 today :-)’ by truly caring about a person and meeting them where they are…

NOTE: I’ve removed the links to various pages because I will be moving the pages over time.

This message was sent to people who had had asked for more information on the Program but had not responded after I sent them the details:


Hey Stephen

The first Live session in the new Gann & Elliott Wave Mentoring Program starts in just over 24 hours so now’s the time to register if you are going to join us.

As a member you’ll learn EXACTLY how to read the market like I’ve been showing you in the Masterclass videos over the last couple of weeks.

In case you haven’t had a chance to see all the details yet, I’ve put everything in this Google Document so you can check it out.

The Program is starting at 6.00 PM tomorrow evening Brisbane time (AEST), so check out the details here and then let me know if you’re In, Out or if you have a question.

I hope to see you on the first live meeting on tomorrow evening.

Warm regards,



Reply from Stephen:


I really would like to attend, but cant afford it right now.



My reply:

Hey Stephen,

Thankyou for getting back to me, I understand if the timing isn’t right for you to join us in the Program right now.

I was just thinking, I would be happy to spread the payments out over 6 months to make it possible for you to attend now instead of possibly missing out on several months of opportunities in the market. 

Please let me know if that would help and I’ll set it up.

Either way, thankyou for your interest I’m the Program, yes please stay in touch.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott


Reply from Stephen:

Hi Rocky, thanks for quick answer.

Yes it would be a possibility. ATM I just work 50% bcs of stress syndrome. So my income is less. That is why it is more difficult now. Is this for lifetime? I really think it would be a good thing then. To learn the skill together, maybe you will start a Group for your students as well who attend?



My Reply:

Hey Stephen,

Thankyou for getting back to me.

I’m so sorry to hear you are unable to work full time. I hope you are able to recover soon.

Yes as a member you have lifetime access to the training, and you are also eligible for all of the updates I add in the future.

We have a Facebook Group for members of this program where we all chat and post potential setups and comment on each others posts.

If you’d like to join us you can start with US$200 today and then 5 monthly instalments of US$200.

That means you can join today for just US$200, get access to my personal one on one mentoring, attend the next 4 live weekly group coaching calls to have your questions answered, receive at least 3 weeks of the Setup Alerts PDF, and even go through most of the 95/5 training in the members area before your second payment is due.

Then if you don’t think joining the program was the best decision you’ve ever made, just let me know and I’ll refund your initial payment and cancel your future payments so the whole thing was free.

If that sounds like something you’d like to do you can use this payment link to register:


Once you’ve made your payment, you’ll be taken to a Thankyou page with a link to click through to the membership site where you can register for access to the training and other content.

As soon as you’ve registered, you’ll receive a Welcome email with instructions on what to do from there.

If you have any problems, please let me know straight away and I’ll get them sorted for you.

I really am looking forward to working with you mate.

See you inside,

Warmest regards,

Rocky Tapscott


Reply from Stephen:

Dear Rocky,

It sounds perfectly Okay with me. I work 50-75 % now because of stress syndrome so I have less income. I hope to get well soon. I can pay that 200 dollars now. Then the rest within 5 months I think, not sure how my income will be. If normal income starts soon I can pay faster, otherwise maybe we can decide together?  How do I go on now? I missed the first session I believe. One more question, is this on lifetime access? And is it 1200 dollars totally?

By the way,I have paid the first 200 USD today 🙂

Best Regards



My Reply:

Hi Stephen,

Great to hear from you mate, and thankyou for joining the Program today.

Please let me know if the monthly payments be too much and we can suspend them until you are ready. 

There’s no hurry so, the main thing is for you to focus on your health and work on getting well as soon as you can.

Yes the full price is US$1200 and your access to the Program is for as long as you need it. That will be for the next few years at least.

You should have been taken to this page to register for the Members site LINK TO MEMBERS REGISTRATION but I couldn’t see your name there. please head over and register. 

Once you are logged in to the members area, watch the video where I take you through the site, and then you can start going through the initial steps.

When you are ready you can watch the replay of Friday’s Meeting by clicking here


As soon as I see your request to join the Facebook Group I’ll approve your access, although I’m going to bed soon so it might be tomorrow.

Thankyou again for joining the Program Stephen, I’m looking forward to working with you.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott


That was the end of the process…

NOTE: By creating ‘Friction’ like this you could potentially reduce your response rate, but you will have better qualified, more committed clients and customers who do the work, get results, and don’t ask for refunds.

Some of the conversations were much shorter than the one with Stephen (EG. please send me the link), some were longer, but virtually every person I corresponded with in this way became a member.

You simply cannot get high conversion numbers like this by just putting a Payment link on a website and hoping for the best.

Can you see how powerful it is to find out what each person’s needs are and meet them if at all possible so they see joining your program as a no-brainer?

Stephen went from “I can’t afford it” to “I paid the first $200 today” in just a couple of days. And he wasn’t the only one.

Now it’s up to me to help Stephen succeed and I’m sure he will because he is committed to the process.

The Results

Below I’ve shared a screen shot of some of the orders of people who joined the Program. You can see the burst of orders on the last day when I announced the 6-pay plan.

Use Product Launch Formula

By the time it’s all said and done, this Internal Launch will generate around A$19,000 in net profit which is not bad considering I don’t have a large email list. It works out to around $20 per subscriber if all of the payment plan clients continue and pay all of their instalments.

The biggest benefit though is now that I have all of the Pre Launch Content and email messages created and tested so I know they convert, I can use them to put together an Evergreen Launch that will be able to generate sales day in, day out, indefinitely.

All it will take is running some ads to put people into the front-end of the funnel, and then have email (or Facebook Messenger or SMS) conversations with the people who are interested in joining. Plus I can run the live launch 3 or 4 times a year if I want to at a higher price (because they get access to me personally) to generate more clients.

Eventually I may run a JV Launch, but I’ll need to employ and train a couple of people to hold the email/messenger/SMS conversations with prospects because I Just won’t have time to do it all myself.

Things I Learned For Next Time

There are a few things I will do differently next time:

  •  I will send people to Facebook Messenger or use SMS for the Conversational Close because it can be more personal
  • I may trial a Chat Bot to pre-qualify people because the first message I sent out requesting more information was virtually the same for everyone
  • I will space the core PLC videos more closely together to keep the momentum moving along better
  • I will release the 6-payment program earlier because it probably cost me sales by leaving it to the last day
  • I will send more messages on the final day (I only sent one this time) because done right you can often double your sales in the last few hours of the last day. Jeff recommends 4 messages on the final day but it’s up to you if that sounds a little aggressive

To Sum Up

I hope you have found this Case Study helpful and you are able to use what I’ve shared here in your own business to launch (or re-launch) a product or service.

Now I know this may look easy when it’s all spelt out for you like this, but there are hundreds of nuances in the email messages and each piece of Pre Launch Content that may not be immediately obvious.

There is what Jeff calls the Pre-Pre-Launch, The Seed Launch, The Quick Launch, The Business Launch, the Post Open Cart Followup Sequence, the Affiliate/JV Partner Pre-Launch and Launch, and so much more.

That’s where registering for Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Masterclass may help you to fill in some of the missing pieces. Jeff is going to spend 3 days explaining his Product Launch Formula in much more detail. If you are interested in joining the Masterclass, you should go here and register now before it starts in a few days time.

Thankyou for reading this Case Study,

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

P.S. Being able to create a Perfect Product is a great start, but you also need a way to generate sales in a consistent way. Running a Product launch is a proven way to not only build your list, but generate Social Proof and make a large number of sales quickly. To learn how to launch your product successfully, check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. List Warrior will show you a proven way to use free software to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

2. How To Create The Perfect Product 
Creating a product that is perfect for your audience does not need to be difficult. How To Create The Perfect Product shows you how to build high value products your audience will love one after the other. Click Here.

3. How To Attract Buyers To Join Your Launch List So They Can Purchase Your Perfect Product.
Once you have created your Product Launch List and your Perfect Product is ready to go, you need to attract people into your world so they can buy from you. One Minute Free Traffic gives you a proven way to attract buyers with ‘Automated Traffic Machines’ so you can send those people to your optin page, your sales page, your Facebook Group or anywhere else you choose.    To learn more Click Here.

And don’t forget to check this out 🙂

How to Earn $20 in 20 Minutes With Any Topic, Niche or Hobby

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

How Ryan Levesque Is Crushing It With His ASK Method Product Launch

Ryan Levesque is currently using Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula to re-launch his fabulous ASK Masterclass, and it’s very instructive to see how he’s integrating his ASK methodology with PLF to laser target his marketing message.

I’ve seen quite a few big players doing this type of lead segmentation lately (including Jeff during his PLF launch at the end of 2017) and it is a great way to increase your conversions.

Here’s how Ryan is doing it…

When you arrive at his landing page, you see an offer to learn how Ryan made his first $1 million dollars online, step-by-step. When you click on the orange button that says Click Here For Instant Access…

Ryan Levesque Product Launch Formula

… you see a popup form where Ryan is implementing a cut-down version of his ASK Method strategy and segmenting people into 5 different groups (or what he calls buckets).

His 5 buckets target people who are:

  • Just getting started
  • In their early stages of business growth
  • Coaches and consultants who work one-on-one
  • People will larger businesses that have a chance to scale
  • Marketing consultants and agencies

Ryan has determined that these are the 5 main groups of people he can help by doing in-depth survey’s of his prospects (using what he calls Deep-Dive Surveys), and has customised his marketing message based on where people tell him they are in their businesses.

When you’ve selected the category that’s the best fit for, just click the ‘Continue’ button…

Ryan Levesque Product Launch Formula

…and you’ll see Step 2: Fill Out The Form Below. When you enter your email address and click the ‘Continue’ button…

Ryan Levesque Product Launch Formula

…you see this screen with the message ‘Generating Your Custom Training…’ This gives the impression that your training is being customised (because it has been), and I’m guessing this is also where Ryan ‘cookies’ people for retargeting later.

Ryan Levesque Product Launch Formula

After a few seconds, you are automatically redirected to Ryan’s Ask Method Masterclass training site where he has the typical 4-video PLF setup – 3 content videos spaced a few days apart, and a final sales video inviting you to join the program…

Ryan Levesque Product Launch Formula

Every part of this process is scientifically designed to take people logically and smoothly through the optin process using what Ryan calls micro-commitments. Micro-commitments use the persuasion principle of Commitment and Consistency to allow people to take baby steps, which is a great way to get them to complete any process without overwhelming them.

Ryan’s Masterclass content is evergreen, so he can run this type of product launch several times each year without having to reinvent the wheel or create any new content at all.

Product Launch Formula Quiz

I remember when Ryan first created the original content for what has now become The ASK Masterclass. It was with a Seed Launch for a product called Survey Funnel Formula (I went through that Seed Launch with him as he created the product).

A couple of years later, Survey Funnel Formula was starting to morph into The ASK Method. In fact, here’s a screen shot of the exact email Ryan sent out for his Deep Dive Survey when he was asking for feedback:

Ryan Levesque ASK Survey Email PLF

As you can see, readers had 4 options to choose from. When you clicked on one of those links, you were taken to one of 4 different pages where Ryan asked just ONE question.

Here what a couple of those pages looked like:

Ryan Levesque ASK Survey PLF

…and another one…

Ryan Levesque ASK Survey PLF

When you clicked the Submit button, you were taken here…

Ryan Levesque ASK Survey PLF

Quick and simple. Based on the answers to what Ryan calls the SMIQ (Single Most Important Question) he created the core content for his ASK Masterclass, and now he’s running another launch with Jeff Walkers proven Product Launch Formula system doing the heavy lifting.

Can you see how powerful it is to combine the PLF process and The ASK Method? It gives you a one-two punch that is hard to beat.

And if you would like to learn more about everything to do with launching your own product or service, including seeing more examples and case studies of people who have used PLF with lead segmentation during the optin process like this, check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

Talk soon,


P.S. Being able to create a Perfect Product is a great start, but you also need a way to generate sales in a consistent way. Running a Product launch is a proven way to not only build your list, but generate Social Proof and make a large number of sales quickly. To learn how to launch your product successfully, check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. List Warrior will show you a proven way to use free software to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

2. How To Create The Perfect Product 
Creating a product that is perfect for your audience does not need to be difficult. How To Create The Perfect Product shows you how to build high value products your audience will love one after the other. Click Here.

3. How To Attract Buyers To Join Your Launch List So They Can Purchase Your Perfect Product.
Once you have created your Product Launch List and your Perfect Product is ready to go, you need to attract people into your world so they can buy from you. One Minute Free Traffic gives you a proven way to attract buyers with ‘Automated Traffic Machines’ so you can send those people to your optin page, your sales page, your Facebook Group or anywhere else you choose.    To learn more Click Here.

And don’t forget to check this out 🙂

How to Earn $20 in 20 Minutes With Any Topic, Niche or Hobby

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

Your 25-Point Post Product Launch Flash Sale Checklist

Once the excitement of your Product Launch Formula launch has settled down, and your new customers are happy and contented with the product they bought from you, running regular flash sales is a great way to generate a lot of sales and buzz in a very short period of time.

The best way to do this is to plan each promotion a few weeks in advance, and invite your PLF marketing partners to promote the event with you. Having some of them on board will help to build anticipation among your prospects and customers and increase your sales significantly.

So you don’t miss any of the critical steps in running a successful flash sale, make sure you follow this 25-point checklist every single time…

1. Define A Goal For Your Flash Sale

The first step is define your goal for this sale. Ideally you’ll set one primary goal to focus on, though you may have secondary goals as well.

Your goals might include:

  • Acquisition of new customers with an irresistible low priced offer
  • Generating more sales for one of your front-end profits
  • Boosting the sales of a higher ticket product or service
  • Creating some excitement among your affiliates
  • Creating some buzz for your products or services in your market
  • Establishing yourself as a “big player” in the niche
  • Cross promoting different lead magnets to build your mailing lists
  • Generating excitement about the launch of your NEXT product

So pick your primary goal, and then let’s move on to Step 2…

2. Pick A Product Or Service That’s Already In Demand

No matter what your goal is, for best results you’ll want to promote something that’s already in-demand. And throwing a flash sale for one of your most popular products serves this purpose perfectly. Of course you can also run a flash sale on a newly released product, but you’ll want to be sure it’s something your market really wants to buy.

In other words, do your market research first! Specifically, you’ll want to:

  • Search marketplaces like,, and to see what the hottest selling stuff is in your niche
  • Run a survey or even run an ASK Campaign like Ryan Levesque does to discover what people in your market really want to buy
  • Do some snooping around to see what the top marketers in your niche are selling on their websites, promoting in their newsletters, and offering to their social media followers
  • Search Google and look at the products people are paying top dollar for to advertise with Google Adwords
  • Look for banner ads on the top sites in your niche, and study the ads you see coming through your Facebook newsfeed
  • Use a keyword tool like the Adwords Keyword Planner or to uncover what customers in your niche are looking for

Once you’re sure you have a popular product to promote, then move on to…

3. Choose A Date For Your Promotion

When you are choosing a date for your flash sale, keep these points in mind:

  • Choose a date that is at least 2 or 3 weeks away, so both you and your affiliates have plenty of time to prepare and schedule in a mailing date
  • Research the date on sites such as to see if there is anything major going on at the same time. If a really popular marketer in your niche is opening the shopping cart for a huge product launch on the same date, you’ll struggle to get affiliates onboard or customers to take notice of your messages


4. Decide On Your Irresistible Offer

Here’s where you decide on the following points:

  • What components will you include in the offer? For example, are you going to include extra bonuses to make the offer even more attractive?
  • Are you going to offer a big discount to increase the number of sales? Hint: A flash sale will have the best results if you make a really attractive offer, such as 40% or more off the regular price
  • What percentage of the sale price will you give to your affiliates? The percentage you pay out is partly going to depend on your goals. If you’re goal is to build a big list, getting your affiliates really involved and generating backend profits later, then you might want to give all or most of the frontend sale price to affiliates as commission. If your goal is to generate a lot of frontend profit, you can offer a more standard 50% commission to your affiliates. (Of course this assumes you’re selling digital products. The commission percentages are going to be smaller if you’re selling physical products.)


5. Determine How Long Your Flash Sale Will Run

As the name implies, a flash sale happens in a flash – it’s usually over in a matter of hours, but it may run anywhere from four hours to twenty-four hours. So…

  • Determine the starting and ending times of your sale
  •  Plan on running your sale for at least 8-12 hours to get maximum exposure
  • Consider your prospects’ time zones and activities (such as work) when deciding the start and end times of your sales. In other words, you don’t want the entire sale to fall within the working day of your audience, or you’ll probably have a lot of people missing out


6. Create Your Marketing Materials

Now it’s time to create sales materials for your marketing partners to share with their audiences. These materials are for these three purposes:

  • To build anticipation for the sale in the week leading up to the sale day (similar to Product Launch Formula’s pre-launch content)
  • To announce the sale itself (like Jeff Walker’s ‘Open Cart’ email)
  • To send out one or more reminders about the sale during the day of the actual sale (to create scarcity and increase urgency)

Think about the types of communication channels you and your affiliates will be using to reach prospects, and create marketing materials for those channels.

For example:

  • An email sequence covering the full period of the promotion
  • A series of story-based blog posts leading up to the sale
  • Social media posts with links back to pre-sale content and the offer itself (short messages for Twitter, longer messages for platforms like Facebook)
  • Text messages with links to your promotional content

Once you’ve created these materials, upload them to the affiliate centre so they are ready for your partners to grab them.


7. Let Your Partners Know About The Upcoming Sale

If you already have a group of affiliates or JV partners, then now is the time to let them know about the sale.

  • Give them at least two weeks notice of the sale so they have time to prepare. More time is preferable because top affiliates usually have a full mailing schedule
  • Give your affiliates login details so they can access the product (in case they want to do a product review)
  • Let them know how they can promote (e.g., how to get their affiliate link easily)
  • Give them links to the marketing materials inside the affiliate centre and ideas on how to use them
  • Generate some excitement around the event. Talk about the commissions they can earn, the current conversion rate on the sales letter, etc
  • Give your affiliates a detailed timeline so they know when to send out your pre-sale materials

Next step…

8. Reach Out To And Recruit New Marketing Partners

If you’d like to turn your sales day in to a really big event, you may want to reach out and recruit some new affiliate partners to help you out. You can do this yourself, or you can pay an affiliate manager or JV broker to do it for you.

Of course it’s going to be easier to get people to say yes to your request if they already know and trust you. With this in mind, here’s an example email or social media message you can send to your potential partners…

Subject line: just wanted you to be the first to know…

Hi [First Name],

[Your Name] here from [your website]. I’ve got a flash sale coming up in [number of weeks], and I’d like to extend a personal invitation for you to join in on this unique event where you can generate [percent] commissions – that works out to be [$ amount] for every sale you bring in.

This sale is for [name of product] which is one of my best converting products, and [give them a quick description of the product]. This would be a good match for your audience because [explain the reason their audience will like it].

You can take a look for yourself and download a free copy of the product here: [download link]

This flash sale starts at [time and date] and ends [insert when it ends]. Because the sale period is so short, we’re expecting conversion rates to be higher than normal, which are currently [percent conversion rates]. That means those [$ amount] commissions are going to add up for you fast!

I’ve already set everything up for you so it’s quick and easy for you to take part in this event.

Here’s your affiliate link: [insert link]

You can get a complete set of emails and ads to promote the event here: [insert link to affiliate centre]

Shoot me back an email to let me know if you’re on board or if you have any questions! I’m looking forward to working with you [First Name].

[sign off]

p.s. The people who jump in early get the biggest commission rates. Hit reply to let me know you’re in, and I’ll lift your commission rate to [percentage]…

9. Take Care Of All The Technology

A popular, well-promoted flash sale can create a lot of traffic to your website. And in turn, this sort of heavy load on your web server can create a lot of problems on your site. That’s why you’ll want to sale-proof your systems.

These 3 steps are important:

  • If you’re not every technically minded, or if your time is better spent running the rest of the launch, then hire a tech person to handle hardening up your system
  • Make sure you have a premium web hosting account that can accommodate a big spike in traffic and requests
  • If you already have a dedicated server, make sure it’s ready for higher than normal traffic

And then…

10. Prepare Your Customer Service Department

Another area where you’re likely to see a big spike is in your customer service requests. Most of them will be minor (lost logins, difficulty access the downloads, refund requests, etc.). That’s why you’ll want to ensure your customer service people are ready to handle the load.

This includes things like:

  • Hiring additional short-term help to answer emails or man the help desk if needed
  • Training both new people and existing staff on how to handle the inquiries they are likely to get during the sale
  • Creating some new FAQs and other materials to help cut down on customer service load during the sale
  • Offering multiple ways for prospects and customers to reach you, such as a direct email address, live chat and a 24 hour help desk

And then…

11. Test And Track All Of Your Product Launch Promotional Copy

The goal here is to optimize your ad copy, email copy, and sales page copy so that you get maximum conversions during your sale. You’ll want to:

  • Use something like Google AdWords or Facebook ads as a quick way to generate traffic for your testing
  • Focus on optimising the factors that will have the most impact, such as the offer, the headline, bulleted benefit list, the P.S., your price and call to action

Next step…

12. Prepare Your Email Messages and Blog Posts

By now you’ve will have created materials for your affiliates and marketing partners to use in their promotions. Now it’s time to create these same materials for yourself. This step is pretty easy because in most cases, all you’ll have to do is tweak the affiliate materials to make them unique.

For example, you might have an affiliate email that refers to “John Doe’s new product is…” so you would tweak this to first-person language such as, “My new product is”

13. Create Your Sales Video

The next step is to create a short sales video to help generate excitement on the day of your flash sale. This is especially important if your sales page is a text letter, because offering a pre-sale video will help you reach and convert more people into customers.

Some sales video pointers include:

  • Keep it short, just two to three minutes highlighting the biggest benefits
  • Present a problem, highlight what that problem is costing people, and then offer your product as the best solution to the problem
  • Showcase the main benefits of your product and the results they can expect
  • Provide a strong call to action, making sure to remind them it’s a flash sale to create urgency

On the day of the sale, you’ll be posting this video on YouTube and on your social media pages, as well as on your blog.

The next step…

14. Prepare Your Facebook Ads

To generate as much excitement as possible on sale day, running some paid advertising is a great strategy. Facebook’s ad platform is a good choice, although you’ll need some experience if you’d like to maximise your returns.

The idea is to launch your ads on sale day, but of course you’ll want to have them prepared and ready to go in advance. This includes:

  • Choosing an eye-catching graphic
  • Writing some persuasive ad copy
  • Selecting a tightly targeted audience using Facebook’s ad editor
  • Setting it all up to start running at the correct time and day
  • Double checking everything to make sure the links, start time and end times are all correct


15. Buy Some Ads On High-Traffic Niche Sites

Same as we discussed above, you’ll want to prepare ads and set them to run on the day of your sale. Most niche site owners like to set up and run ads manually, so you’ll want to make arrangements with the owner and pay in advance so everything’s ready to go.

16. Start To Build Product Launch Buzz On Social Media

If you’ve followed any of Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula launches, you’ll know that he starts ‘seeding’ his audience several weeks before he releases the first piece of pre-launch content.

You don’t have to go as far as that for your Flash Sale, but you can certainly do simple things like:

  • Building anticipation for the upcoming sale by hinting that something big is coming
  • Sharing cryptic or normal graphics, videos or other content that are likely to go viral
  • Using a specific call to action hinting at something cool coming up, and encouraging people to share the content with their friends

Next up…

17. Warn Your Payment Processor Of Increased Volume

Even though for the most part online marketing doesn’t have the same shady reputation it used to have, there are still plenty of crooks around doing some pretty dodgy stuff.

For this reason, your payment processor may suspect suspicious activity if you suddenly have a huge surge in sales without warning them. And if they suspect suspicious activity, they could temporarily suspend your account.

In fact, this still happens to lots of people, which can cause all sorts of problems. From not getting paid yourself, to being unable to pay your affiliates, to not being able to pay for any physical products or bonuses you have to deliver.

That’s why you’ll want to do two things:

  • Let your payment processor know about the expected surge in sales so they don’t get the wrong idea. It’s best if you speak to a real live human on the phone about this, get that person’s name, and ask them to email you the details of the call so you have proof in writing that they knew about your sale.
  • Make sure you have a “Plan B” just in case your payment processor does go down for any reason. You’ll also want to ensure that your Plan B gives credit to affiliates, where applicable

The next step is…

18. Set Up One Or More Backend Offers

If you haven’t done so already, make sure to build out your sales funnel on the backend of this offer to increase sales and profits for both you and your affiliates. This may include:

  • Adding an order form upsell or ‘bump’ offer that allows customers to add something to their order by clicking a checkbox
  • Inserting a range of backend offers inside the product itself
  • Setting up a multi-part autoresponder sequence for these new customers that makes backend offers for other related products and services they’ll be needing


19. Remind Your Partners Of The Upcoming Sale

Now it’s time to remind all of your marketing partners of the approaching sale, and let them know the final details of when they can start promoting.

So, for example:

  • Let people know two weeks before the sale date that they can start promoting in one week’s time
  • About a week and a half before the sale, remind them that they can start to promote in 3 days
  • Remind them to start pre-selling 4 days before the sale day
  • Remind them the night before the sale that it’s game day tomorrow
  • Remind them the day of the sale and ask them to promote hard for maximum results

TIP: You can automate all of these email messages by pre-loading them into an autoresponder such as Aweber or another reliable service.


20. Send Your Promotional Messages To Your List

Now’s the time to begin building anticipation by sending your pre-sale emails, starting at around one week before the sale starts, and then three or four days before the sale starts.

21. Email Your List The Night Before

Now send one final anticipation email the night before the sale to generate anticipation and excitement. Be sure to list the benefits of the product and the results people can expect get from owning it, as well as reminding them how short the sale period is.

22. Upload The Offer Page

You can do this early on the morning of the sale.

23. Test The Entire Sales Process From Start To Finish

Do a full systems check by placing orders through different browsers and making sure everything works correctly. Run through and test all the links, forms and payment processor steps to make sure everything is ready for your sale.

24. Send Out Your Sale Day Materials

When the sale starts, send out all the sales materials you’ve prepared, including your emails, blog posts and social media posts.

25. Publish Your ‘Last Chance’ Materials

Later in the day (and a few hours before the sale ends) send out your ‘last chance’ emails, release your final blog posts, and make some final social media posts reminding people that this is their last chance to get the product at a big discount.


So there you have a complete 25-point checklist for running your very own super-profitable post-product launch Flash Sale. Now print out this checklist and get to work setting up your sale today!

And if you would like to learn more about everything to do with launching your own product or service, including seeing more examples and case studies of people who have used PLF with outstanding success, check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

Talk soon,


P.S. Being able to create a Perfect Product is a great start, but you also need a way to generate sales in a consistent way. Running a Product launch is a proven way to not only build your list, but generate Social Proof and make a large number of sales quickly. To learn how to launch your product successfully, check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. List Warrior will show you a proven way to use free software to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

2. How To Create The Perfect Product 
Creating a product that is perfect for your audience does not need to be difficult. How To Create The Perfect Product shows you how to build high value products your audience will love one after the other. Click Here.

3. How To Attract Buyers To Join Your Launch List So They Can Purchase Your Perfect Product.
Once you have created your Product Launch List and your Perfect Product is ready to go, you need to attract people into your world so they can buy from you. One Minute Free Traffic gives you a proven way to attract buyers with ‘Automated Traffic Machines’ so you can send those people to your optin page, your sales page, your Facebook Group or anywhere else you choose.    To learn more Click Here.

And don’t forget to check this out 🙂

How to Earn $20 in 20 Minutes With Any Topic, Niche or Hobby

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

17 Ways To Increase Sales From Your Product Launch Email List

As you work through your launch following Jeff’s Product Launch Formula, one of the most valuable assets you’ll be building is the product launch email list of targeted prospects and customers you will create during the process.

So even if you make a bunch of sales during your launch, the email list you build is going to generate many more sales for you over the weeks and months ahead, as long as you treat your subscribers well.

So what is the best way for you to not only nurture the relationship you have with your readers, but maximise your sales at the same time?

Turns out there are quite a few ways to use even a simple autoresponder such as Aweber to grow your sales significantly after your launch, and in this post you’ll discover 17 of these proven methods.

Let’s get started with…

1. Systematically Follow Up Using Your Product Launch Email List

Whenever you get a new customer, you should immediately remove them from your ‘prospect’ list and add this person to your customer mailing list (you can automate this with Aweber). Then over time you can then send a series of follow up emails promoting a wide range of related offers (both your own products and as an affiliate).

For example, if you’re launching a product about using video marketing to generate more leads, then you might follow up with a series of emails that are designed to sell an in-depth Facebook marketing course.

The fact is that whenever somebody buys a product or service, there are lots of other related products and services they would be interested in that complement or enhance their purchase. You can be the person who helps them buy these related items, and you can get paid for taking the time to offer that help.

2. Teach People How to Use The Product They Just Purchased

Another great way to use your autoresponder is by sending out a sequence of coaching or training emails that help people make the most of the product or service they have just purchased from you.

For example, let’s suppose you’ve launched a meal-planning and fitness-tracking program to people who want to lose weight and gain strength. They could really benefit from a series of emails which teach them how to make the most out of the major features of your program, such as:

  • How to use the app you’ve included to count calories
  • How to best use the diet plans to balance their macronutrient levels
  • How to accurately calculate how many calories they’re burning each day with the exercise program you have designed for them

And so on. Each message should teach a different aspect of the program, give them simple steps to follow, and then encourage them to take action to achieve their goals.

Doing this is so powerful because when people take action and end up getting great results, they are usually much happier with their purchase. And happy customers produce three powerful benefits for you:

  • It significantly reduces product refunds because people understand how to get the most out of your products or services
  • It makes the likelihood of the customer buying something else from you much higher, either immediately or in the future
  • It increases the likelihood of the customer telling his or her friends about you and your business, and in many cases, of them becoming an affiliate and promoting you as well

Next up…

3. Distribute Regular Freemiums That Lead To Offers

The idea here is to surprise and delight your subscribers with unannounced bonuses that will keep them opening your emails with anticipation. They’ll never know what they’re going to get from you next, so you can bet they’ll open all of your emails to see what you’ve sent them this time.

Now this is critical…

This strategy is not just about delivering a bunch of freebies to people and hoping for the best. What you’re doing is systematically offering high-quality products that naturally lead to paid offers.

For example:

  • You might offer the cut-down “lite” version of a product or app for free. If your subscribers like it and find it helpful, some people will upgrade to the premium version (through the links you’ve conveniently included in the “lite” version 🙂 )
  • You might offer one or two video modules from your training program for free. Again, if people like it, some of them will purchase the entire set of training videos.

Here’s another idea…

4. Send Your Subscribers To Content On Your Blog

What you’re doing here is directing your subscribers to read your most popular archived, evergreen articles.

The reason is that if you can get people more engaged on your blog, you’ll have the opportunity to put various links and calls to action in front of them. This may include:

  • Links and calls to action for various offers embedded in the articles themselves
  • “Featured product” links and banner ads in your sidebar
  • A Super Signature containing a range of product ads at the end of posts and articles (see an example of a Super Signature at the end of this post – hat tip to Dean Jackson for this idea)

Next idea…

5. Use Your Product Launch Email List For Joint Venture Ad Swaps

The technique here is to do ad swaps in your respective newsletters with your marketing partners.

Here are a few ideas:

  • You could simply promote each other’s lists. In other words, you invite and encourage your subscribers to join your partner’s list because of the benefits they will receive, and your partner does the same for you
  • You might encourage your subscribers to follow your Joint Venture partner on their various social media accounts (and your partner does the same thing for you)
  • Or you could simply promote your partner’s product or service directly (either with or without an affiliate link), and they return the favor for you

Next idea for making the most of your product launch list with an autoresponder is…

6. Survey Your Audience

One of the most profitable things you can do is to survey your audience and learn more about who they are and what they really want. You can ask them questions to help uncover valuable information such as:

  • What are the biggest problems and challenges they are facing right now?
  • What sort of experience level do they have? (so you can sort them into segments or ‘buckets’ for more targeted follow up)
  • What sort of solutions have they tried, and what are the shortcomings of these solutions?
  • What would be a ‘dream come true’ outcome for them?

The answers to these questions will help you create content and offers that your subscribers really want, which will in turn will increase your conversions and sales.

7. Build Long-Term Relationships

If you just hammer your subscribers with one cut-and-paste promotion after another, with no regard for the people receiving those messages, your conversion rate is going to collapse pretty quickly.

That’s because your subscribers HATE getting pitched (just like most of us), and if they don’t unsubscribe, they are just going to stop paying attention.

The point is that if you take the long-term view, and give your readers a chance to get to know you, you’re going to build a much more sustainable, more profitable business.

You do this by:

  • Sharing true, personal stories that let your readers see the real you. It’s best if these are niche-relevant stories, but you may just drop in occasional notes about what’s going on in your life, such as holiday snaps with your family, or the news that your daughter is having a baby
  • Teaching through case studies showing what happened when you used a particular product or strategy. You’ll want to share lots of facts and data, but also share the personal side of the story, such as how you felt, what problems came up (and how you dealt with them) and anything else that could help your readers achieve similar results
  • Allow real access to you personally. This means asking your audience for feedback, and then answering your subscribers when they give it to you. You can also send your readers to your blog, Facebook, Youtube channel, Twitter or Instagram and ask them to interact with you

Next idea…

8. Train, Coach And Motivate Your Affiliates

This is a great way to use your autoresponder to both stay in touch with the people who helped you during your product launch, and invite them to promote for you on a regular basis.

It really is quite powerful, but unfortunately it’s something that a lot of vendors overlook. I know Jeff Walker stays in touch with affiliates with updates and ideas for promoting his Product Launch Formula program, and it’s always great to hear his insights.

Here are 3 ideas for what to send in your affiliate followup series:

  • Send your affiliates a series of training emails that tell them exactly what to do to make money with your affiliate program step by step. For example, Step 1: Post your affiliate link in an article you write for your blog. Step 2: Put a Banner ad in the sidebar of your blog. Step 3: Send an email promotion to your newsletter subscribers, etc.
  • Showcase other successful affiliates using case studies (with their permission and without giving away their proprietary strategies) to motivate inactive or inexperienced affiliates to take action
  • Send them motivational articles, videos and other material to get inactive affiliates excited about promoting your products

Next up…

9. Offer Themed Emails

This is a great way to train your readers to open your emails, as well as building your relationship with your audience. The idea is to send them themed emails on a weekly basis that your subscribers can look forward to.

For example:

  • You might answer the Question Of The Week
  • You could share How I _____ (e.g., “How I Became A Profitable Consultant And Quit My Job”)
  • Share the Case Study of The Week showing how a student successfully used your product
  • Share the productivity boosting Resource of the Week

Now here’s the next idea…

10. Boost Sales By Segmenting Your Subscribers

The idea here is to come up with a very targeted lead magnet with the goal of segmenting your product launch email list. If your autoresponder allows you to apply tags to subscribers (most do), you can tag everyone who downloads a particular lead magnet and follow up with them based on what they told you interests them.

If the autoresponder you’re using doesn’t have this feature, you can create another optin page and send your subscribers there to register for the new lead magnet, and add them to a seperate list.

As an example, let’s suppose you have generic weight training list. You might create a lead magnet that’s targeted at those people on your list who compete in bodybuilding competitions. You can then send this segment of your list precisely targeted content and product offers that you know they are going to be very interested in.

Here’s another idea…

11. Use Your Product Launch Email List For Webinar Registrations

If you hold webinars (and you should), you can use your autoresponder to invite people to register for both your own and JV partner’s webinars. Be sure to add your registrants to a separate list (or tag them) so you can then follow up with them to:

  • Remind them when the webinar starts, what they are going to learn, and give them links to log in
  • Send some pre-training materials a day or two before the webinar, especially something that is a good pre-requisite for the webinar. For example, if the webinar is about Facebook marketing, you might give them a Facebook Ad Checklist that covers the basics to prepare your viewers
  • Send follow up messages after the webinar to promote the product or service you mentioned within the webinar


12. Create a Multi-Part Email Series Promoting One Main Offer

People rarely buy anything the first time they hear about it. That’s why it’s a great idea create a sequence of three to seven emails for EACH product you promote. This is what Andre Chaperon calls a PLS (Product Launch Sequence) in his Autoresponder Madness program.

Each series will consist of related materials, all of which promote just one product. For example:

  • Five Ways To Retire With $10,000 A Month In Passive Income
  • The Three Secrets of Building Muscle Mass Quickly
  • The Four Steps To Setting Up a Profitable Social Media Presence

Here’s another good idea…

13. Send Targeted Follow Up Messages To Your List Segments

Most of the popular autoresponder services allow you segment your subscribers according to whether they’ve performed a specific action, such as clicked on a link or opened an email message.

You can use this handy feature to send ultra-targeted follow up messages based on what your subscribers have told you they are interested in. For example:

  • Send a follow up with a different subject line (something that approaches the topic from a different angle) to those who didn’t open your last email
  • Send an objection-handling email to those who opened the email by didn’t purchase the product
  • Send a special offer email to people who arrived at your shopping cart page but then abandoned the cart without purchasing (this technique alone could easily DOUBLE your sales)


14. Create An FTM Site

You don’t need an elaborate membership site to run an FTM (fixed-term membership) site, which is a membership site that automatically delivers content to your members for a pre-determined amount of time (such as three months, six months, etc.). All you need is an autoresponder such as Aweber.

Just upload the first months worth of materials (a meaty, content rich PDF Report is often enough), and you can start taking orders. This is what we often refer to as the ‘Minimum Viable Product’ because you can get it done in a few hours and test the market quickly to see if there is enough demand.

If you run some test marketing and the thing flops, you can simply refund those people who did order and move on to something with more potential. But if it’s successful, you can then continue creating the content for future weekly modules, knowing you have a winner on your hands.

For example:

  • Create a 12-month site for winning at Ninja Warrior events
  • Create a four-month site that teaches people how to create prize winning pastries
  • Set up a 6-month site that shows people how to become a successful Expense Reduction Consultant

Up next…

15. Send Special Emails Focused On One Topic

Here’s some examples of simple messages you could send from time to time to drive traffic and generate sales:

  • Send a solo ad once a month to promote a particular product as a ‘Subscriber Only’ special offer
  • Survey your customers and ask for their feedback about how to improve your products, as well as ask what other challenges you could help them with
  • Ask your customers to beta test new (or new versions of) products or services (This gets your audience involved and helps develop even more loyalty)
  • Invite your subscribers to connect with you via other platforms, such as your YouTube channel or through other social media

16. Test And Track Your Promotions

You can use your product launch email list as a platform for tracking and testing campaigns and promotions before launching them on a larger scale. This includes:

  • Testing the product itself to see if it will generate enough interest to warrant rolling our a larger advertising campaign
  • Testing various versions of the product name
  • Testing the product offer including bonuses, guarantee and call to action
  • Testing the email message itself to see if it generates click throughs (pay particular attention to testing the subject line, the opener, the benefits, the call to action, the P.S., the design of the email, and when you send it)

Once you know you have a good conversion rate, then you can roll out your marketing campaign on a larger scale.

TIP: Some autoresponders will let you set up a split test your messages, allowing you to send to a portion of your list, and then the autoresponder automatically sends out the winning email to the rest of your list.

And one more…

17. Warm Up (Or Reactivate) A Cold List

Because you’re still here with me, I’m going to reward you with one of the most powerful strategies you’ll ever use for generating new sales for your business…

It’s called Customer Reactivation, and it can literally be a gold mine for businesses that use it correctly.

The fact is that most businesses have a list of prospects or customers that has grown cold from a lack of activity.

It might mean that subscribers aren’t clicking on your links, or they might not be opening your emails. But sometimes, even though people are reading your messages, they just aren’t buying anything.

So here’s what you do – send out a special Customer Reactivation autoresponder sequence to the “cold” portion of your list.

The sequence should go like this:

  • A message thanking them for their past business, with an offer for a big discount or additional bonuses (or BOTH) on one of your most popular products to bring people back into the fold
  • A second message with the subject line “In case you missed this” restating the offer and letting readers know there’s a looming deadline after which the offer will no longer be available
  • A “Last chance” email reminding them about the offer and the deadline to generate even more urgency. This final email will often generate even more sales the the first message

Using this type of Customer Reactivation sequence can generate thousands of dollars in sales from people who you may have written off, so it’s worthwhile using it for any former customers who may have fallen through the cracks in your business.

In conclusion…

So here’s the question for today: which of these 17 ways to use an autoresponder are you overlooking or not taking advantage of?

The good news is that now you have this list of ideas, you can start implementing any method you aren’t using yet. And that should lead to more traffic, more sales and more cash coming your way in as little as 24 hours from now.

As I mentioned at the start of this post, the list you build during your product launch is going to become your most valuable business asset, and will give you the perfect springboard for creating a profitable, long-term, sustainable business for yourself and your family. To learn more, check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

Talk soon,


P.S. Being able to create a Perfect Product is a great start, but you also need a way to generate sales in a consistent way. Running a Product launch is a proven way to not only build your list, but generate Social Proof and make a large number of sales quickly. To learn how to launch your product successfully, check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Product Launch Email List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. List Warrior will show you a proven way to use free software to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

2. How To Create The Perfect Product 
Creating a product that is perfect for your audience does not need to be difficult. How To Create The Perfect Product shows you how to build high value products your audience will love one after the other. Click Here.

3. How To Attract Buyers To Join Your Launch List So They Can Purchase Your Perfect Product.
Once you have created your Product Launch List and your Perfect Product is ready to go, you need to attract people into your world so they can buy from you. One Minute Free Traffic gives you a proven way to attract buyers with ‘Automated Traffic Machines’ so you can send those people to your optin page, your sales page, your Facebook Group or anywhere else you choose.    To learn more Click Here.

And don’t forget to check this out 🙂

How to Earn $20 in 20 Minutes With Any Topic, Niche or Hobby

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

The Second Secret To Building A Product Launch Formula Email List

In this series of posts, we’re looking at the 5 secrets you need to know if you want to build a responsive email list in preparation for your Product Launch Formula launch.

So when you look at your mailing list, is basically a monologue, right? It’s you sending out messages, and people read those messages, that’s it. Then you just keep doing that every day, every week, or on whatever schedule you use.

But here’s the thing…

For the most part, people need to know, like and trust you on some level before they will do business with you. And while sending out your regular messages does help build familiarity and trust over time, it’s not the fastest way to do it.

That’s why your goal should be to personally interact with your readers whenever possible, and actively give them a feeling of belonging to something…

Since the beginning of time, humans have been social creatures. But over the last few years, social media has changed things completely.

People don’t want to just read your messages anymore. They want to “like” them. They want to comment on them and discuss them with you.

They might even want to share your messages with their friends (without having to ‘forward’ an email). They want to feel like they’re a part of something special, part of a Movement if you will, and that’s why it’s in your interest to make these activities as easy as possible for your Tribe.

Here’s the cool part: there’s a psychological trigger at play here. This wanting to belong to a group may actually be hardwired into your subscribers’ brains.

You see, back in tribal times people really couldn’t survive if they were alone. They had to belong to a group if they wanted to thrive. They had to fit in. If they were exiled or excluded from the group for some reason, they either had a very hard life… or more likely, they were killed by a rival group, wild animals or by starvation and illness.

It’s pretty clear that your prospects aren’t going to starve to death or get killed if they’re not part of a group. Logically people know they’ll be okay on their own. But our brains still reward us in various ways for belonging to a group (and often make us feel uncomfortable when we’re alone).

THAT’S why people like to have this sense of belonging.

So your goal with all of your communications should be to try and foster this sense of belonging.

Here’s how to encourage this feeling, which will help you build a relationship with your subscribers and increase their responsiveness…

1. Create A Cool Name For Your Tribe

The other day I saw a Facebook fan page for a one-eyed, blind dog. The owners of the page refer to him as a pirate, and they call all his fans part of his “Pirate Crew.”

It’s a simple name, and his thousands of Facebook fans readily (and happily) refer to themselves as part of the “Crew.” It gives them a sense of belonging and camaraderie. That’s a good thing.

Another example of people who belong to a Movement are are the thousands of “Trekkies” who like Star Trek. This shared love of all things Star Trek gives them a strong bond of belonging and helps them identify each other.

Still one more example: Oprah Winfrey has a TV program and web page called “Super Soul Sunday.” When she talks to the group on social media, she refers to them as “Super Soulers.” It’s a way for Oprah to make each and every reader feel like they’re a part of this special insider group of fans.

TIP: Need more examples? If you look at any sports team, you’ll see how all the fans feel like they’re part of the team, and how these fans even take on the team’s name, logo and colours.

So you get the point here – find a cool and preferably memorable name for your group.

Sure, sometimes your group members will come up with their own name for themselves, but that usually takes a while. It’s much better if you figure out a good name at the beginning, and refer to your group members with that name right away. Just be sure it’s a name with which your members will enjoy being linked to.

Next idea…

2. Link Your Communications To Social Media

Your subscribers will struggle to feel like they’re part of a group if they never get to interact with other members of the group. That’s why you should set up a Facebook Group. Then be sure to link to your Facebook Page from every newsletter, as well as encouraging your Facebook Fans to sign up for your mailing list.

TIP: The bonus of setting up a public Facebook Group is that it gives you another means of communication with your prospects. Plus Facebook is a viral medium, so your existing fans and subscribers can help you find new fans and subscribers by inviting their family and friends.

You might even specifically encourage interaction by asking “What do you think?” at the end of a newsletter article, or inviting them to share their thoughts in the Group. Then include a link to Facebook and encourage people to post their thoughts on your Wall.

Here’s a related idea…

3. Put Your Newsletters And Emails On Your Blog

Another way to encourage interaction is to post all (or at least some) of your newsletters as content on your blog. Make sure you enable blog comments, and encourage your newsletter subscribers to let you know what they think.

TIP: if you want to reserve the best content for your newsletter list, then password protect your newsletter content when you post it on your blog. This will make your newsletter subscribers feel special since they have the password.

It will also encourage your visitors who haven’t yet subscribed to want to subscribe just to see what kinds of posts you’re hiding behind the curtain!

One nice bonus of directing people to your blog is that they’ll see your other content, promotions, banners and offers. The more you can get people visiting your blog, the more sales you’re likely to generate.

Next idea…

4. Create A Private Group

Here’s the best way to make people feel really special: give them access to a private group.

One way to do this is to set up a “closed” or Private Facebook Group. That’s where people can find it by searching Facebook, and they can see the admins and members, but they can’t see the content unless they become a member. And they can’t join until a moderator or admin officially approves them. You can also set up a “secret” group (which can’t be found by searching).

TIP: Another way to set up a private group is by setting up a forum and making one of the sub-forums private.

The idea here is to send your newsletter subscribers to the private group so they can talk about the content you share in your newsletter. Naturally, they can talk about anything else they’d like as well. But the key is to make people feel special because they’re a part of this “secret” and exclusive group. They’re part of your “tribe” or inner circle.

TIP: You can make the group membership a bonus of joining your newsletter list. That means you’ll get more subscribers joining your list, plus the feeling of belonging will help you build a good relationships with your subscribers (which in turns boosts responsiveness).

I’ve done this with one of my free stock trading Membership Sites. When people sign up for a free account, they are added to my email database, and can also request membership of our private Facebook Group, where I share additional insights, and we all contribute content, analyse markets, and share ideas for trades.

This creates a great sense of community where people feel like they belong to something greater than themselves. This sense of belonging makes them much more likely to open my email messages, click through to the sites and offers I share, and buy the products and services I recommend.

THIS is one one of the best ways you can create a highly profitable email list before you roll out your new product or service based on the strategies you learn in Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula.

And if you’d like to learn more about building a rabid community of raving fans who are ready to support you when you are ready to launch any product or service, you can do by going through Jeff Walker’s Free Product Launch Masterclass here.

Talk soon,


P.S. Being able to create a Perfect Product is a great start, but you also need a way to generate sales in a consistent way. Running a Product launch is a proven way to not only build your list, but generate Social Proof and make a large number of sales quickly. To learn how to launch your product successfully, check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. List Warrior will show you a proven way to use free software to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

2. How To Create The Perfect Product 
Creating a product that is perfect for your audience does not need to be difficult. How To Create The Perfect Product shows you how to build high value products your audience will love one after the other. Click Here.

3. How To Attract Buyers To Join Your Launch List So They Can Purchase Your Perfect Product.
Once you have created your Product Launch List and your Perfect Product is ready to go, you need to attract people into your world so they can buy from you. One Minute Free Traffic gives you a proven way to attract buyers with ‘Automated Traffic Machines’ so you can send those people to your optin page, your sales page, your Facebook Group or anywhere else you choose.    To learn more Click Here.

And don’t forget to check this out 🙂

How to Earn $20 in 20 Minutes With Any Topic, Niche or Hobby

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Masterclass Has Come Out In The Open

Jeff Walker just took down the “firewall” that was hiding the content from his Product Launch Masterclass. It’s more than 10 hours of content, including downloads, Q&A, the “super secret” sessions… and lots of other cool stuff.

All 10+ hours of video are now on one page, and you don’t even need to opt-in to get it all.
Even crazier…

Jeff just released his “Product Launch Blueprint” — a downloadable 30+ page PDF that walks you through each step of his PLF launch process. It has the entire launch journey mapped out… and he’s giving it away, for free, without even asking for your email address!

Go check it all out while you still can.

Watch the full Product Launch Masterclass here

Warm regards,


P.S. If you think Jeff’s Launch Masterclass lessons are awesome (and they are)… then you should definitely check out Jeff’s full-blown PLF training:

Watch the full Product Launch Masterclass here

P.P.S. As a PLF owner and user since 2008 and one of Jeff’s affiliate partners, I may receive a commission from Jeff if you invest in his program at the end of the Masterclass – but it won’t cost you anything extra.

Jeff Walkers’ New Training – The Hidden Product Launch Sequences

Jeff Walker just added a BONUS live training to his Product Launch Masterclass, and it’s happening NOW.

Jeff is going to talk about the two “hidden” launch sequences that provide extra power for your launch… and how they can help you go from a single launch to a sustainable business that creates income and freedom way beyond your initial launch.

Click here if you want to get in on it – but you’ve gotta do it quick… it’s happening in just a few hours:

Learn How To Use The Hidden Launch Sequences Here

Warm regards,


P.S. I get that it’s a surprise live lesson – if you can’t make it, there will be a replay available… but to watch it, you’ve got to register.

If you’re even remotely curious about how to launch a product, service, or business online, you’re going to love this free training. But it’s only available for a few more days, so check it out while you can. Here’s the link to register.

P.S.P. As a PLF owner and user since 2008 and one of Jeff’s affiliate partners, I may receive a commission from Jeff if you invest in his program at the end of the Masterclass – but it won’t cost you anything extra.

How To Do A Seed Launch Step By Step

As Jeff Walker teaches in his Product Launch Formula training, the first launch you should do if you don’t have a list or a product is a Seed Launch.

The Seed Launch is AWESOME if:

  • You’re just starting out and you don’t have a list or product.
  • You’ve got an existing business and you want to test out a new idea.
  • You want to get paid before you actually create the product.
  • You’re a “perfectionist” and you’re having a hard time ever finishing your products.

Here are the quick steps you’ll be taking in your Seed Launch

Step 1: Gather your initial Seed list

Start to gather a small Seed List with a simple squeeze page to collect email addresses in exchange for a Lead Magnet or some premium content

Send a personal email to everybody you know telling them you are starting a newsletter on ______ topic,and asking them if they’d like to receive it.

Publish or post ideas related to your topic on social media channels including groups related to your niche market.

Once you’ve gathered 100 email addresses, continue to Step 2.

Step 2: Put together a simplified Sideways Sales Letter

See video 1 in this series if you need a refresher on the Sideways Sales Letter.

Your simplified Sideways Sales Letter doesn’t have to be fancy, and it doesn’t have to be video… it can be a series of emails or social media posts.

Make an offer for a series of 3-7 group coaching calls where you deliver your content on a one-to-many format.

Step 3: Deliver your content over a series of webinars or teleseminars

Split your topic area into a series of sub-topics, and teach one for each call.

Before the first call, send out a super-short survey to find out the top questions on that sub-topic so you know what your students want to know the most.

Use the survey responses to plan what you need to cover on the first call.

Repeat the surveys after each call asking what additional questions they have on the upcoming sub-topic. Use the questions to plan the call.

Record everything, get it transcribed, and package your recordings and transcripts into a product.

Then you’re ready to do an Internal Launch to the people on your email database who didn’t participate in your Seed Launch training.

To learn more about how to do your Seed Launch, watch this training video from Jeff Walker.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. My 1-2-3 List Building Cheat Sheet will give you the steps to building a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here

2. How To Create A Signature Product Out Of Thin Air In 72 Hours Or Less
Creating your product does not need to take weeks or months. My 72 Hour Product Creation Guide shows you how to build high value products one after the other in 72 hours or less. Click Here

3. How To Outsource Your Product Creation And Make It Hands Free.
Outsourcing the creation of some or all of your products and bonuses is a great way to save your time for the more important (and more fun) things you’d rather be doing. Grab my Hands Free Outsourcing Cheat Sheet to learn more. Click Here

Also, check this out 🙂

Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Formula training.