Category Archives: Product Launch Formula Case Studies

Product Launch Formula Case Studies In 2024

If you’ve ever wondered how Product Launch Formula would work for you, Jeff Walker’s team have put over 100 incredible case studies onto a dedicated page so you can see the results others have achieved in their own words..

These are people working in all kinds of markets and niches, from personal finance to selling fish… and they started Product Launch Formula with radically different levels of business experience.

They’ve got some pretty incredible stories, and I think they’ll help you see what’s possible. Click on the image below and take a look… and click on any of them to watch the full case study.

NOTE: And if you’re looking for a specific kind of launch or niche/market, you can use the dropdown menu below to filter the case studies.)

Product Launch Formula Case Studies

I know you’ll find many of these case studies inspirational.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

P.S. Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Masterclass is only available for a few more days. If you want to check it out before it goes away you can Jump on the Masterclass here.

Or if you have any questions, feel free to click here to get in touch.

Disclaimer: If you purchase Product Launch Formula through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you won’t pay any more. If you would like my personal help to earn the full price of PLF back within 14 days, and my help to create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

How To Use Product Launch Formula To Bulletproof Yourself

It’s been so cool to see how Product Launch Formula turned out to be a life-saver for so many people when Covid-19 turned the World upside down starting in 2019.

If the pandemic taught us anything, it was that we need to ensure our businesses are bulletproof because we can never again rely on the future to be the same as the past.

When governments shut down economies worldwide, thousands of business owners found themselves high and dry with no chance of surviving because they simply couldn’t make sales.

However some businesses not only survived but thrived because they were able to pivot to selling products and services online. And many used PLF to quickly change strategies and do extremely well.

Here’s some examples of people who used Product Launch Formula to grow their businesses through the pandemic:

Teaching the Next Generation of Coders… for a Projected $3MM
Taking a cue from his own children’s interest, Marek Brejl started teaching kids how to code. During the 2020 shutdowns, he turned to Product Launch Formula and quickly knocked out back-to-back launches for online coding camps. Within a month, Marek’s business brought in $200K, and his list continues to grow exponentially.

She Made Back Her Investment (and More) in 4 Days
When 2020 lockdowns forced Nicola Brown to cancel her in-person workshops on eco-friendly textiles, she started teaching online. But spending weeks on the road taking care of her relatives presented challenges. The 2021 Launch Masterclass™ showed her that she could leverage her existing content to create a thriving business – while working less. Nicola took a chance on PLF and did a “Quick Launch” (a type of launch covered in a PLF bonus). She made her investment back in just 4 days and went on to make $88K within the first three months of joining.

From Individual Product Launches to Sustainable (and Creative!) Business Model
Artist and educator Diane Bleck found an unexpected niche during the 2020 shutdowns – teaching her clients how to creatively transition their businesses to a virtual environment. PLF gave her a business model she could count on, and she’s used it to launch offers in three different businesses… and develop solid affiliate partnerships along the way. And it all happens while giving Diane the time to be the kind of mom she wants to be.

Teaching the Next Generation of Coders… for a Projected $3MM
Taking a cue from his own children’s interest, Marek Brejl started teaching kids how to code. During the 2020 shutdowns, he turned to Product Launch Formula and quickly knocked out back-to-back launches for online coding camps. Within a month, Marek’s business brought in $200K, and his list continues to grow exponentially.

From In-Person Services to Online Success in 2020
Covid meant that brain imaging expert Ettie Ben-Shabat could no longer work with her clients in person. She turned to PLF in order to bring her expertise online… and her first launch generated over $25,000. Now Ettie’s revolutionizing her field while helping therapists provide better rehabilitation services all over the world.

Beating Burnout — and Making A Real Difference
Roel Crabbe was working 40 weekends a year teaching shamanism in Belgium. He loved his work, but he was exhausted. When lockdowns cancelled hundreds of his events and kept everyone at home, he started receiving messages from people who needed his help more than ever. Initially hesitant to do a livestream, PLF gave Roel a “pathway to really listen to the community” while saving his business… and his sanity.

From COVID Shutdowns to 5-Figure Seed Launches… In the Stargazing Niche
Because of COVID, Gary Lintern could no longer conduct in-person, nighttime stargazing tours in his native Northern England. With his business under lockdown, he pivoted to Product Launch Formula. Gary quickly turned stargazing into a series of Seed Launches that rejuvenated his finances, allowed him to be home with his family, and made it possible to live life on HIS terms.

Doubling Down During a Pandemic and Paying Off Debt!
Dayna Abraham had JUST started her launch in March of 2020. Day one was off to a solid start… until Disney World announced they were shutting down. The NBA quickly followed suit, and the shutdown was on. By 5pm she’d called an emergency team meeting and retooled her whole approach. She pivoted to focus on serving, and kept launching… and brought in over $400K while helping hundreds of families through a global crisis.

Seed Launching His Way Out of £50K in Debt… in 2020!
Dylan Ayaloo has trained yoga teachers and run personal transformation programs for the last decade and found PLF right after the pandemic lockdowns started. His in-person business model took a big hit, so he embraced online business in a big way… and it’s really paid off, helping him not only create new offers and bring in more revenue, but also have people writing in asking for personal coaching

40 Cancelled Speaking Engagements Led Him to Launch…
Elliott Connie is a psychotherapist who teaches other psychotherapists how to do Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT). Over the years he’s built a sizable practice and traveled the country as an expert speaker. He started launching back in 2016, but it all came together in March of 2020 after the pandemic led to a string of speaking cancellations. So went all in and generated more than $50K!

She Had to Change Her Plans and Create a New Business Model on the Fly…
Janna Morishima had just started her brand new business as a literary agent in January of 2020. In March, she was seriously considering getting a new job when she suddenly remembered learning about Jeff and PLF. She went all in and grew a small list of 150 people… and when she made her first offer, she had 27 sign up, netting almost $24K for her very first launch!

First He Bought a Car, Then He Bought a Coffee Shop
Ray’s been using PLF since 2005. After using PLF to get more clients, copywriter Ray Edwards later used it to sell a writing course. He tripled the results of his previous launch… and then doubled that number again the next time. Ray also owns a coffee shop. While other businesses were shutting down last spring because of the pandemic, he used PLF principles to keep people showing up – and engineered his two most profitable months ever.

No Expenses and 3X the Profit – Working from Home
As a personal development coach and speaker, Robb Zbierski used to travel 3 months a year. When he was sidelined by the global health crisis, he knew it was time to transition to virtual events. Using PLF to launch his first one, he made $39,000… far more than the $12,000 he used to net in person. The best part? Being home with his family!

These are just some of the dozens of Case Studies Jeff Walker has to show how effective and versatile Product Launch Formula can be. Yes it takes work, but what in business doesn’t? And as you can see from the results above, it’s sure worth it.

Check out these and the rest of the product Launch Formula Case Studies here.

I know you’ll find them fascinating.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

P.S. The Case Studies page will only be available for a few days so check them out now while you can.

P.P.S. If you’d like to register for one of my regular Product Launch Coaching calls where we cover numerous ways to increase your Launch sales, just let me know by getting in touch here and I’ll get back to you with the details.

Talk soon!


PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you to grow YOUR business:

1. This Puts Cash In The Bank Today For When You Don’t Have Time For A Product Launch
A Product Launch can take a lot of time and energy, and can only be used a few times a year so you don’t burn out your email list. But people’s desire to buy always exceeds our ability to make offers to them. This simple marketing campaign can be used over and over again to extract cash from your list multiple times a month. Click Here

2. You Must Have A Responsive Email List If You Want A Profitable Launch
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. List Warrior will show you a proven way to use free software to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

3. The Hottest New Lifestyle Business Idea For Overwhelmed Business Owners
Having a lifestyle business could be the holy grail for most people. As best selling author and wealth coach Robert Kiyosaki says, “The poor and middle class work for money. The rich spend their time and money creating income producing ASSETS, which then fund their expenses.” And THIS is how many of them do that. Click Here.

4. Work With Me 1 On 1.
If you’d like to work directly with me to hatch some super profitable campaigns for your business… just send me a message and put “One-on-One” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

And don’t forget to check this out ????

How to Earn $20 in 20 Minutes With Any Topic, Niche or Hobby

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website.

Will Product Launch Formula Work For My Market?

Product Launch Formula Case StudiesOver the years a lot of people have asked me if I think Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula will work for THEIR business. The truth is after thousands of people have used PLF to launch and grow their businesses, there probably isn’t a market it hasn’t worked in.

As long as you live in a country where commerce is well regulated and the market is free of overarching government control, and products and services are being purchased and sold by willing buyers and sellers, Product Launch Formula will likely work for you.

It’s been so successful in so many countries and markets that Jeff has amassed a huge collection of Case Studies from all kinds of people who are happy to share their successes and failures with the rest of us.

For the next couple of days, you can check out a bunch of Product Launch Formula Case Studies showing you what’s possible if you apply the process to your business.

I’ve watched quite a few of these Case Studies over the years and the number of ways people have used the formula is simply astounding. I’m sure you’ll find them just as inspiring as I have.

Check out the Product Launch Formula Case Studies here (only for the next couple of days).

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott
Product Launch Strategy

Please Note: I’m privileged to be one of Jeff Walker’s affiliate partners. That means if you end up joining me in his Product Launch Formula program, I might receive a referral commission at no extra cost for you.

12 Product Launch Formula Case Studies For Inspiration

One of the most inspirational things about Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula launch every year is the part where he shares a bunch of Case Studies from current PLF owners showing us what’s possible.

Note: And by the way, if you are looking for a Product Launch Formula Bonus that includes personal 1:1 coaching to actually help you to succeed with PLF, you can learn more here.

Does this sound like you or someone you know?

You have this thing you love doing, and you could talk about it all day long.

People often say you should write a book or teach a course, but you don’t know where to start.

Well, you could start teaching online by creating an information product and launching it using Product Launch Formula before Christmas.

You might be surprised by the kinds of things you can teach online… just take a look at some of these success stories:

Drawing Far More Than Stick Figures… and Making Six Figures!
Sandra Angelo made a name for herself teaching aspiring artists to quickly go from “no talent” to “amazing”. Then a fire obliterated her San Diego home… along with all her art and instruction materials. Product Launch Formula® helped Sandra not just rebuild her business, but to make it virtually indestructible.

From Scrappy Seed Launches to a Full-Blown Business
Dorothy Holtermann went through some tough times, losing her livelihood and home while her health fell apart. In her 50s, she turned everything around and wrote a book which got some attention, but not enough to pay the bills. Dorothy discovered PLF and decided to use it to promote her “Birth a Book” program. She did her launches using just her phone and social media, and wound up creating an amazing, multi-faceted business.

He Doubled His Income… Working Only 10 Hours a Week
Zach Tolan was a private music tutor. He loved it… but to earn $5,000 a month, he drove over 4,000 miles, had nearly 250 appointments, and worked 70 hours a week. Forced online by COVID, Zach used PLF to launch virtual group piano lessons. The result? More than double his old income… while working only 10 hours a week from home.

From 1 Sale in 4 Months to 20+ Launches Per Year
Eva Smith has taught yoga teachers since 2008, and her first (pre-PLF) launch netted a single sale in 4 months. Then she discovered PLF and grew her business from nothing to $100K in the first year… and now has grown her business to a consistent $1MM in revenue. She now does 20-30 launches a year and says, “Every time we launch, we grow!”

She Had to Change Her Plans and Create a New Business Model on the Fly…
Janna Morishima had just started her brand new business as a literary agent in January of 2020. In March, she was seriously considering getting a new job when she suddenly remembered learning about Jeff and PLF. She went all in and grew a small list of 150 people… and when she made her first offer, she had 27 sign up, netting almost $24K for her very first launch!

$36K from Teaching People How to Start a Shed-Building Business
John Fealy already had a successful business building sheds for people. He realized his system might be super valuable for other would-be shed builders… so he decided to launch. In March of 2020, he made his first offer to his tiny list and got 22 people to sign up. Now he’s got TWO successful businesses… and his students are starting their own, too!

5X More per Launch than Before – in the B2B Market
Laura Brandenburg helps people start careers as business analysts. She was doing $20,000 launches on her own before she joined PLF… but just a few months after starting the program, she had a $96,000 launch.These days, six-figure launches are the norm. One big surprise? How much her B2B, numbers-oriented clients respond to the emotional triggers PLF teaches.

“Sale after sale kept coming in…”
Shaman and personal development expert Linda Fitch loves helping people become their best selves, but felt limited as an in-person practitioner. After discovering PLF, she’s been able to offer more content… spend more time teaching and serving her tribe… and her list has grown 250%.

On Track for Seven Figures – Teaching Artists About Business
Artist Matt Tommey helps other artists make more money. He was ecstatic when he made $11,000 in his first year selling courses… but that was before he knew about PLF. Since 2016, Matt’s business has grown more than 75X, and he now has plenty of time to pursue his own artistic passions.

No Expenses and 3X the Profit – Working from Home
As a personal development coach and speaker, Robb Zbierski used to travel 3 months a year. When he was sidelined by Covid lockdowns, he knew it was time to transition to virtual events. Using PLF to launch his first one, he made $39,000… far more than the $12,000 he used to net in person. The best part? Being home with his family!

Layering PLF On Top of a Successful “In-Person” Business
Simon Zutshi ran what was already a successful real estate investment education business built around live events. In 2006, his team used PLF to launch a $5,000 mastermind program and 50 people signed up in the first hour. Today, Simon uses PLF to market a series of online real estate investing programs that boost his revenue by more than a million dollars a year.

Exponential Gains with Every Launch (and 8900% More Opt-ins)
An urban farmer, Stacey Murphy was passionate about bringing healthy foods to the world. To expand her reach, she created an online course but couldn’t get much traction with her audience until she found PLF. Her first PLF launch brought in 3x the revenue of her solo launch. She doubled that with her second PLF launch, and her opt-ins have increased by an incredible 8,900%.

And that’s just the start… there are dozens and dozens of stories on this page to help inspire you and show you what’s possible.

I’m sure you’ll find somebody you can model for yourself.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

How To Attract People To Your Product Launch Using Social Media

Learning how to attract people to your product launch using social media and then capturing their details on an email database before sending them to your Pre Launch Content is a time-tested and proven way to make sales.

Having said that, it’s not always easy and there are plenty of traps. Here’s what we’ll cover in this post to help you optimise your results:

• Choosing Your Platforms
• Understand How Social Media Works
• Create Content That Intrigues People And Gets Clicks

Let’s jump in…

Choose Your Platforms

The first step is to choose which social media platforms you’ll focus on. The top options include:

• Facebook
• Twitter
• LinkedIn
• YouTube
• Instagram
• Pinterest

The idea is to focus on two or maybe three platforms that will be most beneficial to your business. You need to consider two things:

• Where does your audience congregate? This is the most important factor to consider when deciding which platforms to use. You’ll need to do some research such as finding out the key demographics of people on the various platforms, as well as looking at your competitors’ pages on these sites to see where they get the best results (shares, comments and other interaction).

• What type of content do you intend to post? For example, if you intend to post a lot of videos, then obviously YouTube should make your list. On the flip side, if you’re not interested in posting photos, then Instagram isn’t a good choice.

Once you know where you’re going to post, then move to the next step…

Understand How Social Media Works

While your newsletter is basically a monologue, social media is different because it works best when you create a dialogue with your followers. This means you can’t just blast out content and then ignore any interaction you receive. You need to be ‘social’ if you want to encourage people to engage and interact, and then interact directly with your followers.

This means doing things such as:

• Liking replies to your content.
• Replying to comments. (As your followers grow, you won’t be able to reply to everyone, but you should seek to post a few replies on every post.)
• Sharing/retweeting your follower’s content.

In other words, build relationships by engaging with your audience in a real dialogue (instead of a monologue).

Product Launch Formula Quiz


Create Content That Gets Clicks

Now that you’re on the right platform and prepared to engage with your audience, the next thing you need to know is how to create content that gets clicks, shares, and comments. Take a look at these tips…

Give People What They Want

In order to figure out what they want, you’ll need to do some market research to find out what sort of content your audience tends to respond to the best. In addition to your regular market research (such as seeing what products people are buying), you’ll want to check out your competitors’ social media pages.

Pay attention to two things:

1. The general topic for the content. Do you see any sort of pattern? For example, if you’re in a dieting niche, do people tend to respond best to nutrition-related posts versus exercise-related posts?

2. The general format for the content. For example, does the audience seem to like memes? Videos? Infographics? Tips posts? Etc.


Ensure It’s a Quick Read Or View

People on social media don’t usually have time to read overwhelming pieces of content. That’s why you want to create content that people can read or view quickly, ranging from a meme that takes a second or two to read, to a video that perhaps takes two or three minutes (tops) to watch.

Craft an Enticing Title

People often decide whether to read or watch something based on the title, which is why you need to develop benefit-driven titles. If you can arouse curiosity, that’s good too. E.G., “The Conversion-Doubling Trick That Takes Just Two Minutes!”

Create Something Unique

People aren’t going to share your content or click through to your website if you’re sharing stuff that looks like every other piece of content on the web. That’s why you need to create something unique.

This can be as simple as sharing a unique story (such as an inspirational video), or even just a single little-known tip. It doesn’t have to be groundbreaking – it just needs to be somewhat uncommon.

Generate Positive Feelings

Content that goes viral and gets other interaction (such as likes, loves, cares and clicks) tends to generate emotion, especially positive emotion. A good goal is to create something that makes people say “Wow!” or “Awww!” or “That’s heartwarming!” or “That’s awesome!”

Encourage People to Interact

If you want people to share and comment on your content, then ask them to do something.

For example, if you’re looking for comments, then ask questions or encourage people to share information, for example, ask them:

• What do you think?
• What’s your favourite tip?
• Have you ever had an embarrassing moment like this?

If you’re looking for people to share, then centre your call to action around that goal. Something like:

• Share this with your friends, because these days they could probably use a smile!
• Know someone who [needs some benefit]? Share this now.
• Be a hero among your friends and family and share this with them.
• Please do me a favour and share this on your page – I appreciate it!
• Share this if you agree!

Now a few parting thoughts…


The big social media platforms are really useful when it comes to generating prospects for your Product Launch, but you need to have a plan in place in order to make the most of these platforms. That’s why you’ll want to put these ideas to work in order to build better relationships with people in your audience and generate more launch traffic.

Of course there’s no guarantee the people you are interacting with on social media will become customers, which is why you need a proven process to take them from uninterested to aware, then interested in maybe buying from you, and finally into customers. This is exactly what Product launch Formula does.

If you’d like to see how the PLF process has worked for other entrepreneurs and business owners, you can do that by checking out these 60 Case Studies of real people who have used the formula successfully. By watching the ones that interest you, you’re probably going to have some ‘ah-ha’ moments of your own.

So check out the Product Launch Formula Case Studies page here and let me know what insights you had while watching other people using the process in their businesses.

Warm regards,


P.S. Being able to create a Perfect Product is a great start, but you also need a way to generate sales in a consistent way. Running a Product launch is a proven way to not only build your list, but generate Social Proof and make a large number of sales quickly. To learn how to launch your product successfully, check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. List Warrior will show you a proven way to use free software to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

2. How To Create The Perfect Product 
Creating a product that is perfect for your audience does not need to be difficult. How To Create The Perfect Product shows you how to build high value products your audience will love one after the other. Click Here.

3. How To Attract Buyers To Join Your Launch List So They Can Purchase Your Perfect Product.
Once you have created your Product Launch List and your Perfect Product is ready to go, you need to attract people into your world so they can buy from you. One Minute Free Traffic gives you a proven way to attract buyers with ‘Automated Traffic Machines’ so you can send those people to your optin page, your sales page, your Facebook Group or anywhere else you choose.    To learn more Click Here.

And don’t forget to check this out 🙂

How to Earn $20 in 20 Minutes With Any Topic, Niche or Hobby

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

The Most Profitable Implementation Of Product Launch Formula I’ve Ever Seen

A Product Launch is a multi-step strategy you can use to generate an enormous amount of sales in a very short period of time. A launch helps you to stand out from all of your competitors who are using traditional marketing by creating an event for your customers and prospects to participate in and share with their family and friends.

The release of the new Top Gun movie was a perfect example of how to use a Product Launch to generate over a Billion dollars in box office receipts in just a few weeks.

Another tremendously profitable implementation of the Product Launch Formula process recently turned a group of company founders into multi-millionaires or even billionaires. Here’s how they did it…

Using A Product Launch For A Nasdaq Listing

A short while back a new company called Snowflake was listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange. Nothing special or ground-breaking about that you might say. But the way the promoters attracted media attention and developed awareness in the community to the point where there was literally a feeding frenzy as shares went on sale today is a case study in what to do right and something we could all model on a smaller scale.

Here’s the back-story: Snowflake is a SaaS (Software as a Service) company that helps businesses move their brick and mortar and non-internet businesses to the ‘Cloud’. This is a mega-trend and any business in that space is being valued much more aggressively by the market than other types of businesses.

Bear in mind the company is apparently losing money hand-over-fist, has never made a profit, probably won’t make a profit for several years even if everything goes right for them, and according to some analysts was valued at around 100 times sales.

This is astonishingly expensive. Yes the company is growing strongly, but they also have huge competition from Amazon, Google, and many other behemoths with long track records of killing startup companies before they reach critical mass.

Product Launch Formula Quiz

When the promoters issued the most recent batch of shares (which was just 10% of the company’s total available shares) they priced them at $120 each. Today as the stock listed they opened at $270 and traded as high as $316 before falling back to close at around $253.

Because the promoters and founders still hold 90% of the shares in the company, the high price of the shares listed on the market makes their shares much more valuable today than they were yesterday. I would imagine they are cracking the champaign corks at the moment.

I’m sure there were a lot of other things going on behind the scenes (just like any Product Launch) but here are some of the most obvious:

Their Use Of Mental Triggers

Jeff Walker discusses Mental Triggers at length in PLF. There are about a dozen of them that will move the needle in a launch. Here are the ones Snowflake used to create such wild success:

Social Proof – Commentators on CNBC have been excitedly discussing Snowflake for the last few weeks, talking about how many big and experienced investors the company already had on board and how these people wouldn’t have been interested if the company was a dud.

Authority – The company has the Worlds greatest value investor, Warren Buffet, as an early stage investor. By highlighting the fact Warren was a shareholder, they company use his authority to entice other investors to invest when the stock was listed today.

A Bargain – Warren Buffet is a ‘value investor’ which at it’s core means he doesn’t buy things that are overpriced. The fact he saw ‘value’ in Snowflake undoubtedly encouraged other big names to throw their hats into the ring. This is regardless of the fact the company is a Technology stock priced insanely high for anyone buying today. If Warren’s in, others want to be in too.

Scarcity – The fact that only 10% of the company’s shares were listed created immense scarcity. Most of the commentators on CNBC applied for shares but none of them were allocated any. This is additional proof of the scarcity of the shares. And everyone knows that when something is scarce it is more valuable.

Liking – The founders and senior promoters were regularly wheeled out by media organisations to discuss their plans for the company. The people interviewed kept saying all the right things and making all the right noises, so it was hard not to like them.

FOMO – Fear of missing out is a powerful motivator, especially when combined with genuine scarcity. The talking heads on the various media channels were relentlessly pushing the line that Snowflake was going to be the years biggest IPO (Initial Public Offering or Stock Market Listing) and it was the biggest software IPO EVER. The constant chatter whipped potential investors into a lather and their fear of missing out led the stock price to rocket right from the opening bell and say much higher than it might have without the help of those in the media.

These are just the obvious Mental Triggers Snowflake used with great effect to use the Product Launch Formula process to generate millions (billions?) of dollars in additional wealth for founders and employees overnight.

Of course there’s no guarantee any of us will ever do something like that, but the mental triggers combined with the other elements of the PLF process have worked for thousands of years, and will continue working in the future.

IF you’d like to see how the PLF process has worked for other entrepreneurs and business owners, you can do that by checking out these 60 Case Studies. By watching the ones that interest you, you’re probably going to have some ‘ah-ha’ moments of your own.

So check out the Product Launch Formula Case Studies page here and let me know what insights you had while watching other people using the process in their businesses.

Warm regards,


P.S. Being able to create a Perfect Product is a great start, but you also need a way to generate sales in a consistent way. Running a Product launch is a proven way to not only build your list, but generate Social Proof and make a large number of sales quickly. To learn how to launch your product successfully, check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. List Warrior will show you a proven way to use free software to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

2. How To Create The Perfect Product 
Creating a product that is perfect for your audience does not need to be difficult. How To Create The Perfect Product shows you how to build high value products your audience will love one after the other. Click Here.

3. How To Attract Buyers To Join Your Launch List So They Can Purchase Your Perfect Product.
Once you have created your Product Launch List and your Perfect Product is ready to go, you need to attract people into your world so they can buy from you. One Minute Free Traffic gives you a proven way to attract buyers with ‘Automated Traffic Machines’ so you can send those people to your optin page, your sales page, your Facebook Group or anywhere else you choose.    To learn more Click Here.

And don’t forget to check this out 🙂

How to Earn $20 in 20 Minutes With Any Topic, Niche or Hobby

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

Internal Launch Case Study – How To Use Product Launch Formula In The Trading Market

It doesn’t matter whether your business is a startup or you have been established for many years, you can use an Internal Launch as laid out in Product Launch Formula to generate a huge lift in sales and profits, help you build an email database of prospects and customers who will buy from you again in the future, and put your business on a solid footing faster than any other strategy.

And it doesn’t matter if your marketing has had less than stellar results in the past, or if you’ve taken the advice of so called ‘experts’ or a marketing agency that promised you the world and then handed you an Atlas, you can launch a brand new product profitably in one or two weeks instead of months or years.

In this post I’m going to share exactly how I used an Internal Launch to generate around $20 per subscriber in net profit over a period of 2 weeks using nothing but a few Facebook posts and an email sequence (which you will see in full below) to a small email list.

Using The Product Launch Formula Process To Launch An Information Product

Over the last few weeks I’ve been using the Product Launch Formula process to run an Internal Launch for a training program I created (using a Seed Launch) that teaches people how to use Technical Analysis on stocks, commodities, indexes and other markets.

If you’re not sure what Technical Analysis is, it’s using price charts to determine where the price of a stock or some other market is likely to go over the next few days or weeks. As you can imagine, it is a valuable skill to have and when you get it right it is possible to virtually create income at will.

Creating The Program Using A Seed Launch

I originally used a Seed Launch to create the course content where I offered 6 live Zoom Webinars with several follow up Zoom Q&A meetings. Some of my students have done exceptionally well, but others have struggled despite having my help to understand what to do.

Because the first live program was fun to do and was so well received, I ran it two more times. Both of these times I had new members sign up while existing members were allowed to join in free of charge.

By the third iteration, the content was nailed down and I had filled in any gaps I found in the knowledge I wanted to share as we went through the training.

Once the content was all edited and uploaded to a new membership site run on the Xperiencify Platform, I was ready to launch a higher ticket Mentoring Program where students get even more access to me in addition to all of the training created during the Seed Launches.

A Quick Note About Where To Host Your Course

I used WordPress and the Wishlist Member Plugin to host the original Seed Launch content because it was good enough for what I was doing. The problem was most of my students never got around to completing the entire training. That meant they didn’t get the full benefits of what I’m sharing, and this tends to be a problem for most course creators.

That’s why I am hosting the higher priced version on the Xperiencify Platform because Marissa has made it possible to Gamify your course content which increases the number of people who complete your course exponentially.

Here’s what the new Xperiencify Members’ area looks like:

Use Product FormulaAs you can see, the Platform looks professional, neat and tidy, and from the feedback I’ve received so far, students are loving the experience. Typical comments are, “this is addictive” and, “I just found myself moving from one lesson to the next without realising it”.

When your students have a great experience, they consume more of your course’s content, meaning they get more value for their money and they are likely to get better results. This leads to happy students, testimonials and future sales. You can learn more about the Xperiencify Platform here.

OK, let’s get into the details of my recent Product Launch.

So now I’m going to take you through the entire process of using Product Launch Formula to run an Internal Launch to the people on my Trend Traders Club Facebook group and the email list I’ve built from Group members signing up for my free members training.

I started this launch in the same way Jeff Walker does most of his. I asked my audience what I could do to help them. Here’s what Jeff calls the ‘Shot Across The Bow’ email asking for their feedback:



I’m in the final stages of creating some brand new Free training videos where I’ll be sharing how to find and safely get set in potentially fast-moving, long-term trends, how to get the most out of each one of those trends, and how to exit without leaving a fortune on the table…

But before I release the training… I want to make sure I cover YOUR single biggest questions, challenges or concerns.

All I’d like you to do is let me know your answer to this ONE important question:

When it comes to finding and participating in fast-moving, long-term trends, what’s YOUR single biggest challenge right now? (Please be as detailed and specific as possible).

Your advice on this would mean the world to me and really help me finalise the this new training.

Could you please take a minute to answer the one-question survey here.

Thanks so very much for your input, I really appreciate it!

Warm regards,



As you can see, the email is friendly and coming from a place of service. If you have any kind of relationship with people on your email list, in your Facebook Group, or your followers on social media, you can frame a similar message asking for their help and feedback.

We want to do this because we want to make sure of two things:

  1. That your audience feels a sense of ownership in the end result because they helped you to create the training or program, and
  2. We want to make sure we don’t leave anything critical out of our Pre Launch Videos or the product itself

Feel free to model the email above and also the Survey format for your market and modify it for your own needs. It works really well…

The First Pre Launch Content Video

Once I had received feedback and questions from members of my audience, I created the first PLC (Product Launch Content) video highlighting the Opportunity as discussed in Product Launch Formula.

Here’s the message inviting people to watch the video:



Last week I asked for your advice on what your single biggest challenge was when it came to finding and participating in fast-moving, long-term trends, and the response was overwhelming.

Based on your feedback, the first new training video is ready for you to watch, and you can check it out here.

In this first video I cover how to find potential opportunities and show you how to know whether they are likely to result in a fast-moving trend or not.

​​​​​​​You can also download the PDF Slides for the video, and there’s a comments section below the video where you can ask questions or comment on what we covered.

​​​​​​​Please watch the first video here and leave your comments or questions for me.

Thankyou again for sharing your advice on what to cover in this 4 video series, I really appreciate your help.

Warmest regards,



Here’s what Pre-launch Video 1 looked like:

Product Launch Video 1

Apart from a couple of mentions of a paid course coming in the future, it was over 95% valuable content.

I also posted the video inside my Facebook group and quite a few people watched it there.

One of the questions I received from a number of people was “How do I draw a Swing Chart?” To give people more valuable content while I created the second PLC video, I recorded a tutorial video on how to create a Swing Chart, and here’s the email letting subscribers know about it:



Being able to accurately draw Swing Charts is a core skill we need to master if we want to successfully use the TTC Setup I shared in the new training video I posted here a couple of days ago.

After watching that video, a couple of people asked me if I could go into more detail about how to draw Swing Charts because I really only touched on it briefly in that video.

So I’ve recorded an in-depth tutorial video (just over 10 minutes) showing exactly how to draw Swing Charts including how to account for inside and outside days.

You can watch the new video here.

BTW I’ve nearly finished the second new training video where we’ll be going through how to use Elliott Wave analysis to get set in positions near market turns, and much more.

I’ll send you a link to the new video as soon as it’s ready to go.

Chat soon,

Warmest regards,



This video was pure content with zero pitch whatsoever.

The Second Pre Launch Content Video

A couple of days later I sent out PLC video 2, and the email I sent to subscribers is below:



Your second new training video is ready for you to watch and you can check it out here.

In this one you’ll learn:

– How to manage positions based on Elliott Wave analysis
– How to use trailing stops to keep you impositions for as long as possible
– How to know when to compound (and when not to compound)
– And we’ll look at a bunch of examples of managing positions using these rules in real markets
– I also share some timely info on potential setups that might confirm this week

Check out the video now while it’s fresh on your mind, I think you’ll find it helpful.

If you have any comments or questions, please post them in the Facebook group and Tag me so I can reply to you personally.

I hope you find the video helpful.

Warmest regards,



Here’s what the second Pre-launch Video looked like:Product Launch PLC Video 2

Each video had links back to the previous videos, and I asked people to go back and watch the previous videos first if they haven’t done so yet.

It’s critical that people watch all of your PLC videos in the order you create them, because when they are done right they build on each other, leading your prospects seamlessly towards the conclusion they need to invest in your product or service if they want to solve their entire problem or achieve a complete solution.

Over the next couple of days I answered questions from subscribers in the Facebook group and by email and most people said they found the second video very helpful.

The Third Product Launch Content Video

A couple of days later I had the third PLC video ready and sent it to subscribers using this message:



Your third new training video is ready for you to watch and you can check it out here.

In this one you’ll learn:

– The 8 Critical Mindsets Framework I use to systemise things as much as possible
– How to use retracements and repeating ranges to forecast where trends and counter trends are likely to come to an end
– I also share some potential opportunities to be on the lookout for over the next week or so

Check out the video now while it’s fresh on your mind, I think you’ll find it helpful.

If you have any comments or questions, please post them in the Facebook group and Tag me so I can reply to you personally.

I hope you find the video helpful.

Warmest regards,



A bunch of people watched the third PLC video and I had many comments and emails thanking me for recording it. Here’s what that third video looked like:

Product Launch PLC Video 3

While I prepared the 4th PLC Video, I recorded a brief update video for subscribers and sent it to them using this email message:



I’ll have your 4th training video ready for you in a couple of days but before that I’ve recorded this short video update on some of the markets we follow.

You can watch the video update here in the Facebook group or here on Vimeo.

I really hope this helps.

Chat soon,

Warmest regards,



This video was 100% content and kept me in front of potential clients in a no-stress, ethical way. I used what Jeff Walker calls the ‘Pivot’ where we go from purely training to preparing people for the 4th video where the details of the paid program are released and people can start signing up.

The All Access Page

The next day I sent subscribers a message letting them know they could watch the first 4 videos all on one page in case they had missed any or wanted to watch them again.

Here’s the message I sent:


Hey, it’s Rocky…

If you missed any of the Masterclass videos I’ve been sending over the last week or so, or if you’d like to watch any of them again, I’ve put them all on one page for you so you can go through them all in one place.

You can watch them all on this page.

I really hope this training helps, and if you have any questions or comments, please post them in the Facebook group and Tag me and I’ll answer them for you.

Warmest regards,



The links in the email message took people to the All Access page that looked like this:

The feedback was again very positive with people emailing me thanking me for the All Access page.

The 4th Product Launch Content Video

A couple of days later I sent subscribers PLC Video 4 which announced the Program was ready for registration.

Here’s the message I used:



The 4th training video in our series is ready for you to watch here.

In this video we recap the key points we covered in the first 3 videos, and then I tie everything together by showing you how to use Time Cycle analysis to determine when markets have the potential to make minor and even major changes in trend.

I hope you find this forth video helpful.

Warmest regards,



Here’s what the page for Video 4 looked like:

Product Launch Video 5

People immediately started applying for the program and I went through a process of qualifying them to make sure they would be a good fit (more on this later).

The next day I sent another video with a recent Case Study showing how what they had learned in the previous training videos was used in a real life situation. This gave more Proof that what I was showing them actually worked.

Here’s the email I sent that day:



As part of our ongoing training series, I recorded this video for you yesterday showing how Time, Price and Pattern alerted us to several strong trends in Uranium.

Please watch the video here to see how the analysis you’ve learned is used in real time. 

I hope you find this Case Study helpful.

Warmest regards,



More people applied after seeing this video and sales were starting to come in.

The next day I sent another video showing what was possible using the strategies I had been sharing in the Pre Launch Content. You have to be very careful to stress you are not making income claims in your marketing because you can get into strife with all kinds of three letter agencies if you do. Be SUPER careful that you don’t do that.

Here’s the message linking to that video:



In this video I share a little of what’s possible if you follow the Rules I’ve been sharing in the Training using small positions with a degree of leverage.

It’s best to watch the video in full screen to see the detail.

It’s important to note I am not making an income claim or promising you can achieve the same or similar results.

What I share is just an example of what is possible.

Please watch the video here. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Warmest regards,



Again more people applied and other people who had expressed interest contacted me again with questions or requesting the order link.

The next day I shared another Case Study video showing one of the most popular markets my audience is interested in. This again showed verifiable proof that what I have been sharing worked.

Proof of Concept like this is critical if you want to sell anything for more than a few bucks. People have been disappointed a thousand times before and want to know they won’t be wasting their time if they sign up for your product or service. The main reason is because while they can always get more money, their time is a scarce resource and is something they can never get back.

With that in mind, here’s the email message linking to the Case Study:



Because most Club members are interested in the US stock market, I just recorded this video Case Study showing how the lessons in Time, Price and Pattern have applied to the SPX over the last couple of weeks.

I also share my thoughts on where the US market could be headed over the next few weeks.

Make sure you check out this new video here to see how the analysis you’ve been learning can be used to enter markets very close to minor and often major changes in trend.

I really hope you find this Case Study helpful.

Warmest regards,


P.S. I’m holding a live Gann & Elliott Wave Mentoring Program with a small group starting next week. We’ll be working on how to perfect your understanding of how markets move so you have certainty in any market situation.

Would you like to join us?

Just reply to this message and I’ll get you all the details.


Because we were getting very close to the official start date for the program, the next day I sent a personal message to everybody directly inviting them to join the program.

Here’s is that personal message:


SUBJECT: A personal invitation


Over the last couple of weeks I’ve sent you a series of training videos to give you a glimpse of what’s possible when you truly understand how to read markets using Time, Price and Pattern.

What I shared in those videos is the culmination of over 20 years of study boiled down into the critical 1% that really makes all the difference.

And the fact is if you were to truly study those videos (as opposed to just watching them one time and moving on) you probably have all you need to eventually succeed in the market beyond your wildest dreams.

The problem for most people is they know what to do, but they don’t have somebody to hold them accountable so they can consistently do it.

This is why top performers in every field have coaches and mentors.

They have people on their payroll who keep them on track, highlight ways they can improve, and hold their feet to the fire so they can break through obstacles and reach peak performance.

I created the Gann & Elliott Wave Mentoring Program as a way of becoming your personal coach so I can help you to shortcut your path to success from months or years, to just a few weeks if you are prepared to do the work.

Yes there is work to do.

Yes you may have to un-learn some bad habits and instal new ones.

But once you master this time of analysis, you could be set for life…

The Live Gann & Elliott Wave Mentoring Program is starting this Friday, October 22nd at 7.00pm AEST.

Would you like to join us?

Just reply to this message and I’ll get you all the details.

I truly hope to you can join us as part of this life-changing program.

Warmest regards,



People knew that what I was sharing with them worked because I had given them undeniable proof. The idea behind this email was to stress how much certainty people could have once they understood how the market moved and they were able to apply what they would learn in the program.

The next day I sent another Case Study video showing something that was actually happening in the market right at that moment. Here’s that message:



In this post Trend Traders Club group yesterday…/tren…/posts/4355760191126085/ I said it looks like EUR/USD may have completed an abc correction at the 50% retracement.

In the first screen shot you can see the chart from that post (you can click on the either of the images to open a full size chart in a new window):

EUR/USD Wave 2 low

In this screen shot you can see what has happened since:

EUR/USD Wave 3 Rally

When I made yesterday’s post I wasn’t already long, the post was to alert everybody to the potential for an abc correction and counter trend low near the 50% retracement.

As I’ve said in the training videos, I am not a financial advisor or broker so this is as close as I can get to screaming BUY THE EURO without actually saying it.

Looking at the charts above, the market made its counter trend low right at the 50% retracement and then made a higher Swing high followed by a higher Swing low.

This is the very definition of an uptrend according to Gann.

I entered long with two seperate positions as the 1 hour Swing chart turned back up creating the first higher low (Gann said “The safest place to buy is the first higher low).

As you can see, those entries are taken at the first higher low of the first higher low after a 50% retracement.

This is a high probability setup with very low risk because the stop loss is just below the Wave 2 or B Swing low.

The Euro now looks like it is rallying in a 5 Wave trend and the fact that the minor Wave 1 was taken out within just 2 bars indicates it is a minor Wave 3 of 3.

Because the trend looked so strong, I took an additional position just after the minor Wave 1 high was exceeded.

Everything you’ve learned in the recent training videos is on display here in real life in real time…

  • The initial entries right at the start of the current uptrend
  • Taking some off the table at the end of Wave 1 or A
  • Entering again right at the 50% retracement as the uptrend resumed
  • Compounding into a strongly trending market

Of course we have no way of knowing what will happen next.

The market could turn around and go the other way.

However by treating every setup as just another opportunity in the INFINITE GAME it doesn’t matter what happens with this one.

There are thousands more to look forward to.

And because we are following a set of rules that have proven themselves over time, we will eventually be on board some major trends that last weeks or months…

If you can see the potential of knowing how to consistently do this yourself in the markets you are interested in, you should join me for the new Gann & Elliott Wave Mentoring Program.

Over the next few weeks you’ll learn EXACTLY how to read the market like this so you can play the Infinite Game for the rest of your life.

For all the details, just reply to this message and put Gann in the subject line.

The Program is starting this Friday, October 22nd, so as soon as I hear from you I’ll send you all the details right away.

I hope to see you on the first live meeting on Friday Evening.

Warm regards,



This message generated more interest and sales. The next day subscribers received another Case Study with an update on one of the Stocks we had been watching in the Facebook group.

Here’s the email sent that day:


SUBJECT: Case Study: The A2 Milk Rally Continues


We’ve looked at Australian stock A2 Milk a few times over the last few weeks as it was coming out of its recent correction.

The most recent post was this one on October 13th:

Use Product Launch Formula

The stock did make a counter trend as expected and the strong rally continued.

Here’s an updated chart showing where the stock is today (click on the chart to open a larger version):

Use Product Launch Formula

On the chart you can see the initial TTC entry which as you know is the signal this stock was probably starting to trend.

After a minor correction to just above the .618 A2 rallied strongly again, pulled back in a 2-day counter trend, and today rallied to a new high for this move.

While anything can happen, at the moment this is the essence of a strongly trending stock.

This is exactly the type of thing we look for because price moves away from our entry quickly reducing our risk and allowing us to compound safely.

These are the trends I will help you identify early when you join us in the Gann & Elliott Wave Mentoring Program.

In fact, if you’d joined me in this one setup and closed it out today you’d be well on your way to paying for your entire membership fee in the Program already.

Now please note I am NOT making an income claim in what I said above. I am just stating a fact.

Your results will obviously vary and nobody can guarantee anyone will make any sort of return. You know the drill.

If you can see the potential of knowing how to consistently do this yourself in the markets you are interested in, you should join me for the new Gann & Elliott Wave Mentoring Program.

You’ll learn EXACTLY how to read the market like this so you can have the certainty you need to do very well in todays markets.

Just reply to this message and put Gann in the subject line and I’ll send you all the details.

The Program is starting this Friday, October 22nd, so as soon as I hear from you I’ll send you all the details right away.

I hope to see you on the first live meeting on Friday Evening.

Warm regards,



We were getting down to the wire now and with 24 hours to go, I sent the ’24 Hour Warning’ message the next day. Here’s that email:


SUBJECT: 24 Hour Warning


The first Live session in the new Gann & Elliott Wave Mentoring Program starts in just over 24 hours so now’s the time to register if you are going to join us.

As a member you’ll learn EXACTLY how to read the market like I’ve been showing you in the Masterclass videos over the last couple of weeks.

In case you haven’t had a chance to see all the details yet, I’ve put everything in this Google Document so you can check it out.

The Program is starting at 6.00 PM tomorrow evening Brisbane time (AEST), so check out the details here and then let me know if you’re In, Out or if you have a question.

I hope to see you on the first live meeting tomorrow evening.

Warm regards,



Now while quite a few people had already joined the program paying full price up front, some people who had expressed interest said they just couldn’t afford the full price right now. With this in mind, I created a 6-payment option and let people know about it using this final message:

SUBJECT: Join us for just $200 today


A few people have mentioned they would love to join the Gann & Elliott Wave Mentoring Program before the price goes up but they couldn’t quite swing the full amount right at the moment.

With this in mind, I’ve put together an option for you to join us today and spread the payments out over 6 months interest free.

That means you can join today for just US$200, get access to my personal one on one mentoring, attend the next 4 live weekly group coaching calls to have your questions answered, receive at least 3 weeks of the Setup Alerts PDF, and even go through most of the 95/5 training in the members area before your second payment is due.

Then if you don’t think joining the program was the best decision you’ve ever made, just let me know and I’ll refund your initial payment and cancel your future payments so the whole thing was free.

I’m doing this because I don’t want finances to hold you back if you are really keen to learn and do what it takes to succeed.

As a member you’ll learn EXACTLY how to read the market like I’ve been showing you in the Masterclass videos over the last couple of weeks.

So if this is something you are interested in and you haven’t had a chance to see all the details yet, I’ve put everything in this Google Document so you can check it out.

The Program is starting at 6.00 PM tonight Brisbane time (AEST), and I’ll need to know you’re coming a couple of hours before hand so I can send you the access details for tonight’s call.

So check out the details here if you’re keen to know more and then let me know if you’d like to take advantage of the payment plan ASAP.

I hope to see you on the first live meeting tonight.

Warm regards,



This final email resulted in 6 more members coming on board using the payment plan, and one more person who had been on the fence paying in full.

This is what you will usually see. When you open up your shopping cart you will have the super keen people join you right away. Then as you go through your Open Cart period a few sales will trickle in as long as you keep reminding people about your launch.

Then as your deadline approaches you will see a burst of sales, with a final flurry just before the Shopping Cart closes. There’s nothing like a deadline to force people to make a decision.

How To Convert MANY More People Into Buyers

So that was the final email in the sequence and we’ll get to the results shortly, but first I wanted to share something that could really move the needle for you if you are selling a product or service that is medium to high ticket.

As you will have seen in PLC video 4 and in some of the emails, rather than just giving people a ‘Buy Now’ link, I asked them to contact me by email and let them know they would have to complete an application if they wanted to join the Program.

I did this because I am guaranteeing their results and offering a full refund if I don’t perform, so I wanted to qualify people before I admitted them into my close knit community of very successful traders and investors.

I qualified each person through an email conversation and only admitted the people I was confident I could help to become successful.

The Conversational Close

Here’s an example of a typical email conversation thread so you can get the feel for how to do this if you’d like to model it. You can see how a friendly email conversation can turn a ‘No I can’t afford it’ into a ‘Yes, I’ve paid the first $200 today :-)’ by truly caring about a person and meeting them where they are…

NOTE: I’ve removed the links to various pages because I will be moving the pages over time.

This message was sent to people who had had asked for more information on the Program but had not responded after I sent them the details:


Hey Stephen

The first Live session in the new Gann & Elliott Wave Mentoring Program starts in just over 24 hours so now’s the time to register if you are going to join us.

As a member you’ll learn EXACTLY how to read the market like I’ve been showing you in the Masterclass videos over the last couple of weeks.

In case you haven’t had a chance to see all the details yet, I’ve put everything in this Google Document so you can check it out.

The Program is starting at 6.00 PM tomorrow evening Brisbane time (AEST), so check out the details here and then let me know if you’re In, Out or if you have a question.

I hope to see you on the first live meeting on tomorrow evening.

Warm regards,



Reply from Stephen:


I really would like to attend, but cant afford it right now.



My reply:

Hey Stephen,

Thankyou for getting back to me, I understand if the timing isn’t right for you to join us in the Program right now.

I was just thinking, I would be happy to spread the payments out over 6 months to make it possible for you to attend now instead of possibly missing out on several months of opportunities in the market. 

Please let me know if that would help and I’ll set it up.

Either way, thankyou for your interest I’m the Program, yes please stay in touch.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott


Reply from Stephen:

Hi Rocky, thanks for quick answer.

Yes it would be a possibility. ATM I just work 50% bcs of stress syndrome. So my income is less. That is why it is more difficult now. Is this for lifetime? I really think it would be a good thing then. To learn the skill together, maybe you will start a Group for your students as well who attend?



My Reply:

Hey Stephen,

Thankyou for getting back to me.

I’m so sorry to hear you are unable to work full time. I hope you are able to recover soon.

Yes as a member you have lifetime access to the training, and you are also eligible for all of the updates I add in the future.

We have a Facebook Group for members of this program where we all chat and post potential setups and comment on each others posts.

If you’d like to join us you can start with US$200 today and then 5 monthly instalments of US$200.

That means you can join today for just US$200, get access to my personal one on one mentoring, attend the next 4 live weekly group coaching calls to have your questions answered, receive at least 3 weeks of the Setup Alerts PDF, and even go through most of the 95/5 training in the members area before your second payment is due.

Then if you don’t think joining the program was the best decision you’ve ever made, just let me know and I’ll refund your initial payment and cancel your future payments so the whole thing was free.

If that sounds like something you’d like to do you can use this payment link to register:


Once you’ve made your payment, you’ll be taken to a Thankyou page with a link to click through to the membership site where you can register for access to the training and other content.

As soon as you’ve registered, you’ll receive a Welcome email with instructions on what to do from there.

If you have any problems, please let me know straight away and I’ll get them sorted for you.

I really am looking forward to working with you mate.

See you inside,

Warmest regards,

Rocky Tapscott


Reply from Stephen:

Dear Rocky,

It sounds perfectly Okay with me. I work 50-75 % now because of stress syndrome so I have less income. I hope to get well soon. I can pay that 200 dollars now. Then the rest within 5 months I think, not sure how my income will be. If normal income starts soon I can pay faster, otherwise maybe we can decide together?  How do I go on now? I missed the first session I believe. One more question, is this on lifetime access? And is it 1200 dollars totally?

By the way,I have paid the first 200 USD today 🙂

Best Regards



My Reply:

Hi Stephen,

Great to hear from you mate, and thankyou for joining the Program today.

Please let me know if the monthly payments be too much and we can suspend them until you are ready. 

There’s no hurry so, the main thing is for you to focus on your health and work on getting well as soon as you can.

Yes the full price is US$1200 and your access to the Program is for as long as you need it. That will be for the next few years at least.

You should have been taken to this page to register for the Members site LINK TO MEMBERS REGISTRATION but I couldn’t see your name there. please head over and register. 

Once you are logged in to the members area, watch the video where I take you through the site, and then you can start going through the initial steps.

When you are ready you can watch the replay of Friday’s Meeting by clicking here


As soon as I see your request to join the Facebook Group I’ll approve your access, although I’m going to bed soon so it might be tomorrow.

Thankyou again for joining the Program Stephen, I’m looking forward to working with you.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott


That was the end of the process…

NOTE: By creating ‘Friction’ like this you could potentially reduce your response rate, but you will have better qualified, more committed clients and customers who do the work, get results, and don’t ask for refunds.

Some of the conversations were much shorter than the one with Stephen (EG. please send me the link), some were longer, but virtually every person I corresponded with in this way became a member.

You simply cannot get high conversion numbers like this by just putting a Payment link on a website and hoping for the best.

Can you see how powerful it is to find out what each person’s needs are and meet them if at all possible so they see joining your program as a no-brainer?

Stephen went from “I can’t afford it” to “I paid the first $200 today” in just a couple of days. And he wasn’t the only one.

Now it’s up to me to help Stephen succeed and I’m sure he will because he is committed to the process.

The Results

Below I’ve shared a screen shot of some of the orders of people who joined the Program. You can see the burst of orders on the last day when I announced the 6-pay plan.

Use Product Launch Formula

By the time it’s all said and done, this Internal Launch will generate around A$19,000 in net profit which is not bad considering I don’t have a large email list. It works out to around $20 per subscriber if all of the payment plan clients continue and pay all of their instalments.

The biggest benefit though is now that I have all of the Pre Launch Content and email messages created and tested so I know they convert, I can use them to put together an Evergreen Launch that will be able to generate sales day in, day out, indefinitely.

All it will take is running some ads to put people into the front-end of the funnel, and then have email (or Facebook Messenger or SMS) conversations with the people who are interested in joining. Plus I can run the live launch 3 or 4 times a year if I want to at a higher price (because they get access to me personally) to generate more clients.

Eventually I may run a JV Launch, but I’ll need to employ and train a couple of people to hold the email/messenger/SMS conversations with prospects because I Just won’t have time to do it all myself.

Things I Learned For Next Time

There are a few things I will do differently next time:

  •  I will send people to Facebook Messenger or use SMS for the Conversational Close because it can be more personal
  • I may trial a Chat Bot to pre-qualify people because the first message I sent out requesting more information was virtually the same for everyone
  • I will space the core PLC videos more closely together to keep the momentum moving along better
  • I will release the 6-payment program earlier because it probably cost me sales by leaving it to the last day
  • I will send more messages on the final day (I only sent one this time) because done right you can often double your sales in the last few hours of the last day. Jeff recommends 4 messages on the final day but it’s up to you if that sounds a little aggressive

To Sum Up

I hope you have found this Case Study helpful and you are able to use what I’ve shared here in your own business to launch (or re-launch) a product or service.

Now I know this may look easy when it’s all spelt out for you like this, but there are hundreds of nuances in the email messages and each piece of Pre Launch Content that may not be immediately obvious.

There is what Jeff calls the Pre-Pre-Launch, The Seed Launch, The Quick Launch, The Business Launch, the Post Open Cart Followup Sequence, the Affiliate/JV Partner Pre-Launch and Launch, and so much more.

That’s where registering for Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Masterclass may help you to fill in some of the missing pieces. Jeff is going to spend 3 days explaining his Product Launch Formula in much more detail. If you are interested in joining the Masterclass, you should go here and register now before it starts in a few days time.

Thankyou for reading this Case Study,

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

P.S. Being able to create a Perfect Product is a great start, but you also need a way to generate sales in a consistent way. Running a Product launch is a proven way to not only build your list, but generate Social Proof and make a large number of sales quickly. To learn how to launch your product successfully, check out Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Masterclass here.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. List Warrior will show you a proven way to use free software to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here.

2. How To Create The Perfect Product 
Creating a product that is perfect for your audience does not need to be difficult. How To Create The Perfect Product shows you how to build high value products your audience will love one after the other. Click Here.

3. How To Attract Buyers To Join Your Launch List So They Can Purchase Your Perfect Product.
Once you have created your Product Launch List and your Perfect Product is ready to go, you need to attract people into your world so they can buy from you. One Minute Free Traffic gives you a proven way to attract buyers with ‘Automated Traffic Machines’ so you can send those people to your optin page, your sales page, your Facebook Group or anywhere else you choose.    To learn more Click Here.

And don’t forget to check this out 🙂

How to Earn $20 in 20 Minutes With Any Topic, Niche or Hobby

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.

My Business Is Different. Will Product Launch Formula Work For Me?

A lot of people naturally have questions about Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula and whether it really works. After all, it’s a big investment of time and money, and we want to make sure we aren’t wasting either.

And the fact is… yes it works extremely well.

But rather than blab on about all the ways PLF could help you launch and grow your own business, how about I share a few success stories?

When you get to the Case Studies page, you can sort them by choosing the Category you’re interested in by clicking on the link at the top right hand side of the page (see screen shot below).

Product Launch Formula Case Studies

OK, here’s just a few examples of how people are using PLF in real life (most of these have turned out to be life-changing):

Drawing Far More Than Stick Figures… and Making Six Figures!

Sandra Angelo made a name for herself teaching aspiring artists to quickly go from “no talent” to “amazing”. Then a fire obliterated her San Diego home… along with all her art and instruction materials. Product Launch Formula helped Sandra not just rebuild her business, but to make it virtually indestructible.

From In-Person Services to Online Success in 2020

Covid meant that brain imaging expert Ettie Ben-Shabat could no longer work with her clients in person. She turned to PLF in order to bring her expertise online… and her first launch generated over $25,000. Now Ettie’s revolutionizing her field while helping therapists provide better rehabilitation services all over the world.

From Tenure Track to Launch Life… Teaching Personal Training for Dogs!

Erica Boling was a tenured professor at a prestigious university… she expected to stay in her position until retirement, and she definitely never saw herself as a businessperson. But it turned out that her tenured position ended up hindering her side business of helping dogs stay healthy, and PLF showed her another path. Erica’s first PLF launch, a certification program, brought in $30K. She thought it was a fluke… except her subsequent launches kept doing better and better. Now she’s quit her position and moved to her dream home.

Beating Burnout — and Making A Real Difference

Roel Crabbe was working 40 weekends a year teaching shamanism in Belgium. He loved his work, but he was exhausted. When lockdowns cancelled hundreds of his events and kept everyone at home, he started receiving messages from people who needed his help more than ever. Initially hesitant to do a livestream, PLF gave Roel a “pathway to really listen to the community” while saving his business… and his sanity.

Seen enough? Check out the PLF Case Studies page here.

A Year’s Worth of Income from a Single Launch

Gina Dunham fell in love with pattern making as a student at the Fashion Institute of Technology, but she always felt like an entrepreneur at heart. Enter PLF. Leveraging her large following on social media, Gina launched in March 2020 and brought in $23,800 — more than she was making in a typical year.

From Scrappy Seed Launches to a Full-Blown Business

Dorothy Holtermann went through some tough times, losing her livelihood and home while her health fell apart. In her 50s, she turned everything around and wrote a book which got some attention, but not enough to pay the bills. Dorothy discovered PLF and decided to use it to promote her “Birth a Book” program. She did her launches using just her phone and social media, and wound up creating an amazing, multi-faceted business.

At Age 32, She Finally Took a Summer Break

Painter Emily Jeffords knew how to make money with her art, but selling digital courses was another story. Learning to launch gave her the freedom to travel with her family while showing other artists how to make a living. Her audience kept asking for more, leading Emily to launch a membership that gives her the kind of income security many artists only dream of.

Needlepointing Her Way to $300K

When her husband suffered a medical crisis, Ellen Johnson closed her brick and mortar needlepoint and knitting store. After he recovered, she was ready to get back in business and used PLF to find out what her audience really needed (and wanted to buy!). Ellen’s online business has seen tremendous growth with each launch, putting her on track to earning over $300,000 this year.

Four Months of Earnings in a Week… in the Video-Gaming Niche

Living in the poorest area of Ventura, California, Ryan Kingslien dreamed of being an artist. He developed his skills in the gaming arts industry and took a corporate job, but knew his path to security meant blazing his own trail. So he set out to teach other game artists… and discovered Product Launch Formula. Ryan’s first launch brought him four months of earnings in one week. Today, he’s on the cusp of a seven-figure business.

Seed Launching Her Way to a Blossoming Business In Two Languages

Ida Andersen Lang’s life in Denmark always centered around the arts and working on her own. She’d had a little success selling drawing and painting courses to her small Danish audience… until she discovered PLF. A recent Seed Launch boosted her sales big-time and helped her establish a new English-speaking audience for her programs. Ida’s recipe for success? Provide a lot of value… and follow the Formula.

From COVID Shutdowns to 5-Figure Seed Launches… In the Stargazing Niche

Because of COVID, Gary Lintern could no longer conduct in-person, nighttime stargazing tours in his native Northern England. With his business under lockdown, he pivoted to Product Launch Formula. Gary quickly turned stargazing into a series of Seed Launches that rejuvenated his finances, allowed him to be home with his family, and made it possible to live life on HIS terms.

Check out Gary’s Case Study along with the other people’s here.

They Fired Their Launch Expert — and Business Skyrocketed

Eleanor Mann and Emma Johnson are breathworkers who help people improve their parenting skills. They hired someone to run their campaigns, but didn’t make enough to stay afloat. With only a month’s worth of expenses left in the bank, they decided to try PLF… and raked in $277,000 in 10 months. It’s a far cry from the days when Eleanor made $50,000 in a year and Emma was a stay-at-home mom. They’re able to serve a much larger global audience now, too.

$1.2 Million in Sales in Under 18 Months After Starting with a List of Zero

Mitch de Mestre ran two successful fitness centers in Australia for folks 55 and older… until COVID shut it all down. He turned to PLF and created an online fitness program with the goal of saving his business and keeping his team employed — and it worked beautifully. His first launch generated six figures and grew his list from zero to 20,000. Less than 18 months later, he’s generated more than $1.2 million in revenue.

Teaching People to Mix Music… to the Tune of Triple the Sales

Bobby Owsinski was a touring musician and studio producer who started writing books about his craft, but he felt like something was missing. Finding PLF rocked his world. His courses started generating 3X more revenue, then 5X, and business has only grown from there. In a “crowded” market with so much free information, Bobby’s found a way to strike a chord with his audience… and he feels confident asking for the sale.

Therapists Helping Therapists… and Improving Countless Lives

Kelly Higdon and Miranda Palmer are both therapists who are passionate about their work — and about helping other therapists. They started launching in 2010… but it wasn’t until they used PLF in 2019 that they had their first six-figure launch. Two years later, they’ve got a seven-figure business with a virtual support team. They still find helping other therapists the most rewarding part of their work… though being able to spend lots of time with their kids is pretty great too!

From Food Stamps and an Eviction Notice to $158K in Launches

Belah Rose had a popular global podcast that was all about couples sex and intimacy, but it didn’t generate income. And her intimacy coaching service couldn’t cover her bills. In January 2020, she did her first PLF launch and earned $9K. Subsequent launches have raised her online revenue to $158K… and brought intimacy back to hundreds of marriages.

From Dreaming of Freedom to Sailing the Pacific… in Just 4 Years

Chris SD dreamed of a lifestyle of freedom as he struggled to start an online music studio and pay medical bills. He diligently followed PLF and launched a program teaching musicians how to license their music for film and TV. Chris’s $1,300 Seed Launch in 2016 led to a seven-figure business by 2020… more than enough to buy the new sailboat that gives him the freedom he craved.

He Doubled His Income… Working Only 10 Hours a Week

Zach Tolan was a private music tutor. He loved it… but to earn $5,000 a month, he drove over 4,000 miles, had nearly 250 appointments, and worked 70 hours a week. Forced online by COVID, Zach used PLF to launch virtual group piano lessons. The result? More than double his old income… while working only 10 hours a week from home.

Layering PLF On Top of a Successful “In-Person” Business

Simon Zutshi ran what was already a successful real estate investment education business built around live events. In 2006, his team used PLF to launch a $5,000 mastermind program and 50 people signed up in the first hour. Today, Simon uses PLF to market a series of online real estate investing programs that boost his revenue by more than a million dollars a year.

And that’s just the start… there are over 80 stories on the Launch Masterclass concierge page to help inspire you and show you what’s possible. 

You can see all these PLF Owners’ stories here.

Check them out and see how people just like you are creating wealth and success using the Product Launch Formula to start and grow their businesses.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

Disclaimer: If you purchase PLF through my affiliate link I may receive a referral fee from Jeff Walker, however you will pay no more to purchase the program through me than if you went directly to the Product Launch Formula website. If you would like my personal help as you create your first launch using the PLF process, check out my PLF Bonus offer here.