Tag Archives: jeff walker

It’s Decision Time For Product Launch Formula 2017

The Product Launch Formula launch is winding down now, and as I write this we are 11 hours from the cart closing.

As a PLF owner, I’ve upgraded to this new version (existing owners get a discount) and I’ve been going through the Launching Your List (which is one of the bonuses) course again.

Wow, I’d forgotten how much great stuff was in this list building course.

This is gonna be good 🙂

So if you’re thinking of joining the Product Launch Formula coaching program, then I’m looking forward to meeting you on the inside.

And if you’d like my help to put your launch together as your personal coach, where I can help you to write your email and launch page copy, answer all of your questions, and just generally give you the benefit of my 9 years of PLF experience, then check out the bonus I’m offering for people who purchase through my affiliate link.

You can learn all about it here.

Looking forward to seeing you on the inside.


Rocky Tapscott

Last Chance To Watch The Free Product Launch Formula Training Videos

Jeff’s gone and put all of his free product launch formula training videos on this page, so you might want to check them out if you missed them, or if you’d like to watch them again.

They’ll only be up for a couple of days until the launch ends at midnight on Saturday night.

Then we’re all starting with the new PLF training (I can’t wait, even though it will be the 6th time I’ve gone through the course, it gets better every time 🙂

If you have some time tonight or over the weekend, you can watch them here.

As you watch, look for the strategy behind the way the videos are created and the launch has been done, not just the content itself.

You can certainly model what Jeff has done during this launch for your own business and do quite well.

Something you don’t see though is everything that goes on under the hood.

If you’d like to learn everything there is to launching your product so you can make a massive difference to the world and to your own life, join me as a student in this new, fully updated version of Product Launch Formula here.

5 Ways You Can Create A Product To Launch In 60 Minutes Or Less

Product Launch Formula StrategiesCreating an irresistible offer for an inexpensive front-end product is a great way to build a database of buyers, who you can then launch your core product to, and sell additional products and services to over and over again in the future.

Because of the advertising and marketing costs of generating new customers, the real profits in any business are in the backend, or the future or followup sales you make to those customers once they’ve purchased from you the first time, rather than the first sale you make to a new customer.

The problem a lot of people tell me they have is that they’d love to be able to use a product launch to release a new front end product, but they don’t have any idea about how to quickly create a digital product to release.

To give you some some ideas for quickly creating new products you can promote to your existing customers, here are five ways you can do it in 60 minutes or less…

1. Record a phone interview. Just ask a colleague in your niche to be a guest expert for about 30-45 minutes. Record the interview, have it transcribed, edit the audio, package it all up and sell it. This takes one hour or less!

Tip: Alternatively, you have someone interview you. Or you can simply create an audio book.

1a. A variation on this is to find an expert on a topic you’d like to create a product on, and interview them. Have the interview transcribed and sell it to your customers and the other expert’s customers, and split the proceeds 50/50.

2. Create a report using a speech recognition software (like Dragon Naturally Speaking.)

Outline a report, talk about it for 30 to 45 minutes and then edit it (or have an outsourcer edit it for you) as needed. Bam, your text report is finished.

3. Use PLR (private label rights) content to create an ebook. Tweak it and your product is ready in minutes.

You can buy PLR on any topic very inexpensively.

Now yes, some of it is crap, but you can get very good private label rights reports, guides, checklists, mind maps and other stuff, which means you don’t have to spend a lot of time and money creating it all yourself.

Something that holds so many people back is the time and effort it takes to create great products from scratch.

It’s a lot easier to simply make changes to existing content and make it your own than trying to start with a blank piece of paper or screen.

The money is in getting products finished and then SELLING them, NOT in spending weeks or months creating them yourself.

4. Repackage some of your existing products. If you have existing products that have sold in the past, you can create a bundle

Example: Combine multiple small reports to create a home study package and sell it for less than the combined cost of what all of the reports usually cost individually.

5. Outsource it. In one hour or less (with the time being spread out over several days), you can post a job on UpWork.com, evaluate freelancers, hire the best one and send out a brief.

Then sit back and let the freelancer take care of the rest!

Yes it costs you money up front, but it’s a one-time cost for something you can sell over and over again for months or years.

You are leveraging your time and money, creating a valuable asset that will not only make you money, but will help other people to solve a pressing problem they have been struggling with.

I don’t want your education on how to create profitable product launches to end there. There’s so much more to know and there’s so much we can get into on the important details. So I’ve created a free Step-by-Step Guide that shows you how to create a 6-figure product launch and a multi-part email course. It’s eight emails over two weeks. Click here to sign up.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. My 1-2-3 List Building Cheat Sheet will show you how to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here

2. How To Create A Signature Product Out Of Thin Air In 72 Hours Or Less
Creating your product does not need to take weeks or months. My 72 Hour Product Creation Guide shows you how to build high value products one after the other in 72 hours or less. Click Here

3. How To Outsource Your Product Creation And Make It Hands Free.
Outsourcing the creation of some or all of your products and bonuses is a great way to save your time for the more important (and more fun) things you’d rather be doing. Grab my Hands Free Outsourcing Cheat Sheet to learn more. Click Here

4. Work One-On-One With Me
If you’d like to work directly with me to run a launch for your business… just send me a message by emailing me at rocky [at] localwebsolutions.com and put “One-on-One” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

Also, check this out 🙂

Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Formula training.

How To Create A Totally Irresistible Offer For Your Next Product Launch

Since I started doing product launches in 2007 (after grabbing Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula course), people have been asking me questions that basically boil down to this:

“I’m about to launch a new product (or service), but I’m not sure if I have created an offer that’s irresistible enough to convert. How can I improve my offer to make it irresistible, without spending a lot of time and money coming up with additional products or bonuses.”

Let’s use an example to demonstrate how you can do this easily and inexpensively.

Let’s say you’ve got a video training program that shows people how to launch their own product.

Your core program includes 10 videos that show how to find out what people want to buy, how to create the course content so it educates and inspires, how to create and implement a marketing system, and how to make sales of related products and services on the backend.

Now in the past, the goal has been to try to increase the value of a product by adding what they call ‘thud value’. That meant the more ‘stuff’ you included with your offer, the higher the perceived value you were offering.

And even now, a lot of people are tempted to throw in a range of additional, unrelated ‘bonus’ products or services, that while valuable in their own right, can distract your customers from the core outcome they are after, which is to launch a product or service of their own.

The problem is that these days, people have less time to go through all of that additional stuff. Most of us want to quickly learn shortcuts or ‘hacks’ we can use to get results fast.

So products with lots of moving parts, or that require a lot of time to consume or understand, are often seen as LESS valuable than products that help us get results quickly, with less time spent learning the ropes.

So to quickly increase the value of a product like this, without overwhelming your customers with irrelevant ‘stuff’ just because you are trying to add ‘thump value’, you should add components that complement the original, core training in some way.

Some product launch upgrade examples are:

  • Transcripts and MP3 Audios – Some people prefer to read or listen to audio files while they are working out or travelling, so giving people all three types of content (video, audio, and written) is a proven way to add value, without spending a lot of additional time or money. Just have somebody convert your videos to audio, and transcribe your audios into PDF documents, and you’re all set.
  • Checklists, Worksheets and Spreadsheets – Include these for each stage of the product launch process. Information is great, but when you add in “take action” tools to help people apply the information you are giving them, you are helping then achieve the result they are after more easily.
  • Mind Maps – Because not everyone thinks about information in a linear way, some people can grasp a complex concept easier if it’s presented in the form of a mind map or flow chart.
  • Personal Coaching – Including some type of personal or group coaching to help people when they get stuck has an incredibly high real and perceived value. This can be text-based coaching, such as via email, Skype or phone based. Or it can be group coaching via Webinars or Teleseminars.
  • Live Events – Live events have a very high perceived value and are a great way to bookend a high-ticket product. In other words, you could start your product delivery off with a live Seminar, or you could hold a live Seminar at the end of the program to give participants additional insights, help, advice and coaching.
  • A Private Mastermind Community – Including a private Facebook group where members can interact, chat, ask and answer questions and network together is a proven way to give your customers significantly more value.

By creating additional resources like this and including them as part of your product when you launch, you can substantially increase it’s value without overwhelming your new students with a bunch of extra, unnecessary content that distracts them from the critical path of achieving the results they are looking for.

I don’t want your education on how to create profitable product launches to end there. There’s so much more to know and there’s so much we can get into on the important details. So I’ve created a free Step-by-Step Guide that shows you how to create a 6-figure product launch and a multi-part email course. It’s eight emails over two weeks. Click here to sign up.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. My 1-2-3 List Building Cheat Sheet will show you how to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here

2. How To Create A Signature Product Out Of Thin Air In 72 Hours Or Less
Creating your product does not need to take weeks or months. My 72 Hour Product Creation Guide shows you how to build high value products one after the other in 72 hours or less. Click Here

3. How To Outsource Your Product Creation And Make It Hands Free.
Outsourcing the creation of some or all of your products and bonuses is a great way to save your time for the more important (and more fun) things you’d rather be doing. Grab my Hands Free Outsourcing Cheat Sheet to learn more. Click Here

4. Work One-On-One With Me
If you’d like to work directly with me to run a launch for your business… just send me a message by emailing me at rocky [at] localwebsolutions.com and put “One-on-One” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

Also, check this out 🙂

Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Formula training.

Never Launch A Product Or Service If It Doesn’t Have This Critical Factor

Product Launch Formula USPBefore you use a product launch to release your next product or service, it’s very important that you take the time to develop a USP or a “unique selling proposition” for it so you can quickly differentiate what you are offering from everything else in the market.

A USP is short statement that tells your prospects how the product or service you are about to launch is different and better than anything your competitors are offering.

You have to explain to your potential customers why they should buy this product, over every other alternative available to them, including doing nothing.

Here are some factors around which you can base your USP:

  • A strong guarantee.
  • Superior durability.
  • Unsurpassed dependability.
  • The lowest price.
  • The highest price.
  • Customer service.
  • What you are offering is made or supplied in a special way.
  • You are specially qualified to offer the product or service in a way nobody else can.
  • Your business was first in it’s category or the first with this innovation.

And so on.

The point is, look for the benefits and results that appeal to your customers.

The critical question to ask yourself when coming up with your USP is this:

How will buying your product or service transform the lives of the people who buy it?

Example: The car rental company Enterprise has the USP, “We pick you up.”

There may be other rental companies that pick their customers up, but Enterprise was the first one to advertise the fact and use it as their USP.

And this USP is indeed a good reason for prospects to choose Enterprise over the other rental companies because it saves the user time and money, and it’s much mrs convenient for them.

I know of a Pet Care Facility that lets customers drop their pets off and any one of a number of local vet surgeries when they are going away, and they’ll pick up the pets in a specially fitted out “Pet Transfer Shuttle” at no cost to the pet owner.

They are the only company that does this in our local area, and even though they are fairly new, they are constantly booked out.

How could you develop a gold-standard USP for your next product launch that your competitors simply can’t compete with?

I don’t want your education on how to create profitable product launches to end there. There’s so much more to know and there’s so much we can get into on the important details. So I’ve created a free Step-by-Step Guide that shows you how to create a 6-figure product launch and a multi-part email course. It’s eight emails over two weeks. Click here to sign up.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. My 1-2-3 List Building Cheat Sheet will show you how to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here

2. How To Create A Signature Product Out Of Thin Air In 72 Hours Or Less
Creating your product does not need to take weeks or months. My 72 Hour Product Creation Guide shows you how to build high value products one after the other in 72 hours or less. Click Here

3. How To Outsource Your Product Creation And Make It Hands Free.
Outsourcing the creation of some or all of your products and bonuses is a great way to save your time for the more important (and more fun) things you’d rather be doing. Grab my Hands Free Outsourcing Cheat Sheet to learn more. Click Here

4. Work One-On-One With Me
If you’d like to work directly with me to run a launch for your business… just send me a message by emailing me at rocky [at] localwebsolutions.com and put “One-on-One” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

Also, check this out 🙂

Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Formula training.

Why You Should Segment Your Optins BEFORE Your Product Launch

One of the easiest things you can do to make more sales during your next product launch is to segment your optins BEFORE they join your email database.

That way you can send very targeted email messages to each group, based on what they told you they were most interested in.

Here’s an example from a recent launch I participated in. You can see in the screen-shot below that people were segmented into three groups:

  1. I’ve never really used online marketing but I can see the value in it.
  2. I’ve played around with marketing online but haven’t fully committed to it.
  3. I use online marketing but am not getting the results I want.

Product Launch Lead Segmentation

This segmenting process allows you to send people to THE SAME launch content, but change the context they see that content in.

As an example, you can use an email message to introduce the first pre-product-launch video to people who have never used online marketing (Group 1) by saying:

In your first video, you’ll see how powerful online marketing for your business, and why you really can’t ignore the opportunity it presents any longer. You can watch the video by visiting this page.

The email sequence for Groups 2 & 3 (people with some or lots of experience) would contain different messaging to reflect their experience and worldview.

This way, you can get maximum leverage from the same product launch content by talking to potential customers in a language that resonates with them.

I hope this helps you to see the potential of segmenting your prospects and customers into different groups based on their needs and experience.

Also, I don’t want your education on how to create profitable product launches to end there. There’s so much more to know and there’s so much we can get into on the important details. So I’ve created a free Step-by-Step Guide that shows you how to create a 6-figure product launch and a multi-part email course. It’s eight emails over two weeks. Click here to sign up.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. My 1-2-3 List Building Cheat Sheet will show you how to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here

2. How To Create A Signature Product Out Of Thin Air In 72 Hours Or Less
Creating your product does not need to take weeks or months. My 72 Hour Product Creation Guide shows you how to build high value products one after the other in 72 hours or less. Click Here

3. How To Outsource Your Product Creation And Make It Hands Free.
Outsourcing the creation of some or all of your products and bonuses is a great way to save your time for the more important (and more fun) things you’d rather be doing. Grab my Hands Free Outsourcing Cheat Sheet to learn more. Click Here

4. Work One-On-One With Me
If you’d like to work directly with me to run a launch for your business… just send me a message by emailing me at rocky [at] localwebsolutions.com and put “One-on-One” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

Also, check this out 🙂

Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Formula training.

The Single Biggest Product Launch Mistake (And How To Avoid It)

Product Launch Formula ReviewOne of the biggest mistakes business owners make before they launch a new product or service is not doing enough market research to find out what people truly want to buy.

That’s why the first rule for any Product Launch is this: Find Out What Your Customers REALLY Want

There’s simply no point in creating and launching a product that nobody wants to buy. Most business owners do at least some market research during the start up phase of their business.

But after that, it’s easy to get sidetracked. Sometimes many of us are in a hurry to get things out there, which means we launch products and services without ever really seeing if the market wants or needs them.

You see, some of the easiest money you’ll ever make is when you create or source products and services that hordes of people your market are ALREADY buying.

Then all you have to do is create a similar product (no copying or staling of course!) and put it in front of your prospects and customers. And the best way to do that is by using a product launch.

So how do you find out what your market is already buying?

There are a number of ways, but here’s two of the best:

Survey your existing prospects and customers and ask them what their biggest ________ problem is right now.  Just enter the type of market you serve where I’ve put __________ and ask them.

And when your people tell you what their biggest problems are, find the most pressing, or the one with the largest number of of people experiencing it, and then create or source and launch a product or service to serve that need.

The second way is to run a search in the Amazon.com marketplace for your general keyword (like “gardening”), and sort by “bestselling” products. If you see a few similar products dominating the first few pages of results, that’s a pretty good sign that the product is popular.

Bonus product launch tip: Another way to find out what’s hot is to follow the money.

Marketers don’t pour advertising dollars into products that aren’t selling. So look at pay per click ads on Google, ads in your local newspaper, ads in niche magazines, banner ads on big sites and similar paid advertisements to see what’s being sold.

Once you’ve found the perfect product or service idea based on what people in your market are clamouring to buy, create or source it and launch it to the starving crowd. And sit back and watch the money go into your bank account…

I don’t want your education on how to create profitable product launches to end there. There’s so much more to know and there’s so much we can get into on the important details. So I’ve created a free Step-by-Step Guide that shows you how to create a 6-figure product launch and a multi-part email course. It’s eight emails over two weeks. Click here to sign up.

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. My 1-2-3 List Building Cheat Sheet will show you how to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here

2. How To Create A Signature Product Out Of Thin Air In 72 Hours Or Less
Creating your product does not need to take weeks or months. My 72 Hour Product Creation Guide shows you how to build high value products one after the other in 72 hours or less. Click Here

3. How To Outsource Your Product Creation And Make It Hands Free.
Outsourcing the creation of some or all of your products and bonuses is a great way to save your time for the more important (and more fun) things you’d rather be doing. Grab my Hands Free Outsourcing Cheat Sheet to learn more. Click Here

4. Work One-On-One With Me
If you’d like to work directly with me to run a launch for your business… just send me a message by emailing me at rocky [at] localwebsolutions.com and put “One-on-One” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

Also, check this out 🙂

Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Formula training.

10 Ways To Grow Your Business Using Private Label Rights Content

If you check your computer hard drive, I bet you have some Private Label Rights (PLR) content hidden away, gathering virtual dust. If you do, then you’re not alone. Plenty of marketers buy loads of PLR content but they never use it.


For a simple reason: They’ve just never learned HOW to use it to grow their business. If that sounds familiar to you – or if you just want to fully leverage your PLR content to create in-demand products you can launch to your audience in a fraction of the time – then here are 10 ways to make the most out of PLR…

1. Stock your autoresponder with PLR content

If you have PLR content that details a step-by-step process or a series of related tips, then you can easily turn this content into a multi-part ecourse. If you have enough of this content, you can create an email series that runs completely on autopilot for three months, six months, a year or even more! Note: Just tweak the content to make sure it’s evergreen.

2. Use PLR content to create an attractive subscription bonus

You need to give your prospective subscribers a good reason to join your mailing list. One way to do that is by offering a free download in the form of a report or ebook. You can use your PLR content to quickly and easily create this free bonus!

3. Offer PLR content as a bonus to paid products

Some of your prospects are probably sitting on the fence trying to decide whether to purchase your product during your launch or not. Offering bonuses such as free reports, audios or videos is a good way to help them make the buying decision. And using PLR content is a fast and easy way to create these bonuses.

4. Create complete paid products with PLR content

You can set aside your best PLR content and use it to create paid products such as ebooks, home study courses, teleseminars and more.

Pro Tip: For best results, compile multiple sources of PLR to create your own unique, killer product, and then use a Product Launch to get it out into the market quickly and profitably.

5. Use PLR content to create a viral report

Do you have PLR content that seems particularly useful, engaging, entertaining or even controversial? Then use it to create a viral report that you distribute widely across your niche.

6. Turn text PLR content into a video

Don’t limit yourself to keeping your PLR content in its original text format. One way to expand its use is to turn text content into video content.

7. Compile PLR content to create a “vault” membership site

Do you have a lot of PLR content all in one niche? Then use it to create a vault-style membership site, that’s chock-full of niche articles, reports and ebooks. Other people will pay a good price to save time and energy searching for good content themselves if you can give them a reason to get everything from you.

8. Publish PLR content on your blog

If you don’t have any PLR articles, no worries – you can chop up PLR reports and ebooks to instantly create blog posts!

9. Create a fire sale

Here’s yet another way to turn gobs of related PLR content into piles of cash. Simply run a one-week fire sale where you sell the whole boatload of content for just pennies on the dollar.

10. Make a podcast out of PLR content

Instead of posting regular text articles on your blog or Facebook page, you can read your PLR content to create a podcast. Best of all, you can then submit these podcasts to podcast directories, which allows you to reach even further into your target market!

There you have it – 10 profitable ways to use PLR content to grow your business. Of course, the most profitable idea is to create a cool product based on your PLR content and launch it using a well planned Product Launch…

PLUS: When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you to grow your business using product launches:

1. How To Build A Profitable Launch List.
Building an email list is critical if you plan on doing a launch for your product, service or business. My 1-2-3 List Building Cheat Sheet will show you how to build a responsive list of prospects who are ready to buy from you during your launch. Click Here

2. How To Create A Signature Product Out Of Thin Air In 72 Hours Or Less
Creating your product does not need to take weeks or months. My 72 Hour Product Creation Guide shows you how to build high value products one after the other in 72 hours or less. Click Here

3. How To Outsource Your Product Creation And Make It Hands Free.
Outsourcing the creation of some or all of your products and bonuses is a great way to save your time for the more important (and more fun) things you’d rather be doing. Grab my Hands Free Outsourcing Cheat Sheet to learn more. Click Here

4. Work One-On-One With Me
If you’d like to work directly with me to run a launch for your business… just send me a message by emailing me at rocky [at] localwebsolutions.com and put “One-on-One” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

Also, check this out 🙂

Jeff Walker’s free Product Launch Formula training.